Fairy Winner

Chapter 3151: Going to leave

In the void, two figures were flying fast.

It is not a pure void, because it is close to the edge of the demon world, and a faint devil energy is trapped everywhere.

The two of them also carried the same demon energy, as if they were wearing heavy armor, which was no different from the demon, but the two bright eyes behind the armor were enough to show that they were not the demon.

"I didn't expect it to be so easy."

Zhao Yueru's eyes were shining and her face flushed. It has been many days, but now she thinks of it, her heart still fluctuates.

Zhou Shu turned his head to look at her, also a little proud, "This time you are going to be famous in the world, maybe you will be on the celestial pole list in one fell swoop, not worse than Lou Gang."

"Nonsense, even if it's on the list, it's a bad example, with you."

Zhao Yueru shook her head, but with some secret joy, "How can you get into the celestial pole list by killing the Golden Immortal Hunyuan who is in charge of the sect? Besides, I didn't kill it alone. Without you, it would be impossible to do it."

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, "I just affected him, the key lies in you."

"I have never seen anyone who can influence people in this way, so I just shouted, Lei Tong seemed completely lost and didn't know where he was. I just killed an unsuspecting person..." Looking back at the scene, Zhao Yueru still Very surprised, "Zhou Shu, is that the power of reincarnation?"

"That's it."

Zhou Shu paused, and there was a thought in his heart that he wanted to say, and he said, "Using the power of reincarnation in the spellcasting method, the emptiness of the first life plus the roar of the magical lion, it is indeed a breathtaking power, and at that time, Lei Tong fundamentally Unexpectedly, the two of us would suddenly appear in front of him, one Zhou Shu and the other Zhou Qing, in his eyes, they are similar to the dead."

"This is some of the insights I have gained over the years. Senior Xiahou said that it is not necessary to enter Zen to practice Zen. Other powers can also have Zen power, and they can also obtain the magical powers of Zen. It can also continue to grow stronger. I am now thinking whether I can incorporate the power of order into the magical powers of the law of heaven and earth, or use the power of prophecy to try the Xuetian Eye Mirror."

Zhao Yueru listened patiently, then shook her head, "I don't understand, but it's really amazing."

"Ha ha."

Zhou Shu also laughed, and talked to a sword repairman who only knew the meaning of the sword. "The loss of mind is effective, but the key is your sword. It is really strong, and it is so powerful that it can even make money. The immortal souls are destroyed, it is by no means Daluo Jinxian can do it, and if I am there, I will definitely not be able to stop it."

"Don't talk nonsense, why are you hitting you?"

Zhao Yueru glared at him, but the corner of her mouth was smiling, "In fact, you made the sword."

Zhou Shu shook his head, "You have to use it well."

"The sword you made fits me so well. If I don't use it well, wouldn't it just shame your face?"

Zhao Yueru laughed for a while, then suddenly thought of something, "Zhou Shu, I still don’t understand why Sun Juan will put us in? Isn’t he the leader of the Liangmiao Nation? He has been a leader of the Liangmiao Nation over the years. So much credit, it doesn't make sense to suddenly turn around and help us."

Zhou Shu looked slightly condensed, "He should be leaving."

After leaving Xianshu City, he and Zhao Yueru went straight to Liangmiao Country.

The goal is naturally to kill Lei Tong, and by the way to blame the Liangmiao Nation, let the fairyland and the Liangmiao Nation have differences, and complete the previous plan.

When he discovered that Lei Tong had been stationed in Miao Qiongjie, Zhou Shu was also a little worried. The defense of Miao Qiongjie is not much different from that of Liang Miao. There are heavy Miao countries stationed there, and there are at least five people who are as strong as Hunyuan Jinxian. It’s really not easy to break in and kill Lei Tong, but also because it’s not easy, Zhou Shu made the decision to do this more firm, because the harder it is, the more people will be recruited when Lei Tong dies. Doubt, the easier it is to frame the blame.

Zhou Shu, who was walking across the border looking for opportunities, unexpectedly saw Sun Juan.

As he expected, the young practitioner who had been leading soldiers in the Liangmiao country to fight against Haze was Sun Juan.

There are four disciples in Ghost Valley, all of whom are promoted to immortals, and all of them have entered the Suspended Bell Sect.

Before Zhou Shu regarded Zhang Qin, Su Yi and Sun Juan as enemies, he went to say hello.

It's difficult to break into the poor world of Miao in a heavy army, but it's not so difficult to talk to people.

Sun Juan, dressed in white, still looks like a world-minded person. He looks weak and gentle, but his eyes are as clear as a torch, as if he can see everything.

Sun Juan remembered Zhou Shu, not right, not just remembering. The moment Zhou Shu spoke, he recognized Zhou Shu. Even if it was far away, Zhou Shu was very surprised. You must know that he was more than a ghost at the time. , Also used a disguise, most Hunyuan Jinxian can't see it, and Sun Juan, it should be just a Jinxian.

After thinking about it, Sun Juan must have seen it with his heart.

Being able to do this is enough to show that Sun Juan's heart is stronger than Zhou Shu's, and it may even affect Zhou Shu's mind. Of course, Sun Juan didn't do this, or said that he didn't have any malice, because Shengyin Thu had no hint.

He came over, followed by two Hunyuan Golden Immortals.

Zhou Shu didn't evade, so he stood there and talked about the conditions.

If it were Zhang Qin and Su Yi, Zhou Shu might not be able to negotiate terms. He knew the two people very well. As long as they did not fight directly after meeting, it means that the friendship is still there. The favors in the Xuanhuang world back then can be used, Zhou Shu will say straightforwardly. It’s not difficult for them to properly let Zhou Shu in for personal gains. But Sun Juan is different. Zhou Shu doesn’t understand Sun Juan. He is very mysterious. He doesn’t know what he thinks and how to do now. Besides, between the two of them, owe him It was Zhou Shu that favored.

The fate of the thousands of people rescued by Yangmei, who was not Sun Juan at the beginning, is unpredictable.

The result was unexpected. Sun Juan naturally agreed to let Zhou Shu enter the world, without even asking what Zhou Shu planned to do.

Is this trust, or is there another reason?

Zhou Shu didn’t think it was the former. In the Xuanhuang world, Sun Juan had never trusted or relied on himself. When it was unreasonable, the heavens changed his attitude. He must have his own ideas. As for what it is, Zhou Shu I didn’t think much, but one thing is certain. For thousands of years, the concept of Guigu disciple has never been shaken, and Sun Juan is obviously a person who has inherited the will of Guiguzi. He will not obey anyone and stay in Xuanling Sect. But to better implement his beliefs.

He still had a hunch that they would meet again soon.

Maybe then ~www.ltnovel.com~ he can learn more.

Of course, this time, he is very committed to Sun Juan, and it can be said that the plan of arguing was completed without any effort, or that it was not arguing at all, because it was indeed the Liangmiao Kingdom who helped them.

"Are you leaving?"

Zhao Yueru nodded thoughtfully, "Yes, if this matter is investigated, Liangmiaoguo will definitely know that it has something to do with Sun Juan. He can't stay here, Zhou Shu, you say he will be fine. Right? He seems to be just a golden fairy from Xiu base."

"Don't worry about him at all."

Zhou Shu smiled and shook his head, "As far as I know, none of Guiguzi's disciples have fallen halfway through the years. In a chaotic world and in such a harsh environment, they can all die well. There may be accidents in the heavens now, but it will never be Sun Juan. I think he may be the best Ghost Valley disciple."

Zhao Yueru nodded unconsciously, "That's good, it's all from the Xuanhuang Realm, so it's better not to happen to anyone."

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