Fairy Winner

Chapter 3153: Terrible

In the lonely wilderness, two figures can be vaguely seen, trekking forward with difficulty.

The surrounding devilish energy is dense, filled with mist, but not dim, because a little light shines from time to time, and it disappears for a long time.

The light is colorful and different, walking in it, as if in a fantasy world.

These lights, called phosphorescence, are unique to the world where the Phosphorescent Demon Lord lives.

I don’t know when it will light up, the colors are different, and they look very bright, but I rushed to investigate, but I can’t see the slightest sign. The phosphorescence is hanging in the air, there is no light source and no power left around. I don’t know why. What happened? After a few hours, the phosphorescence disappeared without a trace, everything returned to normal without any change.

This strange phenomenon has not only been investigated by the demons, but also by practitioners, but there is no answer.

Of course, the significance of this kind of phosphorescence is not only good-looking and illuminating, so they have no value to be studied.

In fact, their existence can interfere with perception to a great extent. They are talking about any perception, whether it is the spiritual perception of the practitioner or the various perception methods of the demons. Those rays of light always stubbornly lie in front of you and hinder you. Even the Eighth Sense and Heavenly Eye cannot block or penetrate them.

This is terrible.

Because of this, the realm of the Phosphorescent Demon Lord is a realm that most practitioners do not want to touch, and it is still too dangerous in a place where perception cannot be used.

Zhou Shu did not miss the opportunity to study, but along the way, after seeing hundreds of phosphorescences, he didn't feel any laws or other powers, so he could only give up.

There are still too many unknown things in this world, I am afraid that the saints have a chance to figure it out.

Taking advantage of the moment when the light temporarily disappeared, a group of demons gathered quietly.

He shouted strange slogans, surrounded the two people in the wilderness, and fought together without saying a word.

With a sneer, the halberd raised.

After dozens of breaths, dozens of demons fell down, and the rest of the demons broke apart and fled for their lives.

"Holding such a good demon soldier and walking in the Demon Realm, is it too ostentatious for us?"

Zhao Yueru whispered, in the Demon Realm, she is of course a demon costume, with a hideous mask on her face, but compared to the average demon, she is still very special, especially the pair of translucent black wings behind her. With a faint luster, it looks very strange and inviting.

"It's nothing."

Zhou Shu put down the halberd, smiled and shook his head.

He naturally looks like the Great Demon Lord Zhou Shu, with a few circles of magic patterns surrounding his eye pupils, always shining with fire, "We don’t go to the main realm, we will take the road to the Kuiwei realm, and there is no need to worry about the strong demon clan’s resistance. Disturbance, let’s say that our identity is a wandering warrior. It’s not like being unassuming. Holding the Earth Demon Soldier can attract more demons, just by the way to inquire about the news.”

Because to listen to Xiaogun's news, crossing the Demon Realm is an inevitable choice.

The identity used by Blood Wish Demon Venerable last time was not bad, and Zhou Shu continued to use it without being exposed.

He glanced at Zhao Yueru, "Speaking of swagger, it's your pair of wings that is the most swaggering. I think many people came here not because of my Earth Demon soldiers, but because of your wings."

"If it's not as good as a magic soldier, it can be carried with you usually. I like Xiao Su like this."

Zhao Yueru shook her wings, a little joyful, but also a little regretful.

This pair of wings is also a magic weapon, not even a ground magic weapon, but in Zhou Shu’s view, the effect is not worse than that of a ground magic weapon. After a rough trial, there are three or four very practical functions that can be automatically folded into A sturdy shield, defense is only a little worse than that of the Earth Demon Soldier, but it is more flexible to use. It can fly freely in Demon Qi, and its speed is similar to Zhou Shu's Thunder Rule, and it can move its position instantly in a short time.

If it is a demons, most of them can use more functions, but Zhou Shu uses the power of reincarnation to mobilize magic power, and that's the only way.

And Zhou Shu’s most important point is that the past experience of this pair of wings cannot be seen with the power of reincarnation. It sinks at the bottom of the reincarnation pool. It is clearly not a newly refined magic soldier, and it does not resist the control of reincarnation, but The past was blank, which is very special.

When this happens, there is only one possibility, its previous owner forcibly erased the reincarnation in it.

In other words, the previous master was a rare reincarnation among the demons.

Zhou Shu shook his head, "This kind of magic soldier is difficult to purify, and after purification, it won't work..."

Zhou Shu thought that he had completely purified the Great Desolate Halberd, but when the Great Wild Halberd came into contact with reincarnation again, there was no hesitation in the emergence of demonic energy. This proved that the original complete purification was just an illusion, or that his realm was not at that time. By the time, I couldn't feel the real situation inside the Great Wild Halberd.

After experimenting many times, he understood.

Only a very small number of magic weapons can be used after purification, and they are generally directly abandoned. The better the magic weapons, the more so.

And a good demon soldier like the heaven and earth demon soldier has zero possibility of being purified. No matter how the demon soldier is washed, it will still be a demon soldier after all, not a fairy weapon.

Forcing to change is tantamount to discarding.

This is why he took the Great Desolation Halberd from the small stone for his own use. He has the power of reincarnation and can use the magic weapon without being affected by the demon energy. The small stone may be difficult, but Zhou Shu himself also thinks that this worry It may be a bit redundant, the power of the little stone Lin Xie is probably stronger than the magic power, as long as it is not in the demon world, it can easily suppress the demon soldiers.

But before figuring out the weird power, it's better to be cautious.

"I just talk about it."

Zhao Yueru was stunned. Her thoughts were on the sword. How did she know that a casual sentence Zhou Shu would explain so much, "Zhou Shu, we have walked six levels, and we haven't encountered any useful demons."

Zhou Shu looked at the front, "This is just trying your luck, wherever you go."

It was a chance, but he did it just as effective.

Because every demons who tried to rob them would be carefully watched by Zhou Shu.

According to the law of reincarnation, the demons on the demons and various weapons that are not demons will "speak" to Zhou Shu and tell the truth. What have they experienced and who have they met? ~www.ltnovel.com~ What you have said can be understood without a few glances at Zhou Shu.

This time I went out, with a lot of magic soldiers, and the accumulated power of reincarnation was enough for him.

He didn't get any news from Xiao Gun, but he got a lot of other news from the Demon Realm, which was also useful.

For example, he was very interested in the news of some wandering warriors.

It is worth mentioning that this method of inquiring is very suitable for the demons, but it is much more difficult for the practitioners. This is related to the reincarnation of the demons. The same way to look at the practitioners, it takes a long time and consumes a lot. Much more, dozens of times and hundreds of times.

Walked for a few days.

Another group of demons rushed forward in front.

Unlike the previous ones, this group of demons ran very fast, one by one, as if they were fighting for their lives, but their expressions looked a bit Zhang Huang, and they looked back from time to time.

(Ps: Thank you% Yang Jun% for your monthly ticket support, and thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for collection~~)

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