Fairy Winner

Chapter 3155: Take you away

Across the border, I also passed many towns.

At first there were many demons chasing them, but later on, fewer and fewer, and even avoided them, Zhou Shu could only go to the town to inquire.

There is no news.

When they were about to leave, three demons suddenly appeared and blocked the front.

The body is not small, twenty or thirty feet, looking at Zhou Shu and Zhao Yueru grimly, fierce light flashes in his eyes.

The two looked at each other, but they were overjoyed.

I have seen many demons along the way. In fact, they have long since found out that there are a few good demons in this world, and they are still short of the demon soldiers, but they have never appeared, and they always feel at a loss. Now it's finally figured out, but I feel sick.

"Should I come first?"

Zhao Yueru asked in a low voice.

Zhou Shu calmly said, "It seems that they won't give us one-on-one opportunities, you one and me two, let's go together."

Zhao Yueru was a little worried, "Boiled the sky behind?"

Zhou Shu smiled and shook his head, "I'll help you cover it up. Besides, if there is phosphorescence, he can't see anything, but you have to hurry up, otherwise he will catch up and he will have no food for you. This guy has grabbed a lot of food."

With a few words of effort, the three demons have already rushed up.

They all know Zhou Shu's reputation on the road, not only shot together, but also left no room for shots.

This is like a demons.

Zhou Shu thought secretly, his figure suddenly became taller, a few feet taller than the three demons.

The halberd grew up and pointed forward, and the black dragon snaked out, swallowing clouds and fog.

He has also traveled in the Demon Realm for a long time. He always feels that the Demon Clan in the Demon Realm is not the same as the Xuanhuang Realm. The Demon Clan in the Xuanhuang Realm is so bloodthirsty and fearless of death, while the Demon Realm is relatively more restrained. Even very much like human beings. Maybe, as long as someone is in charge, there is no big difference between races, but Zhou Shu knows very well in his heart that the demons in the Xuanhuang realm truly show the brutal and murderous nature of the demons and destroy all living things. Value things.

The three demons were all startled.

They have obtained a lot of information from Zhou Shu’s previous battles, but it’s the first time to see that they can grow bigger anytime and anywhere. If they knew it, maybe they would not dare to come. This kind of hidden secret Demon, they also know that they can't afford it.

But it's already here, there is no way.

The two demons who rushed in front slammed their bodies with both hands, only to see a surge of blood, and the blood mist suddenly filled the sky.

In the **** fog, although their heights did not change, their bodies were much stronger, more than doubled horizontally, and they stretched out eight arms, each holding a different magic soldier. There was no heaven and earth magic soldier inside, just the slightest momentum. Not weak.

Have the power of the devil?

Zhou Shu was stunned for a moment. He had seen this look in the Demon Temple of the Ephesus, and it was used to depict the Greedy Demon God who is often called the Eight-Armed Demon God.

Compared with other demon gods, the power of the devil **** is relatively common, because this demon **** likes sacrifices very much. If he gets more sacrifices, he will often miss some of the power of the demon **** to others, no matter who it is, not Like other demon gods, we have to choose suitable candidates.

The astonishment was only half-breathing, the two demons had already rushed in front of them, sixteen demons, desperately smashing them.

Zhou Shu feels a little relaxed.

It's nothing more than bluffing, they just look like demon gods, and in fact they use ordinary magic power, but they are more concentrated.

I deliberately cultivated the magic formula similar to the power of the demon **** to deter opponents. This kind of thing has been seen in the fairy world. This is the first time in the demon world. These demon races are also considered a little scheming. If they are ordinary opponents, Seeing this appearance, most of them will be timid.

In fact, even Zhou Shu was deceived.

But one shot is not enough for them to win.

The Great Desolate Halberd danced, and the powerful magic power was drawn by the power of reincarnation, like an abyss, swallowing the opponents one by one.

It was only a few hundred breaths of effort, and the two demons were stuck on the ground, like a pool of mud.

Most of the magic power is consumed or taken away, and you can't do it anymore.

The halberd took advantage of the trend and divided the two into several pieces. The blood was splashing, and the demon soul aura that was emitted floated in the demon aura, entangled with the blood aura, forming a red-black solid blood mist.

For the demon soldiers, the blood souls of these high-level demon races are very good nourishment, and may raise the demon soldiers to a level, but Zhou Shu may go to absorb them.

Do you really want to train demon soldiers? Do you really want to be a demon?

Soul feeding can only be done by real demons. He can use magic weapons and magic power, but he is still a practitioner in essence.

Besides, he is just a big Luo Jinxian, and the Heart Demon Tribulation has not yet passed. It is really because of a demon soldier that affects the future promotion, it is not worth the loss.

Zhao Yueru over there also ended the battle.

A huge head exploded and disappeared into the blue sword intent with unwilling eyes.

The sword intent will be collected in an instant, returning to the sword.

The pure sword intent that is born in the Dao artifacts naturally does not fear demonic energy, and there is no need to worry about the Dao artifacts being contaminated.

Behind him, a mountainous figure rushed over.

Looking at the body in front of him, Zhu Tian sighed, "It's a step too late, this time it's obviously better, why are you so fast!"

Zhou Shu pointed and said calmly, "You can use the magic weapon to absorb the rest."

Zhu Tian walked up a few steps happily, then turned around again, with a face full of suspicion, "Why don't you, three great demon kings?"

"They are not worthy."

Zhou Shu shook his head coldly and walked away.

Boiled the sky for a while, and shook off to follow up, "I will take what you don't want? Are you despising me? To me, they are not worthy! My earth demon soldiers will only take the most Good blood soul to raise! Humph!"

His gaze paused for a while on the blood mist, and then fell on Zhou Shu.

But seeing Zhou Shu turning his head, he quickly turned around and stopped moving.

"You can be considered a bit courageous."

Zhou Shu smiled, ignored him and continued to move forward.

But Zhao Yueru at the side was a little worried, and said angrily, "This Zhutian, I plan to use you to raise his Earth Demon Soldier! You have spared him a few times!"

"Without this thought, it would not be called a demon."

Zhou Shu was very indifferent, "mostly in his heart he thinks ~www.ltnovel.com~ this is a supreme honor for me."

To be a part of the magic weapon of the Great Demon Lord, this is of course the supreme glory!

Standing in place, watching Zhou Shu’s cooking the sky, he did think so, but just thinking about it made me a little bit depressed. It seemed impossible to do it. On the contrary, it was still possible. He followed Zhou Shu all the way. The more I felt that he would not be Zhou Shu's opponent, and Zhou Shu wanted to kill him, and it seemed that it didn't take much effort... When did the Wolf Element Demon Lord have such a powerful Great Demon Lord!

Why didn't I have any definite news from Iver? Didn't I send someone to the Demon Lord of the Wolf?

After hesitating for a while, he rushed forward, "Wait for me, I will leave the world soon, I can take you away!"

"Take us away?"

Zhou Shu paused, with a trace of doubt in his eyes.

(Ps: Thank you book friends 20180905154207471 for your monthly support, thank you book friends who have subscribed to vote~~~)

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