Fairy Winner

Chapter 3157: Took a look

Guessing what Zhou Shu was going to do, Zhao Yueru took the initiative to talk to Zhutian.

Obviously, in Zhutian's eyes, although she looks cold, but Zhou Shu who always beats herself can speak. This makes the roasting meat very useful, "You are better than the previous Gorefiend, just behind her. The wings are too weird, so don't wear them!"

Zhou Shu focused on Demon Abyss Mayfly.

Coming to the front, I naturally wanted to use the wheel to detect it, but I couldn't be detected by Zhutian.

As soon as I used the Kunlun Mirror technique, a cloud of chaos appeared in front of me, and I couldn't see anything clearly.

Zhou Shu frowned, the same was true when he was investigating high-level demons.

Zhou Shu called this cloud of magical barriers. According to his estimation, it should be the natural defense method of the high-level demons, that is, the demons above the Great Demon Lord. The magic power will not appear until a certain degree. He needs to explore The past and memory of this kind of demons must pass through the barrier.

It's not impossible, adding more power of reincarnation can eliminate some of the fog.

It's just that if Zhou Shu did this, he would be discovered by the demons immediately, and it would be even more difficult to think about it.

This is also the reason why he has been unable to probe the Great Demon Lord, but the Demon Abyss mayfly in front of him probably won't be found, right?

With such thoughts, Zhou Shu put more effort into it.

The power of reincarnation is like a gust of breeze, blowing quietly and slowly towards the barrier, gradually removing the mist.

When seeing a glimmer of light, the mayfly that had been flying suddenly turned his head and stared at Zhou Shu with a pair of huge and deep eyes.

Zhou Shu stagnated.

However, he also found that the mayfly's eyes did not seem to be malicious, but rather a little close.

"What to look at! Don't fly quickly!"

The cook in the back was upset, holding the barbecue loudly and yelling, the mark on the palm of his hand seemed particularly obvious.

The mayfly turned his head quickly.

Zhu Tian pointed at the mayfly, "Look, be obedient!"

Zhao Yueru said lightly, "You are very obedient, you are very powerful, and you can manipulate even this kind of thing."

"of course!"

Zhuotian laughed and looked very satisfied.

Zhou Shu was still recalling the look in the mayfly's eyes just now. It was nothing else, but he saw something familiar.

Xuanhuangjie, mythical beast?

After some searching, several results popped up in the sea of ​​knowledge.

He knew that many powerful monsters came from the Demon Abyss.

In countless battles between immortals and demons, countless practitioners, sacred beasts and dragons, etc., were all buried in the demon abyss. Their bones sank at the bottom of the eternal demon abyss, and were eroded by the magic power day and night. The vitality is completely eliminated, assimilated and swallowed, becoming a part of the devilish energy, but not all the bones are swallowed. Some strong people, even if they die, their corpses still maintain their original form.

These corpses plus the demon energy in the Demon Abyss is the source of many powerful monsters.

The other Demon Abyss are very strong, and the most central Zero Demon Abyss, the monsters born from it are mostly powerful men comparable to the Great Demon Lord or even the Demon Lord.

At the glance of the mayfly just now, Zhou Shu felt a trace of the breath of the mysterious yellow world.

If there is nothing wrong, this mayfly should have been a powerful beast from the Xuanhuang Realm.

Of course, those are all things in the past.

It is now a monster that has been resurrected by borrowing its corpse. It is impossible to expect it to have memories of the past, or even to recognize Zhou Shu. The memory and so on are long gone, either hidden in reincarnation, or disappeared in demons. Yuan, it can't perceive it by itself, so it cannot help Zhou Shu, but that familiar feeling, also from the Xuanhuang world, may make it less resistant to Zhou Shu and willing to let Zhou Shu continue to probe. .

Zhou Shu only hesitated for a few breaths before continuing to use reincarnation.

Sure enough, that glance did not stop Zhou Shu, but an unintentional expression.

The magic barrier of the Demon Abyss Mayfly is much stronger than that of the Great Demon Lord. It took about ten breaths to disperse the small half, and some light came out from the front.

Zhou Shu was overjoyed and quickly looked inside.

Am looking forward to.

This is the first time I have seen the past of such a powerful person of the same rank, and may be able to glimpse some of the mysteries of the devil world.

After only a breath, Zhou Shu's heart trembled suddenly and almost fell to the ground.

"Hahaha, hahaha!"

Zhu Tian pointed at Zhou Shu and laughed, "The wind in front is very strong, but you won't even be unstable when you stand! Great Demon Lord!"

Zhou Shu turned and walked back, ignoring Zhu Tian, ​​his expression still calm, only a little shock in his eyes that could not be concealed, fell into Zhao Yueru's eyes.

As soon as Zhou Shu sat down, she leaned over and ignored Zhutian again, "What's the matter?"

I felt a little anxious and couldn’t help using the sound transmission method. Zhou Shu specifically said that using sound transmission in the demon world would affect and change the surrounding demon energy. Although it is very weak, it is easy to be affected by high-level demons. aware.

Zhou Shu paused for a while, "It's okay."

Zhao Yueru frowned, "Where does it seem to be okay? I think you rarely lose control like this. The magic soldiers are out of control, almost showing your true form...but don't worry, I just talked to him, he shouldn't notice."

"Huh? I didn't even pay attention."

Zhou Shu was shocked, but he didn't expect that just now, the soul shadow was in a state of loss, and even the reincarnation of the demon soldier was not well controlled.

"It seems you are in trouble, it is dangerous?"

Zhao Yueru glanced at Zhu Tian, ​​and a trace of determination flashed in her eyes, "What happened to the mayfly, did it discover something, or the devil saw us with the help of the mayfly? Or kill them all now!?"

"No, it's not a mayfly problem."

Zhou Shu shook his head and said slowly, "I was taken a look."

It was Zhao Yueru's turn to be puzzled, "Did he take a look?"

"That glance was seen through the cycle of reincarnation, through the power of my reincarnation," Zhou Shu's expression gradually condensed, "I don't know where he is or who it is, but that glance gives me something I don’t have any secret feelings. I have never experienced this feeling after entering the heavens. I was shocked just now~www.ltnovel.com~ is not all the state of the soul, but the feeling passed by the body, I think The Dao furnace should have been seen by him, and he seemed to smile at the Dao Xin bred in my Dao furnace."

"What do you think is going on?"

Zhao Yueru looked at Zhou Shu with a solemn expression and some secrets that must not be known by outsiders.

It’s incredible to see people through reincarnation, and one can see the body behind the avatar, and it’s even more incredible. That’s all, you can also see the Dao Lu, and even Zhou Shu’s Dao Heart through the Dao Lu, then It's definitely not something that ordinary people can do. No, it's not something that humans can do. This "person", of course, includes other races such as demons.

"It's hard to say anything else, but it must be a strong person who completely controls or transcends the law of reincarnation."

Zhou Shu hesitated, "It may be that I have touched some taboo, or that I have used too much power of reincarnation during this period of time. He has noticed it. At that glance, I think there should be no maliciousness now, but..."

(Ps: Thank you Ye Yu Xiaoxiang Hua Xian Xia for your continuous support, and thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for collection~~)

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