Fairy Winner

Chapter 3167: Definitely him

"Zhou Shu."

Zhao Yueru touched Zhou Shu lightly and whispered, "How do I feel that he has a familiar breath?"

"I feel the same."

Zhou Shu sighed slightly, "How come, how could you become a demon?"

Zhao Yueru was stunned, "Who has become a demon?"

"Old Zhu, Zhu Dashan."

Zhou Shu shook his head vigorously, "It must be him, but..."

The moment he saw this tall demon, Zhou Shu felt an unusually familiar breath, and a figure in the sea of ​​consciousness jumped out, very clear.

It is definitely Zhu Dashan.

He didn't care about the trouble that might be caused by using the power of reincarnation. He let go of his power to detect, and wanted to see clearly whether Lao Zhu's original face was like him. He did a deliberate concealment, but what he saw was an unusually solid In front of him, the black shadow was a magic barrier! This is something that high-level demons can have, and none of the other races have it.

Suddenly lost.

He rescued the Blue Sparrow who had almost turned into a demon, but he did not expect that there was a Zhu Dashan here, and he couldn't save it even if he wanted to.

How could this be?

"No way?"

Zhao Yueru was shocked and hesitated, "What are we going to do?"

"Look first, whether he is a demon or not, you can't let him have an accident."

Zhou Shu's expression was condensed, his gaze fell on Zhu Tian, ​​and he deliberately suppressed the killing intent to avoid being noticed by the demon god, but if it was really necessary, even if the demon **** came again, he would not be soft.

"Stop talking nonsense, take me a knife!"

Suddenly, Zhu Tian jumped up, the magic knife in his hand suddenly became longer, and he chopped it straight up and down.

The first is the strongest.

I was a little gloomy in my heart. I was always higher than the opponent. The opponent had to jump to get him, but now he has to jump to get that guy... It's really big.


The long knife fell on Zhu Dashan's shoulder and slid several feet straight down.

A blood spring burst out suddenly, splattering everywhere, it was raining blood, and the snow was stained with many red spots, which was dazzling.

Zhou Shu was shocked, Zhao Yueru almost yelled out, and the most surprised was Zhutian herself.

He even suspected that what he was seeing was an illusion, so a simple cut would work?

But it soon became clear that it was not an illusion but a fact. The magic knife in his hand was still dripping blood, and the opponent's shoulder was still bleeding. A wound that was several feet deep was like a gully, extending from the shoulder to the arm.


Zhu Tian laughed wildly, "So you are so weak, you really overestimate you!"

Zhu Dashan shook his body, Xiyan dropped a lot of blood, and he could vaguely see his face.

The expression is a bit painful, but more meaningless.

He glanced at Zhu Tian, ​​and walked forward indifferently, walking very slowly. While walking, he slowly raised his hands at the same time. It was a very simple movement, but surprisingly slow, it was like slow motion. Step only lifted less than three feet.

"Very fierce."

With a trace of complacency, Zhu Tian once again made a knife.

It was a test just now, but this time it took more effort.

As soon as the light of the knife came up, a thick black mist spread, and the thick and solid magic power was like a black dragon, wrapped around the knife. The long knife of more than ten feet seemed to become a thick pillar, full of momentum, but The cold light in the middle is not diminished, and the blade is awe-inspiring.

Zhu Dashan didn't seem to notice at all, he still walked forward, raising his hand up.


A fully charged knife is falling on the waist of Zhu Da Mountain.

A body as heavy as a mountain couldn't resist the sharp and sharp knife, and the knife went straight in, almost five or six feet deep.

Zhu Tian succeeded with a knife, and naturally took advantage of the situation to chase, the fierce light flashed in his eyes, the long knife stirred vigorously, and then pulled.

When he left his body, he didn't go straight and twisted for several times before pulling out diagonally.

An extremely terrible wound was left.

It is like a winding mountain road, winding and winding, time is wide and narrow, blood is constantly coming out around it, and strangely, there is a little black electric light, which beats and shines on the wound, every time it beats , Are tearing the wound, and continue to go deeper.

Zhu Tian took a look, and became more proud.

A wound as deep as six feet deep is not much different from a cut at the waist. With such a heavy injury, there is no suspense about the outcome.

His power of the Demon God is better controlled, and even such meticulous operations are done. Not only can it directly hit the opponent, but it can also cause continuous damage. If you continue to practice, can it be used without the magic weapon?

The defense of the giant demon clan seems to be a bit weak. After changing into a thick-skinned self, he would never be stabbed so deeply with a knife.

It looks as tall as a mountain, and the skin of his body is as thick as a rock. Why is it so unbeatable.

He even has free time to perceive his surroundings.

It's strange that after defeating the legendary wandering warrior in the Lorca world so easily, there is no surprise or cheers?

There was phosphorescence everywhere, maybe they didn't see it, but they knew it when the giant lay down on the ground.

His eyes fell on Zhu Dashan again, unconsciously startled.

Zhu Dashan was still walking, still raising his hand slowly. There was no change in his movements. The knife just now didn't seem to affect him at all, but the pained expression on his face was more, but what he should do is still what he is doing.

"What's the matter with this guy? Is it fierce to such a degree? Does it have to be completely knocked down before it stops after death?"

A lot of killing intent flashed in Zhu Tian's eyes, and the black smoke on his body was thicker, and he secretly roared, "Then don't blame me!"

Zhou Shu and Zhao Yueru beside the phosphorescence looked at them quietly, and their expressions also looked very relaxed.

Compared with them a few breaths ago, it seems that they have completely changed their personalities. When they saw Zhu Dashan suffered heavy losses a few breaths ago, Zhao Yueru flew out immediately, and Zhou Shu was not slow, but soon, Zhou Shu dragged Zhao Yueru. When I came back, I still stood in place.

Zhou Shu said softly, "It's okay."

Zhao Yueru was puzzled, "This knife almost cut him off, is he okay?"

"To cut is to cut, to die is to die, these are two different things."

Zhou Shu looked solemn, "His body is very strange, it doesn't seem to be a whole, all parts seem to have been split apart, and the trauma of one part of the body has no effect on the other parts."

"There is such a thing?"

Zhao Yueru became more and more surprised, "Not the whole~www.ltnovel.com~ Is it just like the puppet that he puts it together bit by bit?"

"It looks really like this, but it's not a puppet, but a piece of rock. His body is really the same as a stone mountain. There is almost no difference." Zhou Shu shook his head slightly, "What's more strange is that, The recovery speed is very fast, just the two breaths, the power of the demon **** that remained in his wound, is almost annihilated...that is the power of the demon god, what kind of body is this?"

There were a lot of surprises on his face, at least among the various immortal variants he had heard of, nothing was so weird.

"I definitely don't know."

Zhao Yueru looked at Zhu Dashan and slowly said, "But, you mean, he's okay, can we just leave it alone?"

Zhou Shu nodded and shook his head again, "If something is going on, I'm afraid it's boiled, but this is also a troublesome thing."

"Ah, what's the trouble?"

(Ps: Thank you for your continuous support for Eyelids with Autism. It’s been a long time since I saw you, thank you book friends who have subscribed to vote~~~)

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