Fairy Winner

Chapter 3169: Wait for him to explain

Getting closer and closer to Zhu Dashan, I can feel the powerful sense of oppression.

As if in the midst of a mountain that would overturn at any time, there was no way to escape.

Zhou Shu calmed down, stood up from the ground, turned around in the air, and hovered in front of Zhu Dashan.

Zhu Dashan didn't realize it, still closed his eyes, and walked forward step by step, slowly and steady.

Slowly walk into a piece of phosphorescence.

"Old Zhu!"

Zhou Shu flew a few steps tightly before screaming out in front of his face.

Zhu Dashan slowly opened his mouth, and a stream of air spewed out, like the most violent wind, which made Zhou Shu almost unstable.

"What about blowing mosquitoes?"

Zhou Shu became sluggish and couldn't help it. He roared directly with a lion, "Old Zhu!"

Zhu Dashan suddenly stopped.

Snow rustled down and gradually revealed a face.

The face like a mountain wall was full of wrinkles, and the vicissitudes of life were so thick that no emotions could be seen. Only those cloudy eyes flashed a bright light.

Zhou Shu was at ease.

This little light is enough to prove that Zhu Dashan is still intellect and still maintains a perfect spirit.

"Xiao Zhou?"

The voice was harsh, but there was a hint of excitement.

"it's me!"

Zhou Shu has returned to his original form, with a smile from the past on his face, "Haha, I didn't expect us to meet in the Devil Realm!"

"And me!"

Zhao Yueru flew over and stood beside Zhou Shu, "Zhu Dashan, do you still know me?"

"Elder Zhao, you are still together, very good."

Zhu Dashan spoke slowly and laboriously, "Sit up and follow me."

"it is good."

Zhou Shu didn't ask much, and took Zhao Yueru up to Zhu Dashan's shoulder.

Zhu Dashan's pace is still very slow, but each step seems to be much larger, and one step is several hundred miles.

The scenes around him passed by like a lantern, and Zhou Shu was also amazed. Not long after, they saw the main peak of the cold mountain standing high.

I'm afraid that I won't be tens of thousands of feet high, straight into the cloud.

The mountain is high and wide, and thousands of miles away are white. When you look up, countless bowls of large snowflakes fall under the wind, flying all over the sky.

"Have you always lived here?"

Zhao Yueru said unconsciously, "It's really like the Xuanhuang World."

"Yes, but not like."

Zhu Dashan continued to move forward without stopping.

"The front is full of mountain walls...Ah!"

Seeing that he was about to run into it, Zhao Yueru couldn't help but exclaimed. After only exclaiming, he was taken aback, and the whole person entered the mountain wall.

His body suddenly lightened, but Zhou Shu held him down.

She blushed and looked around, "What's the matter, what about others?"

Zhou Shu hesitated, "It should be one with this mountain..."

He watched very carefully. At the moment Zhu Dashan hit the cold mountain, all parts of his torso were perfectly integrated with the mountain wall, as if his body was originally a part of this mountain. It was just used for use just now, and now it is going to be returned.

"Xiao Zhou!"

There was no harshness in the familiar, rough voice.

A figure took shape and strode over.

"Old Zhu!"

Zhou Shu looked at it carefully and was overjoyed, "You haven't changed!"

The Zhu Dashan in front of him is still the same as it was in the past, but it is a bit taller, almost three feet tall, and what makes him even more pleased is that Zhu Dashan does not have the slightest devilish energy in him, that is, Zhu Dashan is not a demon, but What happened before.

"It hasn't changed, it has changed."

Zhu Dashan patted Zhou Shu on the shoulder hard next time, and almost missed him in the rock, and saluted Zhao Yueru again, "Elder Zhao, it's been a long time!"

Zhao Yueru escaped the salute quietly, and said with a smile, "What's the matter with you? It's the demons once, and the practitioners again?"

Zhu Dashan shook his head, "I can't tell, anyway, I'm trapped in this mountain."

"Stuck in the mountains?"

Zhao Yueru frowned, "No? Look at your current cultivation level, too. Why are you trapped in the mountain? Can't you go out? This is just a mountain, otherwise, we will help you. Make a way," she glanced at Zhou Shu, "okay, Zhou Shu?"

Before Zhou Shu could speak, Zhu Dashan sighed, "No way."

Zhou Shu seemed to think, "This Hanshan, is now one with you?"

"I don't know, but I have the feeling of becoming a mountain god. I can use this mountain, but it also completely traps me, hate it!"

Zhu Dashan’s eyes suddenly changed, his fists blasted to his side, obviously using a lot of strength, the seemingly heavy mountain wall suddenly cracked a big mouth, and the rocks continued to roll down. At the same time, Zhu Dashan He skewed and fell face down.

There was a terrible wound on his back, which was shattered by a fist and was bloody.


Zhao Yueru was shocked and quickly took out a bottle of pill.

"No need to."

Zhu Dashan supported with his hands, got up from the ground, and sat down against the stone wall, "It hurts for a while, and soon I will heal myself, and I am used to it."

Zhao Yueru seemed to realize something, "Huh? If you want to destroy the mountain wall, the damage will be transferred to you. You are truly integrated with it!"

Zhou Shu was silent.

He has been investigating carefully, using the power of reincarnation.

There is definitely a connection between Zhu Dashan and this cold mountain. There is no doubt about it, but he can't tell how they are connected.

When he looked at this mountain, there were magical barriers everywhere, extremely solid magical barriers, even stronger than that of the Demon Abyss Mayfly. If the mountain has a similar order, the Demon Venerable must have gone up. When looking at Zhu Dashan, there is a ring of fine golden halos that radiate outward, blocking the power of reincarnation.

This kind of aura, he had heard, was for the light of the Buddha, and it was a very famous and rare supernatural power in Zen.

"Zhou Shu, what do you see?"

Zhao Yueru looked at him and asked in a low voice.

Zhou Shu gently shook his head and said in a deep voice, "Old Zhu, have you entered the Zen gate?"

"Zen Gate?"

Zhu Dashan shook his head blankly, "You are talking about the Linyun Temple of Tianlong Temple? I can't enter, and I can't go any further. I have been trapped in this mountain for more than a thousand years? I don't remember. "As he said, he pointed to the mountain wall behind him, "I can draw a line once I practice, and now I can't see how many of them, just look."

Behind him is densely packed, sloppy, afraid that there will not be tens of thousands of lines.

Zhou Shu is very puzzled~www.ltnovel.com~ But how come you have Buddha's light? "

Zhu Dashan certainly wouldn't lie, but can this kind of supernatural power be naturally generated? That’s too weird. Buddhism is not something that can be picked up anywhere, nor is it a chance to fall from the sky. It cannot be obtained without great perseverance and wisdom. Zhou Shu absolutely believes that Zhu Dashan has both of these two points, but the source of great magical powers baffling.

"What is Buddhism?"

Zhu Dashan widened his eyes, Zhao Yueru was also a little confused, watching Zhou Shu wait for him to explain.

After listening to Zhou Shu's explanation, Zhao Yueru looked at Zhu Dashan and said with a smile, "You are too powerful. You can master magical powers even when trapped in the mountains. You are still so powerful that you can't even see Zhou Shu's power of reincarnation!"

Zhou Shu followed and nodded.

But it's not that he can't see through it completely, he can do it if he tries to crack it forcibly. After all, Zhu Dashan's supernatural powers are still shallow, but it is not necessary.

(Ps: Thank you Kuang Xiao for your continuous support, and thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for collection~~)

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