Fairy Winner

Chapter 3171: Make you well

"You want a great opportunity this day, I will let you heal."

Zhu Dashan said irritably, "I don't think there is anything good. I can't get out without practicing, but I still can't get out after practicing! If this continues, I don't know what to do anymore, and there is no end to it. Can't see a way out, it's damning!"

After speaking, he became irritable again, and he smashed down the mountain wall twice, and stopped until his head was bleeding.

Zhao Yueru handed the pill, but Zhu Dashan didn't answer it either.

Zhou Shu also smiled, "Old Zhu, once you have cultivated well, you will definitely be able to go out."


Zhu Dashan looked at Zhou Shu and looked forward to it, "Don't lie to me."

Zhou Shu looked calmly, "What do you lie to you? Lao Zhu, you can now transform Hanshan into a mountain, and even walk around with Hanshan as a body to challenge others, but you still can't leave the range of Hanshan, right?"

Zhu Dashan thought for a while, "Yes, I am trapped inside, but I can use rocks as a body. These rocks can still have the characteristics of a mountain. Of course, this body is just like being beaten by myself. The effect of cultivation."

Zhou Shu nodded, "That's it, Lao Zhu, as long as you continue to practice the mountain and cultivate until the whole mountain becomes your body, then you can go wherever you want, and you won't be trapped anymore. So, I am sure."

Zhao Yueru paused, "Yeah! Old Zhu, you are bound by this mountain, but you can cultivate the mountain into your own body, then continue to practice and make the entire mountain into you. Naturally, it is no longer restricted."

Before she knew it, she was also called Lao Zhu along with Zhou Shu.


Zhu Dashan stunned, then stared at the two of them, "You said so lightly! This mountain has become its own, do you know how high this mountain is?"

Zhou Shu seemed to think, "There is fifty thousand zhang. This is the first time I have seen such a high mountain in the Devil Realm."

"So you saw it too?"

Zhu Dashan lowered his face, "I have practiced for more than a thousand years. It took me a few hundred years to understand the truth, and it took me hundreds of years to cultivate to a height of more than sixty feet. Now you want me to cultivate to the entire height. The mountain is so high, it won't be hundreds of thousands of years... I will definitely not be able to do it in my life."

Zhou Shu smiled, "You can't practice so high if you want to, but you don't need to practice."

Zhu Dashan was at a loss, "Xiao Zhou, I'm confused by you."

Zhou Shu thought for a while, and said in a deep voice, "This cold mountain is very different from other mountains in the Demon Realm. It has a deep and bottomless devilish energy, it also has several kinds of laws and powers in it, and even has a strong vitality. On the contrary, the several forces do not consume each other, but maintain a balance. If this situation is naturally generated, it is a miracle of good fortune, if not, it is someone who deliberately created an environment similar to the formation method, but no matter what... …"

"The cave where you are now is the most comfortable and most suitable place to use these powers in the entire cold mountain. Various different powers do not interfere with each other in this cave. Therefore, you can cultivate the mountain and blend into the demon god. Body, while maintaining ample energy."

Zhao Yueru glanced at Zhu Dashan, "Your energy is really good, hitting yourself like you, no one can stand it..."

"I...wasn't that forced."

Zhu Dashan stagnated, and he was surprised, "Xiao Zhou, you just saw it after a while? I've been here for so long and am vague and can't tell, but what you said is definitely right. I also thought it was strange here."

"These are just appearances, and what really matters is the reason for this balance."

Zhou Shu gently shook his head, "If it is a formation, there will be a formation eye. If it is a marvel of good fortune, there will also be something. If you can find this formation or that thing, no matter if you can directly use its power. , Or find the principle of maintaining balance, your cultivation speed will be much faster."

He is curious.

He observed for a long time and saw many things, but how exactly this balance was formed is still unclear.

The Nine Profound Star Array, as well as the Demon Refining Pot, have the ability to maintain the balance of multiple powers, but they can keep the demon energy and other powers neutral without interfering with each other. Zhou Shu doesn’t know what can be done. At least there is no such knowledge in his huge memory bank.

According to his perception, this situation cannot happen unless someone is deliberately manipulating it.

Zhu Dashan was stunned, "Isn't it okay to destroy the formation? It's more convenient, you can go out directly."

"Yes, if there is a real eye, if it is destroyed, this mountain will no longer restrain you," Zhou Shu paused and said slowly, "Do you really want to leave that way? I don't think you should do that. This is really a great opportunity that there is no one in a million, and no matter how difficult it is to find after leaving, it is best to grasp it."

Seeing Zhu Dashan meditating, he said again, "Old Zhu, if you must leave, then I will tell you the result clearly. Your current cultivation base is not high. The reason why you can burst out such a powerful combat power is more It is relying on the power of Hanshan. Here, you can almost match the Demon Venerable, but it is completely different after you leave. Not to mention the drastic decline in strength, there are still great future problems."

Zhu Dashan stagnated, "A lot of trouble?"


Zhou Shu was very solemn, "You have integrated the body of the Demon God into the body of Fumo Mountain, but the two have not been cultivated to great success, and the integration is not very close. If there is any unexpected situation in the future, the two may be separated. What is the result? , You can know it by yourself."

Zhu Dashan glanced at him and said dissatisfied, "Don't scare me, they have to be separated, I can't be in two?"

Zhou Shu sighed, "It won't be in half, but it's inevitable that half-devil and half-human are inevitable. The light of the Buddha may not be covered. If you are a demon and a practitioner, you can also cultivate a Buddha. A situation like yours, I am afraid that it will not be found in the heavens. The second one, it’s hard to say whether it’s a good thing or a bad thing."

"I understand."

Zhu Dashan's expression gradually condensed, "Then what do you say, Xiao Zhou?"

Zhou Shu groaned, "Finding the front or controlling the key points here will allow you to adapt faster and better, or better integrate with Hanshan, waiting for you to completely turn Hanshan into your own mountain, and the fellow practitioners of the mountain. The demon is bound to be successful, and then you can go wherever you want. This process may take a long time, but it won't be as long as thousands of years, maybe hundreds of years."

"Then I can afford ~www.ltnovel.com~ Zhu Dashan grinned, "Hey, but... if I want to go, I can still break the front and leave, right? "

Zhou Shu nodded, "It's natural to find it, whatever you like."

Zhu Dashan stomped his feet hard, "That's good, I'm actually used to it here, and it doesn't matter if I stay for a few hundred years."

Zhou Shu looked at him and smiled, "Maybe it won't take that long. Who knows where your understanding and luck are."

Zhu Dashan shook his head, "I don't think it's luck anyway..."

"Stop talking, go and look for the eyes."

Zhao Yueru smiled and looked at the two of them, "It's so lively now, if you don't have an eye or you can't find it, isn't it dumbfounded?"

(Ps: Thank you for your long-term support for Eyelid Autism, and thank you book friends who have subscribed to vote~~~)

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