Fairy Winner

Chapter 3188: 1 not left

"Old Zhu, this is for you."

Zhao Yueru passed the wings behind him.

Zhu Dashan stunned, "Elder, this...what's the use for me? It's too young."

Zhao Yueru frowned, "Just try."

"Yes, elder."

Zhu Dashan nodded quickly, took a look, and was skeptical. For him, the wings were too small to put on his fingers. What's the use?

But at the moment it was worn on the body, the wings grew up suddenly.

Like an umbrella that was suddenly opened, the force of opening was too big and too fast, and it lifted him up.

The fully extended wings are two hundred feet long, matching the body of a mountain, but it is just right, setting off Zhu Dashan extremely mighty.

Zhu Dashan shook a few times and was shocked, "Is this okay?"

Zhao Yueru clapped her hands and smiled, "Hey, I guess it's OK! It looks pretty good, and it's easier for you to go out with it."

Zhou Shu smiled and said, "If you want to be thoughtful, you can just use the magic weapon. This magic weapon can change size with the user. When you use the magic mountain body, you can use it by the way to make up for the lack of speed. It also has some very practical techniques, such as teleportation, etc., even if you come out in the future, you can use it, which is very good."

"It really feels different. You don't have to stay on the ground all the time. It's just a little dizzy after a long time."

Zhu Dashan moved in the air for a while, then fell staggeringly, stroking his head and said, "Elder, thank you."

Zhao Yueru smiled and said, "Just borrowing flowers to offer Buddha, we are all waiting for you to come back."

Zhu Dashan nodded firmly, "I am definitely going back, you just wait."

With Zhu Dashan's soul brand, Zhou Shu left Hanshan.

Soon he found Zhu Huan, standing there like a javelin, as if he hadn't moved for several years.

Zhou Shu paused, "Zhu Huan."

Zhu Huan was taken aback for a while, then nodded quickly, "Yes, my lord."

Although it can't be seen, it is obvious that this demon with a long sword is Zhou Shu, but it has changed its appearance.

Zhao Yueru curiously asked, "Are you here for the past few years?"

"My lord does not come back, and I have nowhere to go, and what I promised, I will always do it," Zhu Huan nodded. "My lord, there have been a lot of Phosphorescent Demon Races in the Lorca world recently, especially in Hanshan. Many, I’m asking about your whereabouts. It’s great that you have changed."

"I was still seen at that time."

Zhou Shu groaned slightly, but he took out the Great Desolate Halberd again, and in a short time he recovered his former appearance, "It's okay, let's find him."

Zhu Huan was stunned, "My lord, what are you..."

"now go?"

However, Zhao Yueru understood Zhou Shu's thoughts and knew that he didn't want to leave Zhu Dashan in trouble, so she simply showed up and left in front of the demons, letting the phosphorescent demons know that he had gone, and had nothing to do with Hanshan.

Zhou Shu smiled, "No need to go, I have seen them, and I should come over soon."

He glanced at Zhu Huan, "It's okay for you, or hide it first, I will leave after solving the demon clan."

Zhu Huan's face changed slightly, and he couldn't help saying, "What am I afraid of? If these demons hadn't waited for the adults, I would have wanted to fight them!"

"Well, together."

Zhou Shu stood there, leaning on the halberd, solidifying the distance, like a statue.

After a while, several demons walked over and saw Zhou Shu at a glance. They were overjoyed. They moved close to each other, and one called their companions.

A black magic arrow flew up and exploded suddenly, and the snow all over the sky changed color.

As black as ink.

Zhou Shu frowned.

The two demon kings have gathered around, staring at Zhou Shu, and shouted with courage, "You are the great demon king Zhou Shu? The man who killed us in the crocodile world took our goods? The phosphorescent demon would like to ask You, who gave you the courage?!"

Zhou Shu halved the halberd, and the two of them backed busy, each taking out the magic soldiers, looking panic.

Zhou Shu sneered, then put down the halberd again.

The two of them were shocked for a while, neither dared to step forward nor retreat, but kept urging them behind, using the magic words unique to Phosphorescent Demon Lord.

Not long after, the three great demon kings of the demon race strode over.

All of them are fifty feet high. Take one step, and there is a deep pit several meters in radius on the ground. There is still a dark green devilish energy in the deep pit, and the smell is unpleasant. These demon races, I am afraid they just came from the devil blood pool. of.

The white snow was stained with many stains.

Zhou Shu frowned again.

"The Great Demon Lord Zhou Shu under the seat of the wolf-like demon?"

The head of the person holding a double axe, head like a mountain, but with big eyes, he shouted coldly, "I'm afraid it's not true. People of the wolf-like demon veteran never dare to be presumptuous with us, let alone murder! What are you? Where is the person?"

"Only the three of you?"

Zhou Shu gave the halberd a heavy meal, the wind and clouds rolled, and the condensed demon energy dispersed like a tide, but there was no trace of the ground.

Several great demon kings looked at each other, their expressions became ugly, "You are looking for death!?"

Zhou Shu said calmly, "In the end crocodile world, I have killed a lot, and I don’t care about the three of you, but this time I will keep one because there are still things to ask. Some of you don’t want to die. Try hard, I will keep you alive."

"Too, too presumptuous!"

The great demon kings couldn't help it anymore and rushed up.

Still came up together.

The three of them are outstanding among the great demon kings. Two of them are even realm masters. They rushed here after receiving the orders of the demon lord. Although they are confident of their own strength, they are still a little bit jealous. After all, Zhou The prestige of Demon Lord Shu was there, and he killed nearly a thousand demon races alone, and there were many great demon monarchs. If you can go together, then go together.

For a moment, the devilish energy filled the sky.

The dark green fog covered everything, and there was no more white in the sky.

The three vague figures suddenly became a lot taller, like demon gods lurking in the fog, but the surrounding demon kings and demon generals shrank slightly.

The people of Phosphorescent Demon Sovereign are indeed capable.

These thick fogs are not ordinary demon energy, in fact, it is similar to the realm of the practitioner’s law. The realm is full of weird magic powers. They can continuously extract the magic power of other demons to strengthen themselves and at the same time shield the practitioner’s perception. Hide yourself.

But to deal with them, there is no perception.

Shu Zhili simulates the power of reincarnation~www.ltnovel.com~ In an instant, Zhou Shu's figure suddenly became bigger, more than a hundred feet away.

Zhou Shu's power of reincarnation is not too much, and he has always used it very carefully, but Shu Zhili can be said to be endless. Although the simulation is not good enough now, weaknesses may be seen when dealing with the demon, but when dealing with these big demons Jun, there is no difference between Shuzhili and Samsara.

With a loud shout, the halberd swept across.

All obstacles turned into powder in front of the halberd.

The halberd came out, and the halberd was collected, but after a few breaths, all the dust was cleared, and the cold mountain reappeared with clearness.

On the snow.

Several tall bodies fell to the ground, broken muscles and bones, struggling for a while, and finally only one could struggle to get up.

The Mozu looked worried, staring at Zhou Shu, making a complete mistake.

On the other hand, the group of demon kings and demon generals who were about to exhaust their magic power, after a few exclaims, quickly ran out of them.

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