Fairy Winner

Chapter 3209: Retribution

     Two tall figures, one after another entered the Lieshan Hall.

   Jiang Ji spread his hands, "I'll just say Big Brother is not reliable."

   Jiang Su shook his head unconsciously, "Where did I know that the eldest brother was crazy when he heard the word "Renhuang". He couldn't calm down, he would only say that he was killed, he was killed, and he didn't know who he was going to kill."

   Jiang Ji tentatively asked, "Zhou Shu?"

Jiang Su glared at him, "Not to mention that you can kill it. Even if you can kill it, there is no benefit. He can destroy Jianmu Leaf. Besides, he is just a clone here. Killing a clone will bring us Endless troubles, can you cope with Hazhi Country and Zhou Shu's revenge?"

   Jiang Ji replied, "Isn't that what the elder brother said, I just said along..."

   "Report, an envoy from the Xuanming clan is here."

While    was discussing, a shout came from the door.

   The two looked at each other, and both were a little puzzled, "What is the Xuanming clan suddenly sending an envoy to do? Our relationship with them is not a good one. It's not a divine envoy, but I haven't heard them say it?"

   "It's definitely not a divine envoy, Cang Jue will not go out of bounds, just take a look first."

   Jiang Su looked slightly condensed, but also a little helpless, "Everything is coming together, let him in."

   The guard took the order, and after a while, a Xuanming clan strode in.

   is long and tall, and I am afraid that it will not be a foot high. The skin shows a strange blue color, which is similar to the color of blood vessels under normal skin. Imagine the appearance of blood vessels all over it.

   There is a crescent mark on his wrist.

   is the same as the Zhu Rong clan, it was formed when the Xuanming clan first gained the power of the yin, and it was also related to talent.

   The Xuan Ming clan paused and said, "Xuan Ming clan Cang Dun, I have seen two clan elders."

   "You are welcome, just say anything."

   Jiang Su waved his hand, and knew at a glance that Cang Dun was just an ordinary Xuan Ming clan, not a divine envoy, so he didn't care too much.

   Cang Dun raised his hands high, and held out a white wooden slip of the moon, "There will be a ceremony for recruiting the moon in the mysterious world, and the envoy invited several elders from the Kuiwei world to come and observe the ceremony."

   "The Recruitment Ceremony, wasn't it only held seventy-three years ago?"

   Jiang Mi picked up the wooden slip and glanced at it roughly, but it was true. The material was Yaoguang wood, a unique tree in the mysterious world.

   Jiang Ji seemed to be thoughtful, "A magician is born again? You have a lot of talents from the Xuanming clan."

   Zhaoyue Ceremony is a traditional ceremony of the Xuanming clan to celebrate the birth of a new envoy.

   Cang Dun unconsciously showed a slight smile, "I have been lucky recently, and Lord Sorcerer is also very satisfied."

   Jiang Yu groaned for a few breaths, "You stay here for now, and I will consider thinking about it before I give you an answer. Recently, there are busy affairs in the world, and it may not be possible to draw people."


Cang Dun said very docilely, "However, Lord Cang Jue very much hopes that the clan elders will appreciate the glory, and he also said that he will discuss with the clan elders about returning to the immortal world. If the Kuiwei Realm is willing to return to the immortal world, the Lord God envoy will Willing to help."

   "Huh? He really said that?"

   Jiang Ji paused, and said coldly, "He didn't have such an attitude in the past. He asked how many people to push around, but now he says he wants to help us?"

Cang Dun lowered his head and became more respectful, "There is a new envoy born, three people in the world can guard, and Master Cangjue can also go out for a walk. Now the fairy world is entering the witch world from the Liangmiao kingdom, and it is also a courtesy for us to go to the outer world. At that time, Outland is in chaos, and the immortal world is exhausted. It is not difficult for your Jiang family to take the opportunity to return."

   "It's a good calculation, but I don't believe that you would be so good to us?"

   Jiang Ji just sneered, "You Xuanming clan really dare to go out? Not to mention how the fairy world will deal with you, are you not afraid of the Zhurong clan behind you?"

   Cang Dun didn't dare to refute, he only said in a concentrated voice, "The clan elder has too deep a prejudice against our Xuanming clan. This time, Lord Divine Envoy really asked a few people to discuss."

   Jiang Mi shook his head slightly, "Cangdun, you should go out first. I'll talk about it after I think about it."

   "I see, the two elders are slowly considering it."

   Cang Dun stepped back and walked out slowly, staring at the ground with a cold light suddenly.

   walked to the door, he raised his head, and was stunned.

   A member of the Zhu Rong tribe who came over was also stunned, "You, how dare you come here!?"

   Hearing the sound, Cang Dun no longer doubted, he was shocked and at a loss for a while, but the Zhu Rong clan stopped in front of him a few steps, and at the same time shouted loudly, "Come on! Take down this Xuanming clan spy!"

   A group of guards swarmed to surround them.

   "Zhu Huan, what's the matter?"

   Jiang Ji, who sensed the movement, also walked out of the hall, "What spy did you mean?"

   Zhu Huanlang said, "The spy of the demons, this is the Xuanming tribe!"

   Cang Dun wanted to avoid, "I... you admitted the wrong person."

   "I know everything turned into ashes!"

Zhu Huan stood in front of him, his voice getting louder and louder, "I was captured by the demons as a slave that day because of you! At that time, I came back from the witch world and met you with two demons. When I saw me, I chased me. I didn’t have time to escape. You said at the time that Zhu Rong clan members, it doesn’t matter how many you catch!

   Cang Dun wanted to argue, but couldn't say a whole sentence after hesitated for a long time.

   There is only one thought in his mind, this guy was not captured by the demons, how could he return to the Kuiwei world, how could this be possible!

The alien race that fell into the hands of the demons had only two results. The first was death, and the second was being a slave forever. Of course, it was still death in the end, but this is not a very strong Zhu Rong tribe, and it came back. Appear in front of yourself, at this most critical moment.

   A small omission decades ago, I am afraid that the plan that has been prepared for nearly 10,000 years will be completely bankrupt.

   At this moment, my heart is ashamed.

   Jiang Ji and Jiang Mi looked at each other, and they almost understood.

   Jiang Mi looked at Zhu Huan and slowly said, "Why don't you tell us when you come back?"

"As soon as I came back, I was interrogated by Manager Jiang. You forced me to say what I said. There is no chance to tell me how I was arrested. I will tell him when Lord Envoy comes~www.ltnovel.com~ "Yes," Zhu Huan bowed a salute, with some grievances, "Two clan elders, I don't know what he is here for, but I can be sure that he must be related to the demons, and he has hatred with the Zhurong clan. Ask the elder to let me take him back."

   Jiang Su nodded, "When we finish asking, I will give it to your envoy."

"it is good."

Zhu Huan didn’t get entangled either, looking at Cang Dun thoughtfully, “I thought it was your Xuan Ming clan hating us Zhu Rong clan, but after thinking about it, you didn’t hate me to arrest me, but me. Seeing that you are with the Demon Race, I’m afraid I will say it, right, but it’s not alright to kill me. Killing the Zhu Rong tribe on the edge of Zhurong Realm will expose things soon, so you will let the Demon Race take me. Devildom is a slave, right?"

   Cang Dun closed his eyes and was ready to say nothing.

Zhu Huan refused to let it go, "Hmph, did you dare to come to the Kuiwei Realm, thinking that I was dead? The reincarnation of heaven, the retribution is unhappy, and I just caught you! You wait, Lord God I won't let you go!"

   Jiang Ji frowned, "Okay, Zhu Huan, go down first."

   Zhu Huan looked at him fixedly, "Didn’t the three clans always call me?"

   (PS: Thank you for your monthly ticket support of the stray heart, thank you book friends who booked and subscribed to vote~~~)


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