Fairy Winner

Chapter 3212: In the dust

     follows the mountain path, very relaxed.

   There seems to be no formation.

   Because of this, Zhou Shu has more doubts in his mind. Will there be no formation in this easy-to-defend and hard-to-attack place? Reminiscing that the guard also said that the formation is closed just now, is it that he is in an illusion? Looking at Zhao Yueru who looked back from time to time, he shook his head slightly, and went into the illusion with Zhao Yueru for no reason. Besides, he wouldn't even be blind to the illusion, and the vitality around him was tangible.

   Don't think too much, just be ready to meet a strong enemy.

   He quickly settled down, no matter how weird his previous encounters were, it would not affect his determination to meet Lin Zhu.

   Speaking of this, it seems that the strong man I previously felt is not here, that is, the five-ethnic elder who encountered in the yellow sand, really has not returned.

   The mountain road bends and slowly turns into the depths.

   That is a valley, with many plants planted in front of the valley, densely covered with greenery, it looks full of vitality.

   But Zhou Shu knew that these plants were actually a powerful formation, the Jiang family's reincarnation formation.

   Dozens of different powers of laws are displayed with the help of different fairy tools. If you don't understand the key points, even the golden fairy will be trapped in the formation, and finally become a pool of mud and go straight to reincarnation.

   But Zhou Shu was not worried, he had made enough preparations before he came.

He has a very clear understanding of the formation method. Now he observes carefully for a while, and then knows the sea tens of thousands of times to avoid the attack of the formation method. In fact, a strong attack is also possible. The power of the law of reincarnation is all in Shuzhidao. In the sequence, they have basically reached the level of mastery, not to mention the complete absorption, but it is not difficult to have the right and the left, but it is only possible to avoid it, why bother attacking.

   Observed for a while, pondered for a few moments, and was confident.

   pulled Zhao Yueru into the formation quickly.

  As if entering an uninhabited state, but after dozens of breaths, he walked to the other end.

   "I came here so soon? It's great."

   Even in a dangerous situation, Zhao Yueru couldn't help but praise Zhou Shu because he liked it.

"Roughly the same."

Zhou Shu took it for granted, but he still had some doubts. When he passed the third eye, there should be a blockade. This is a level that cannot be bypassed in the deduction. However, the expected blockade did not appear because of his own control. The power has reached another level, or is it another reason?

   I don't want to temporarily, because there are new difficulties.

   There are three bunkers in front of him.

   firmly held the four-way passage, and if you want to enter the mountain, you can only pass through here.

There are naturally people on the bunker. The three Hunyuan Golden Immortals are similar to what they felt before. They are all slightly inferior, but they are not easy to deal with. Besides them, there are dozens of dedicated guards, none of them are. Mediocre.

   The sword light flashed and disappeared.

   Zhao Yueru apologized in a low voice, "I didn't grasp it for a while, let the sword intent come out a bit, but this time, should I start?"

   "It's okay, they should have seen it long ago."

   Zhou Shu and Zhao Yueru converged their aura while passing the formation, but two people still looked over here.

   mostly noticed.

   Zhou Shu no longer concealed himself, and quickly walked towards the furthest bunker, passing through this bunker, and then entering the mountainside.

   There is only one obvious vitality in the belly of the mountain. That vitality makes Zhou Shu feel familiar. Judging from the cultivation base, it is almost exactly Lin Zhu's current cultivation base. The person I want to find is right in front of him, so there is no need to worry about it.

   Zhao Yueru pressed the Sea Sword with her hand, and followed Zhou Shu closely, still not letting go.

The expected volley did not come. The two of them skimmed over. The Hunyuan Jinxian sitting on the top of the bunker didn’t even turn his head. He just looked at the formation and thoughtfully, not knowing what he was doing. As for the others Human, although his expression was focused, and the fairy weapon in his hand could be released at any time, but he didn't do anything to do, he just watched Zhou Shu and Zhao Yueru pass.

   The two did not stay, and went straight into the belly of the mountain.

   There are more and more doubts in his mind.

   Zhao Yue couldn't bear the truth, "Are we unreal, or are these people unreal?"

  Mingming was right in front of her, and she smashed into the forbidden area, but she turned a blind eye. Even if the acting was not like that, she even suspected that except for the clan elder she first saw, no one else existed.

   At this time, Zhou Shu's face was very heavy, completely different from the indifferent before.

   Zhao Yue was shocked, "What's the matter?"

   Zhou Shu calmed his mind, "I guessed some, but I'm not sure. Go in and see if Lin Zhu is there."


   Zhao Yueru nodded, looked inside, and couldn't help being surprised, "Wow, isn't this Shenxing Peak?"

   Shenxing Peak is a peak of Liuxia Mountain, and it is also the place where the Heyin School has the most tight defense. It is where Lin Zhu studies the teleportation array, and where the Lu family studies puppets.

   Zhou Shu nodded, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

The layout of this mountain's belly is almost completely connected to Shenxing Peak. There are puppets walking everywhere, neat formations, and even the place where the materials are piled up. If there were some doubts before, then you can be sure now, Lin Zhu must it's here.

   "I finally found Lin Zhu!"

   Zhao Yueru was also very excited, and looked around, "Just don't know where, have you found it?"

   Zhou Shu gently shook his head. He was certain that Lin Zhu's vitality was in the belly of the mountain, but when he got here, he didn't know where it was.

   "Let's look for it slowly. This is the clearest clue. We will find it!"

   Zhao Yueru cheered him up, her eyes stopped suddenly, "Over there, is it the teleportation array that Lin Zhu is studying? It seems not very different from the Xuanhuang world."

   "Let's take a look."

   Zhou Shu walked over quickly.

   Obviously, looking at the familiar formation in front of me, many past events have surfaced, and I can't calm down for a while.

   "This is what you guys are talking about. It's really a word for beads, I can see it!"

   Zhao Yueru pointed to the Fu Zhen plant in front of him, very happy, "Lin Zhu, this is what Lin Zhu did, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it!"

Zhou Shu nodded subconsciously, "Yeah, I couldn't be more familiar with it. I have seen hundreds of thousands of similar bead characters, and each one is the same~www.ltnovel.com~ But now I look at this, it seems to be very clear. Extraordinarily special..."

   "It's very special, it... it's still moving!"

   Zhao Yueru suddenly exclaimed, "Look, you see, that pattern is still running!"

   Zhou Shu was shocked.

   is indeed the case, the rune with the word "bead" embedded in it is extending downwards, sometimes turning and sometimes returning, very smooth.

   is like someone drawing a symbol.

   But, where is the person who draws the talisman?

   This situation is too weird!

   Realizing something, Zhao Yueru palpitated and couldn't help but said, "It's not that Lin Zhu is drawing a talisman, but why can't we see her? What is going on, do we no longer exist?"

   Staring at the ever-changing array, perceiving the clear but not knowing where the vitality is, Zhou Shu shook his head, "Existence."

   Zhao Yueru was taken aback, "You must be right, but what is going on?"

   Zhou calmly said, "Maybe we are just a dust, or we are in a dust."

   (PS: I wish all book friends a happy new year, good health and all the best~~!)



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