Fairy Winner

Chapter 3226: You go please

     This time is conclusive.

   Hearing these words, Jiang Su sighed slightly, "I can't wait for the driver to meet the old man, but I don’t know, what did the old man say to you?"

Zhou Shu thought for a while, "Just a few words, but I am very grateful to him. Without him, I would not know that there are such rare farming fires and so many unique fairy weapons in Lei Lei Mountain. Of course, I would not know the teleportation array. , And Lin Zhu that I have been looking for."

   Although I don't know the reason, since Shan Hai Jing and the Jiang family are not so close, and the Jiang family doesn't even know what Shan Hai Jing is doing, then maybe he has a chance.

   Jiang Su slowly said, "Lin Zhu is with us."

   Jiang Ji said anxiously, "But you don't want to take her away! We are on her, I don't know how much we paid!"

   Zhou Shu said relaxedly, "This, don't you think it counts."

   Jiang Ji's face changed suddenly, "Could it be that the old man promised you?! How could this be?"

   Zhou Shu smiled slightly, but said nothing, seeming to acquiesce.

"Freeze said!"

Jiang Wei was very calm, and said to Zhou Shu, "If the old man promises you, you don't have to go to see her now. Besides, he is the patron saint of our Kuaiwei world, and it is impossible to give up the interests of our Jiang family and Kuaiwei world. Let me give it to you, I think the old scholar has a lot of demands on you, right?"

   Zhou Shu just smiled and didn't say anything. He wanted to use the slogan of the old man to trick him, but it still didn't work.

   "Since you know Shu Lao and Lin Zhu, then we can be more honest with each other."

Jiang Wei took a lot of concern, "Respect, can you let the scholar show up now? Now that the Kuaiwei world has suffered a catastrophe, we have many things to ask the scholar, and I believe you also want to see him, yes Right?"

   Zhou Shu spread out his hands, "I really want to see, but I really can't help it."

Jiang Mi looked at Zhou Shu carefully, as if he wanted to see through something, but it was obviously useless. After thinking about it, he thought about it, "No matter what the book elder wants from a respected driver, one thing is certain, now you are still doing everything. Do your best to protect the Kuiwei Realm, or let the demon invade, the Shulao will be in danger, the teleportation array will definitely be gone, and it will be difficult for Lin Zhu to keep it."

   Zhou Shu's expression suddenly became solemn, "You don't have to say this, protecting the Kuaiwei Realm has nothing to do with these things, this is my due responsibility, the responsibility of being an emperor."

   Jiang Su nodded, "Then shall we do as we said before?"

   Zhou Shu frowned, "I said, I want to see Lin Zhu, you don't have to worry that I will take her away, besides, if I want to take her away forcibly, you might be able to see the old man as you wish."

   Jiang Su hesitated for a long time, then turned to Jiang Ma and said, "Seventh brother, go and inform, please come to Lieshan Hall, Miss Lin, is she in Lei Lei Mountain?"

   "Yes, I will go now."

   Jiang Ma strode towards the door, looking at his back, Zhou Shu had mixed feelings, is he really going to see Lin Zhu, what I have been looking forward to for so many years.

   Before taking a few steps, Jiang Ma stopped suddenly, and his indifferent face showed many surprises and surprises. Of course, he was not the only one, but everyone in the hall was like this.

   I don't know when, a young fairy appeared at the door.

   Zhou Shu's heart sank, and he knew that it would not be so easy. He came out again for the Classic of Mountains and Seas.

   "Shu Lao! You finally appeared!"

  The Jiang family hurriedly bowed and saluted, and Jiang Su was even more excited, "Senior, I knew you would come to save us!"

   The young man ignored them, walked slowly in front of Zhou Shu, and said calmly, "Zhou Shu, what is your wish?"

   Jiang Su was startled when he heard the sound, and a bad memory suddenly appeared in his mind.

   The first time he met Shu Lao, Shu Lao said this to Jiang Zhang, the head of the family at the time.

Jiang Zhang said he was going to enter the fairy garden and dominate the heavens. After saying this, the old man's face changed. He still remembers the appearance of the old man at that time. It was indeed shocking. Zhang left the Kuiwei realm for unknown reasons. No one in the Jiang family had ever seen Jiang Zhang. All the clan elders believed that Jiang Zhang had offended the elder, so he did not set up the position of Patriarch.

   Jiang Zhang is indeed going to die if he wants to come. Knowing that the scholar from the Xuanhuang Realm hates the fairy world, he actually wants to go to the fairy garden?

   And it’s not just one Jiang Zhang who heard this sentence.

The old man Jiang Dao of the big clan has also met Shu Lao, and was asked the same thing. No one knows what Jiang Dao answered, but everyone knows that Jiang Dao went crazy soon and rarely awake again. The strongest of the Jiang family is no longer the Jiang family's reliance.

   Now, the old scholar asked this sentence again, but fortunately it was not to himself, but to Zhou Shu.

   But I'm very depressed when I want to come, why would I ask Zhou Shu.

   Zhou Shu finished his salute and said without hesitation, "See Lin Zhu."

   The young man shook his head, "I am not asking what you want now, but what you want in your heart, the goal you are trying to achieve."

   Zhou Shu smiled faintly, "Oh, as a practitioner, my wish is naturally to stick to my heart."


The young man was stunned. He had asked many questions, but it was the first time he heard such an answer, "You don’t have the kind of thing you definitely want, or the desire to give everything to achieve it? Are you? Don’t you crave strength, don’t you want to be holy, don’t you want to be the emperor who guides the heavens?"

   Zhou Shu shook his head, "As long as you stick to your heart, there is nothing you can't get."

  The young man's expression changed slightly, and a trace of confusion appeared in his extremely wise eyes, "No, how is this possible? You are not a wish at all."

   Zhou Shu was very calm, "That's not it, I don't care."

   The young man has recovered his calmness, "Do you really think so?"

   "Yes, senior."

   It seemed like a blessing to the heart, Zhou Shu said slowly, "Wishes, if you have them, you will stick to them. In fact, you don't have to care about your wishes. As long as you are yourself, what should come will come."

The young man stopped when he heard the sound, and then laughed, "Hehe, should I say whether you are obsessive or naive? After so many years, the Xuanhuang world has not changed at all, one is like this~www.ltnovel.com~ the other is like this, But I don’t believe it, haha."

   In the laughter, he strode out.

   "Senior, wait, you won't bother me anymore?"

   "Booklord, now that the demons are under pressure, you have to teach us some ways!"

   Zhou Shu was saying here, all the Jiang family over there chased after him, "Shu elder, the world of Kuiwei is at stake!"

   "There is an emperor, what are you worried about, haha."

   The young man walked out of the door and disappeared, only a curling voice came.

   Jiang's family turned around, everyone's eyes were focused on Zhou Shu, their expressions were very complicated, most of them were disappointed, but also unexpected and expectant.

   Zhou Shu calmly said, "I want to see Lin Zhu."

   "Jiang Ma, please go please."

   Jiang Su whispered, turning to Zhou Shu and said, "No problem, Lin Zhu will come soon, please drive."

   Compared with before, he obviously became more respectful, and Jiang Ji beside him seemed to be a lot more docile.

   I can't hear it wrong, the book always called the emperor of others just now!

   Although it seems to be a joke, I can't underestimate it. Maybe this time, I really have to rely on him.


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