Fairy Winner

Chapter 3233: Tool Demon

     When Zhou Shu left, several people recovered.

   The Lieshan Temple where the Jiang family discussed major events seemed to have become Zhou Shu’s home court. He said that no one opposed anything, and even foreign gods seemed to have become his subordinates.

   looked at Jiang Yuan who was dumbfounded, and there were few and a little majestic Jiang Mi, Jiang Ji unknowingly touched his beard, "What's the matter, it seems that he has been turned away from the guest?"

   Jiang Ma frowned, "Third Brother, he saved your life."

   "I didn't say he was bad again."

   Jiang Ji glared at him, suddenly thought of something, and hurriedly chased him out, "Respect, wait!"

   Zhou Shuli stayed, "Three clans, what else is there?"

   An ordinary turn, but with an unquestionable domineering attitude, Jiang Ji couldn't help being stunned and calmly said, "There is something that I forgot to give to you. It should be useful."

   He spread out his hand, and there was a khaki talisman on his palm.

   Zhou Shu's expression condensed slightly, as if thinking of something, "This is..."

   Jiang Ji hurriedly said, "Jushen Decree, Jushen Decree can be used with normal celestial power, there is a Xuanming clan on the Purple Devil Star, it might be useful."

   As expected, Zhou Shu raised his hand and thanked him, "Thank you for being old."

   "Thank you, this is what we should do."

   Jiang Ji bowed and turned around.

   Zhou Shu is still very interested in Jushen Order.

It is the only thing that can extract the magical power of the witch clan. At first glance, it is not complicated, but very weird. It does not conform to any kind of talisman Zhou Shu has learned. If you look closely at the strokes, they are very different from the runes. It is somewhat similar to the wild patterns handed down from Shiwan Dashan.

   is not the result of a talisman, but a divine power.

   The source of the divine power is hard to say, maybe it is the witch god, maybe it is the saint, the demon **** and the demon god, even the holy beast and the beast is not impossible.

It is said that the Shanhaijing is all-encompassing and contains many different power systems. In addition to the demons, other demons, witch races and other powers are among them, but the practitioners have relatively few inheritance of the law. This is because When the Shan Hai Jing appeared, the practitioners in the Xuanhuang Realm were not in their heyday, and other races were blooming, not inferior to the practitioners. As a result, the records in the Shan Hai Jing were naturally the majority of other races.

   In this way, do other races need the scriptures of mountains and oceans?

  Of course not. Only human practitioners can be recognized by the mountain and sea, and only human practitioners can use its power.

As a result, most of the intellectual power in the Shan Hai Jing was left vacant or deserted, but occasionally things such as custodial orders were passed out. The purpose was also to restrain other races, but this may also be the reason why Shan Hai Jing has been with the Jiang family. , If Shan Hai Jing is in Zhou Shu's hands, it will probably be different, and it will shine with a brand new brilliance.

   Zhou Shu and Zhao Yueru left the Kui Kui realm soon.

   A few days after flying, the two saw the purple devil star.

   The purple spot of light, bright and extinguished, constantly overflowing with brilliant brilliance, surrounded by a thin layer of black mist, still expanding.

   "Is it just going by?"

   Zhao Yueru whispered, "It seems that the speed of spread is very fast. If there are dozens of them, it may take less than ten years to enclose the Kuiwei world."

   Zhou Shu paused, "I also want to transform into a demon race, but this is the void, not the demon world, without demon energy, it is easy to be seen through."

   "Then we will fight over."

   Zhao Yueru condensed into the distance, with a sense of war in his eyes.

   Purple Magic Star.

   Close up, it looks like a large floating island that is constantly shining. It is made up of condensed demon energy. Because the demon energy is too strong, even the demons cannot move inside, and can only move on the surface.

   There are many demons on the island, I'm afraid there are not hundreds of thousands.

   The three great demon kings each took one side and looked around, very vigilant.

  The other demons were crazy, running back and forth on the edge of the floating island, stepping down hard with their feet, and the magic energy dispersed, thus driving the magic energy deposited on the island in a fixed direction.

   is a bit like rolling noodles.

   Because there are so many demons, the stepping frequency is also high, and the dough expands very quickly.

   Zhao Yueru who saw this scene was stunned.

"Ah, I was shocked when I heard the Purple Demon Nebula before. I thought that the Demon Race had some advanced means of spreading devil energy. It turned out to rely on manpower! It's not surprising that the Demon Race has low intelligence and is not good at using tools. If there are more people, you don’t need to use it for nothing, hehe.

   Zhou Shu looked slightly condensed, "In fact, these lower demons are tools."

Zhao Yueru paused and said thoughtfully, "These demons seem to be very different from the ones we encountered in the demon world. They are like carved out of a mold. There is no expression on their faces, and they are also very tall. Strange, short legs and big feet, but short body."

   Zhou Shu calmly said, "They were made from the Purple Devil Star. The purpose of existence is to do this, so that they will have such a shape."

   Zhao Yueru curiously asked, "What about after finishing it?"

   Zhou Shu pointed to the distance, "Look carefully at the outermost ones."

After the demon race that ran to the extreme edge stepped hard for a few times, it exploded with a bang, a lot of demon energy burst out, and the nebula was expanded a little, the demon race that followed quickly ran over and took those demons. After the qi leveled off, he continued to move forward.

   Zhao Yueru was taken aback, "Can you do this?"

   Zhou Shu calmly said, "You don't think their methods are bad now, in fact, this method is not only fast but also effective, but it is completely inapplicable to us practitioners."

   Zhao Yueru paused for a while, only sighed, "The demons are terrible, but I think they are a bit pitiful."

Zhou Shu said slowly, "Before we experienced in the devil world, all we encountered were wise and self-aware demon races. You think you can still deal with them, but in fact, the tool demons created in this way are the real demons. Most of the demons are also the most terrifying place of the demons. As for the pitiful, the demons shouldn't appear in the heavens. Their existence is wrong."

   "Um~www.ltnovel.com~ I think too much."

   Zhao Yueru nodded quickly, throwing away all the hesitations in his heart.

   She retracted her gaze and looked back and forth a few times, "Why didn't you see the Xuanming clan that the Jiang family said?"

   Zhou Shu nodded, "I didn't see it either. There is no vitality nearby. I should have left early, but it was a step too late."

   "Then we go?"

   Zhao Yueru pointed to the great demon in the middle, eager to try, "Give me the one holding the shield. Take such a big shield and scare anyone. When I see it, I want to break it, so I feel comfortable."

   "Okay, but be careful."

   Zhou Shu said in a deep voice, "The Demon Race on the Purple Devil Star is much stronger than usual."

   Zhao Yueru didn't care, "Better than in Demon Realm and Demon Abyss?"

   "You will know if you try, I have confidence in you."

   Zhou Shu turned into a blue light and rushed straight to it.

   Zhao Yueru swept down quickly, "I won't lose to you!"

   Two meteors crashed down, smashing the Purple Demon Star into chaos, the demon clan splashed all over the sky, and the three great demon kings roared like thunder, and fought into a ball instantly.



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