Fairy Winner

Chapter 3258: 3 big gifts

     is not the best way to kill Duantian, but it can only be so.

   I don’t know when, the Demon God of Devouring Sky will come to consciousness, and the wrath of the Demon God is not easy to bear.

Similarly, Zhou Shu did not intend to take over the position of the Great Demon Lord Broken Sky and continue to encircle the Kuiwei Realm. Of course it was a false encirclement, just to obtain the material of the Demon Abyss Dragon from Cang Jue. This would also be a great risk. , After all, the Shifang Dharma formation no longer exists.

   broke Cang Jue's plan, but he also left many loopholes on his side. If he couldn't get the most benefit from the plan, what he could do was solve the problem as soon as possible.

   It's not too late, it's time to go to the Seven Star Realm.

   Soon, Zhou Shu returned to the Kui Kui realm.

   A few messages went down, and everyone who should have come came to Lieshan Hall.

   Zhou Shu said calmly, "There will be no more problems with the demon clan, the demon is dead."


   A few people froze together, their eyes widened.

   Jiang Ji hesitated and said, "How can the driver do it, how can the magician die?"

"Yeah, it's not that we don't believe it. It's too unbelievable." Jiang Ma looked at Zhou Shu with a condensed expression. "It is said that the magic envoy is an existence that can't be killed by a quasi-sage. As long as there is a trace of devilish energy, it can come back to life. You can also escape with the devilish energy, unless all the evil energy is eliminated, it is possible to kill him."

   Jiang Su nodded, "And this is not really a kill, the devil can help him resurrect in the devil world."

   Jiang Ji sighed, "So in the eyes of cultivators, the enchantress may be more terrifying than the demon lord, you respect..."

Zhou Shu paused, "I said that if you die, you are dead. There will be no resurrection. Broken sky has completely disappeared, but Broken sky is dead. It doesn't mean that other magic envoys will not be sent. They may continue for a few years at most. So we have to make good use of this time."

   What other people want to say, Jiang Su stood up a few steps, and said sharply, "What you say is what you say, what are you talking about!"

   "Yes, I don't want to continue to question, I actually want to say..."

   Jiang Ji hesitated for a while, "It is said that in the Xuanhuang Realm, the only ones who could kill the envoys except the saints and beasts were the human emperor and the earth emperor."

   Jiang Ma whispered, "Yes, the classics in the clan really say so."

"Is it?"

Zhou Shu was very indifferent, but he was very happy in his heart. He did not expect to achieve a good achievement without knowing it, "Now that the problem of the magician is solved, the second step can be planned. ."

   "But listen to the commander."

   Jiang's family immediately agreed, neatly.

Zhou Shu nodded, "The second step is to assault the Seven Star Realm. Only by doing this can the threats of the Immortal Realm and the Xuanming Clan be temporarily suspended, and at the same time, it is imperative to prevent your future actions from being detected by the Immortal Realm. I don’t understand the situation of the Seven Star Realms, but they must be defeated, and the sooner the better, the process must be very difficult. You must be prepared for death and injury, which is a preparation for a large number of deaths and injuries."

   He glanced at the people, all he saw was an expression of death.

   Jiang Ma said lightly, "The Jiang family never fears death."

   Jiang Su had a smile at the corner of his mouth, “I’ve been waiting for this day. Three hundred men are ready to die, and I’m waiting for the three of them, and I’m willing to be the first pawn.”

Jiang Ji said solemnly, "Yes, we have planned it before. The Jiang family will take the lead. You guys will take the teleport car to attack. It would be best if you can go straight to Huanglong. Of course, you don't need to be in a hurry. We have three hundred. Life, at least you can fight for a few days, as long as you can do it before they all die."

   Jiang Su looked solemnly, "When will you leave, please tell me about it, and I will issue the order immediately."

   Zhou Shu frowned, "I told you to fight, not to let you die in vain, don't you know the star photos of Emei? I reminded you before."

Jiang Ji said faintly, "Jiang family and Emei can't fight once or twice. Fierce Stars, we all know that we are invincible and we are bound to be their targets in the void, and we can't escape, but We also know that if those star powers can be used on us, it will do less harm to the people of the Kuiwei Realm and the respected drivers, so that our goal will be achieved."

   "You guys are really going to die."

   Zhou calmed down, shook his head, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

   "Respect the driver doubting our sincerity?"

Jiang Ji's face changed, "We believe that you may become the emperor, and even I now think that you have the qualifications of the emperor, but this does not mean that you can despise us! The Jiang family never fears death, if not so, then How can we live to the present? Every time we encounter a crisis, we have the consciousness of life to make a way out!"

   Jiang Ma closed his eyes and opened it again, a lot of pride rose in his heart, "Don't underestimate our Jiang family!"

Jiang Su kept calm, "Is the respectable driver worrying about the Jiang family’s back road? Don’t worry too much, we are ready. The old man has promised us that he will save our blood, just like he did in the past. And there are four younger brothers outside, the Jiang family will definitely not cut off."

   Zhou Shu seemed thoughtful, "In other words, you have prepared a way to deal with Xingli? I'm talking more than fate."

Jiang Ji nodded seriously, "Of course, after dealing with Emei for so many years, we have a lot of ways to restrain them, and the gods of the Zhu Rong clan attached a fire light curse to each of us. This curse can offset Little star power is not an exaggeration. Even if starlight can kill us, they will need at least ten times more star power."

   "It's not like being beaten all the time."

Jiang Ma said slowly, "In the past few years, we have used the power obtained from the Zhurong and Xuanming tribes to study a lot of usable things, such as star-reversing nails, with the power of the lunar yin, which can counterattack with the star power and send out stars. Powerful people are the most vicious, even if it’s a Hunyuan Golden Immortal, it’s uncomfortable. There are also Yang Blast bombs~www.ltnovel.com~ which can form a short-term shield of solar power. If necessary, they can use rules. The power detonates, attacks enemies hundreds of thousands of miles away, and..."

   He talked a lot, his eyes fell on Lin Zhu, and he bowed and saluted, "Speaking of these things, many of these things are helped by Miss Lin, Jiang Mou thank you very much."

"you are welcome."

   Lin Zhu shook her head, there was a hint of inexplicable emotions, she really did not expect that she and the Jiang family would become comrades-in-arms one day.

   Zhou Shu looked at Jiang Ma and slowly said, "Such a gift is not enough. If you want to thank her, you have to give a big gift at least three times."

   "Big gift? Three times?"

   Jiang Ji stagnated, "That's the gift that the Jiang family would do to sacrifice to the ancestor..."

   Jiang Biao, who had always been obliged to obey, was stunned. Is Zhou Shu's request a bit excessive, "respectful driver..."

   Jiang Ma couldn't help it anymore, and scolded, "Respect, what do you mean by this? We listen to you everything, and go to the Seven Stars Realm without fear of death, but you tease us like this? Want us to bow to her?"

   Lin Zhu looked at Zhou Shu, shaking her head in surprise, she didn't know why Zhou Shu suddenly spoke like this.

   Zhou Shu didn't look at her, but said slowly, "Three big gifts, at least you can save more than two hundred lives, you don't lose."


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