Fairy Winner

Chapter 3268: Xing Yue Fu

But in half an hour, Zhou Shu arrived in front of another small world.

The formations were similar, and for Zhou Shu, who had already had experience, it didn't take much time to sneak in, and no one would even notice.

As soon as he fell to the realm, Zhou Shu immediately hid his breath and looked around.

It was a sudden attack in the last realm. I was surrounded as soon as I left. There was no chance at all. Now I sneak in and I must understand the situation here.

Not difficult.

The immortal city of the dead world without the core of the source, it cannot rely on the ubiquitous source of energy to arm and limit perception, and even the will of the city owner will not work, as long as it is not like the previous world, it will fall into a heavy siege and use perception It is still easy to bypass the formation and inquire about the news.

After letting go of his spiritual consciousness for about a hundred breaths, Zhou Shu almost did it.

After all, a circle of hundreds of thousands of miles, judging from Zhou Shu's divine sense, is similar to a house.

There are dozens of practitioners are leaving. Hearing words are about to support Tiantong City, and this place is called Tianji City. It seems that I have heard Tianfu City. Zhou Shu immediately thought of the famous ones around Huang Zengtian. Realm, if yes, these six stars are also six fairy cities, and they are named after this.

Think about it in depth. In the past, those worlds were all related to Emei, and it is very likely that Emei was in charge of the seven-star world.

The situation of Tianji City and Tiantong City are similar. There is also a particularly powerful formation. There are also many armored corpses in it, and there are a group of Xuanming races around. And listening to the discussions of those practitioners, the city owner should be called Congjiang. It is a member of the Suspense Sect.

Right now, most practitioners have been sent to Tiantong City, and after a while, it will become empty.

As long as you don't go to the place guarded by the armored corpse, there is almost no defense in other places.

After waiting for half an hour, feeling that there was less and less vitality in the world, Zhou Shu quickly walked towards the place where the city lord was.


Cleverly bypassing the gathering point of the Xuanming clan, Zhou Shu appeared in front of the hall.

The two guards realized that it was wrong and yelled loudly. They froze before only lifting the magic weapon in their hands.

Bang, bang.

With two muffled sounds, the seeds of the head were smashed, leaving the soul wandering around.

Quick decision.

After using the Kunlun Mirror's Void, the two big Luo Jinxians had no resistance.

Flashing into the hall, the two people looked at Zhou Shu, showing a lot of stunnedness, "You... are you?"

"Who is Congjiang?"

The cold voice, with killing intent, and a kind of weird power.

Cong Jiang quickly calmed down, his eyes pierced, "My old man, what do you want to do?"

Zhou Shu glanced at the two of them, and quickly determined the target, the Great Desolate Halberd suddenly appeared and slammed straight towards the other person.

The black mist billowed, the shadow of the halberd was heavy, and the tip of the halberd looked like a roaring black dragon, and the eyes flashed with monsters.

That brilliance is exactly the Kunlun Mirror's tactics, the emptiness of a lifetime.

The power of reincarnation can guide the magic, and the magic can also imply reincarnation. It is simple to say but difficult to do. Zhou Shu has spent a lot of effort to distinguish between the primary and the secondary, and both can exert their power.

Cong Jiang and that Hunyuan Jinxian were both dazed and inexplicably dazed.

Cong Jiang recovered quickly. He was awake after only two breaths. At this time, he saw that the long halberd was poking in front of Hun Yuan Jinxian, and he had been poked back for several miles. The protective cover on his body was also seventy. When it fell, there was a layer of black air on his face, getting thicker and thicker, and even the white of his eyes was almost invisible.


Cong Jiang's heart tightened, and two gold bricks were turned out in his hands, one left and the other right, facing the halberd and smashed down.

The strength of the solid law of strength made the gold brick weigh more than ten million catties. Although the Nine Dragons and the Tigers were irresistible, under the grand light, even the black dragon couldn't help shrinking, and quickly retreated. If it hits hard, The damage is irreparable.

This person should not be underestimated.

Zhou Shu put away the Great Desolate Halberd, smiled at the corner of his mouth, "Stop it and stop."

The Hunyuan Jinxian staggered to his feet, his face still black, and pointed at Zhou Shu, "Are you... a demon?!"

"Don't care who I am."

Zhou Shu said indifferently, "The power of the Demon God in your body now is difficult to get rid of. If you are not careful, they can invade the Sea of ​​Consciousness at any time. As a result, you know that you will either become a demon corpse or die simply."

It’s not really the power of the devil, but Zhou Shu also has it, but it can’t be used. Now those who are just simulated by the power of reincarnation are as strong as possible, but if they are confused by the heart, they should deceive these people who are not knowledgeable. Not difficult.

Sure enough, Hun Yuan Jinxian felt it for a while, and his body trembled, almost falling down again.

Cong Jiang was also trembling, what if the halberd fell on him just now?

I am afraid it will be difficult to escape.

He settled, "What do you want to do?"

"Song City Lord is really refreshing."

Zhou Shu brought out a smile, lifted the Great Desolate Halberd slightly, shaking unintentionally, and saw a little black air hovering up, and the scene in the hall became distorted, "Actually, I just want to know some things. After all, I have been a neighbor for so many years."

"You are... well, but you must not rush to do it."

Cong Jiang hesitated for a few breaths and looked at Hunyuan Jinxiandao, "Zhang Yu, you go out first. The things here have nothing to do with you. I don't want you to be punished too."

Zhang Yu couldn't help but nodded, unspeakably grateful, and hurriedly walked out.

Just didn't go far, a sudden killing intent flashed through Jiang's eyes.


There was a loud noise outside the hall.

The whole hall shook, and the wood, stone and bricks fell like rain, but because of the formation, they were largely undamaged.

Cong Jiang calmly looked at Zhou Shu, "You can ask."

Zhou Shu nodded lightly and said slowly, "Then ask what happened just now, how did you kill him?"

He could see clearly that the loud noise came from Zhang Yu's self-destruction, and the situation was exactly the same as that of the wide-faced Hunyuan Jinxian before, and it was undoubtedly forced.

"Xingyue Symbol."

Cong Jiang is very calm. He has regarded Zhou Shu as a person in the Kuiwei Realm, and he is stronger than himself. Now the Kuiwei Realm has come, and the two have torn their faces, and they will not admit that they are absolutely dead. "Xingyue Fu is a special talisman researched by Emei, which can manipulate practitioners in the Seven-Star Realm to explode~www.ltnovel.com~ The reason is probably that the practitioners here have been invaded by the star power and become a prisoner of the star power. Simple It’s said that every practitioner, life and death are in the hands of Emei, but it is currently limited to the Seven Star Realm."

"You mean, it may not only be the Seven Star Realm in the future?"

Zhou Shu's heart was slightly shaken, and he still said calmly, "But you are not from Emei."

Cong Jiang squeezed a bitter smile, "Yes, that's why I used talismans. These talismans are all given by Emei. Each practitioner has a corresponding Xingyue Talisman. It is reasonable for the city lord to control the things that affect their life and death. "

Zhou Shu followed and laughed, "It's reasonable. Then you don't come from Emei City Lord's Xingyue Talisman, who will control it?"

Cong Jiang's expression changed a few times, and he remained silent for a while.

(PS: Thank you Xiong Laogui for your monthly ticket support, and thank you book friends who booked and subscribed to vote~~~)

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