Fairy Winner

Chapter 3297: Heartland

     "Seven days later, she is gone."

   Jiang Ma's eyes were a little dull, "No farewell, no words, just disappeared like this, I searched for a long time, and went everywhere..."

   He muttered in a low voice, his voice getting smaller and smaller, and more and more confused, even Zhou Shu couldn't understand what he was talking about.

   Zhou Shu turned around, "Let's go."

   Zhao Yue asked suspiciously, "I don't care about him? Besides, I haven't asked him clearly yet?"

   Zhou Shu said lightly, "It doesn't matter, just let him stay here. I already know what I want to know."

   The blue light flashed, and the teleportation car disappeared quickly, while Jiang Ma was still standing there. He was completely immersed in the memory, and the corners of his mouth slowly began to smile.

   Those seven days changed his life.

   "The senior of the Ci Hangzong."

   Lin Zhu whispered, "It gives a little girl almost the same feeling as Yangmei."

"I think so too," Zhou Shu sighed. "She even used her compassionate heart to save the chaotic city of Xiancheng. This kind of compassion is unique in the heavens. Except for Yangmei, I can't think of anyone else. Now, if she can meet Yang Mei, she will definitely cherish each other."

   Lin Zhu couldn't help but said, "Senior, don't worry, we will definitely find Yangmei."


   Zhou Shu nodded.

   Zhao Yue thought about it for a while, "Cihang is very powerful?"

"It's not so powerful, it can be said to be Cihang's Supreme Technique. For a long time after the collapse of Jianmu, the immortal world has been in chaos. Foreign enemies are watching, but the major sects are fighting for power until they are met. In the disaster, they decided to set up a fairy court in Luofu Realm to rebuild the order of the fairy world, but in the party that established the fairy court, some people still did not cooperate, and they wanted to clear the enemy sect and even kill people. Seeing that everyone was going to fight again, When the fairy garden could not be established and everyone else was at a loss, the Great Immortal Cihang came to the world and expanded the Cihang Heart Domain, covering the entire Luofu Realm. The Heart Domain lasted for a full 100 days..."

Zhou Shu's eyes were burning, showing a lot of yearning, "During these hundred days, no one moved to kill anymore, Xian Ting was established smoothly, and the future order of the immortal world was also established, and if there was no such thing as the great fairy of Cihang The behavior, the immortal world today is probably the same as in the past, disordered and chaotic."

   Zhao Yueru gave a few praises and was surprised, "This is the first time I have heard of this kind of thing. No one in Shushan talked about it."

   Zhou Shu snorted coldly, "There are too many things that the master sect did not say, and this one is not bad."

   "The current sect in charge, alas."

Zhao Yueru sighed and thought for a while, "The Great Immortal Cihang made such a great contribution to the establishment of Xianting, but today there are almost no disciples of Cihangzong in the immortal world, and there seems to be no Cihangzong in the sects in charge of the past. , Shouldn't it? Is it because Daxian Cihang gave up by himself?"


Zhou Shu nodded," Great Immortal Ci Hang said, Ci Hang Sect does not join in Xian Ting, does not participate in Xian Ting affairs, only presents when necessary, and in the era when everything is smooth in the heavens and there is no disaster and no evil. Hangzong will be hidden and try not to appear in the world."

   Lin Zhu said quietly, "Such an era will never come."

   Zhou Shu sneered, "Anyway, the hiding of Ci Hangzong is definitely not because of the peace of the heavens."

   No one has objections.

  I just returned from a battle involving the fairy world, who would think that the heavens are peaceful.

  Zhao Yueru paused, "The senior Jiang Ma saw probably wanted to follow the actions of the Great Immortal Cihang and use Cihang's mind to change the face of Xiancheng and let the people in Xiancheng establish a new order?"

   Zhou Shu's expression was slightly condensed, and he sighed, "It is a great immortal legacy, but..."

   Lin Zhu looked at him, "What's the matter?"

Zhou Shu slowly said, "She should be a quasi-sage. It’s not difficult to teach these people in Xiancheng. She can achieve the goal, but she forcibly uses her mind and has maintained it for three days. At least one hundred years of life will be lost if she maintains Cihang’s mind within a quarter of an hour. In those three days, even if she has a very high cultivation level, she may have tens of thousands of years of life. For a group of incurable people, not worth it."

   "Ten thousand years of life?!"

Lin Zhu was shocked. She was most sensitive to Shouyuan. Back then, she practiced Demon Cultivation Techniques at the cost of losing Shouyuan. Although she quickly achieved Golden Core, Shouyuan was very few. If it weren't for Zhou Shu to continue her life. , She might have died long ago.

   "True self-sacrifice, compassionate sentient beings, fearless."

   Zhao Yueru feels ashamed, only admiration and admiration, "But her hard work is not completely wasted, at least one person has changed."

"The price is too great, alas," Zhou Shu sighed and said slowly, "but this is just my personal opinion, and it may be normal for her. If you save someone and give everything, she will feel it is worth... It's impossible to do it, I only have respect for her."

   Zhao Yueru nodded, "Me too, I can't even think of it, I really want to see her."

   "She's probably gone, right."

   Lin Zhu lowered her head, very sad.

   Zhao Yueru became sad, "She knew that the deadline was approaching, so she left her inheritance to Jiang Ma for those seven days..."

   "I said what do you think?"

   Zhou Shu looked at the two and shook his head, "How can someone with such cultivation level lose tens of thousands of years of life and the end is approaching? I promise she is still there, and I may still know where she is now."

   "Huh? Where is she?"

   "No wonder you don't ask anymore, do you know who that senior is?"

   The two opened their eyes wide and looked at Zhou Shu curiously.

   Zhou Shu said thoughtfully, "I don't know, but she should still be in Abyss City."

   "Abyss City, is it the fairy city where Xiao Su had been? The one that would run around?"

   "I also heard her say that you brought her back there."

The name    is not unfamiliar to them.

Zhou Shu nodded ~www.ltnovel.com~ It's there. Although I don't know the past of Abyss City, it should not be much different from Jiang Ma. And the crack Jiang Ma said, I must be the abyss of Abyss City. The crack, because I have seen it in Abyss City, and it is no different from what he said, the crack is indeed hell. "

   The two were stunned, "What a coincidence..."

   Zhou said calmly, "Unless there is an Abyss City in these heavens, otherwise it would be such a coincidence."

   "I heard that there are many celestial pillars in the abyss, and many people are imprisoned on them?"

   "The senior of the Ci Hang Sect, won't he go down to save people?"

   The two suddenly thought of something, and their faces changed.

Zhou Shu nodded, "The senior of the Ci Hang Sect found that the use of the mind was not effective, so he thought that the crack was the source of the problem, so he went down to save people, but for some reason, she had to come out. At this moment She met Jiang Ma and left what should be left. She went again seven days later, but this time, she failed to come out."

   "Even she is trapped inside?"

   "How many people are hiding in Abyss City..."

   The hearts of the two were shocked, and a lot of panic unconsciously grew.

   (PS: Thank you Hugher for your continuous support, and thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for collection~~)


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