Fairy Winner

Chapter 3322: You go ask him

Leaving Wanmuting, Qingque followed behind.

She frowned, "Shu, you are a little harsh on him."

Zhou Shu sighed, "I hope it will be the last time, but when will the greed in his heart be eliminated? A headache."

Qingque nodded, "I know, but people are greedy, and they can't make progress without greed."

"Yes, but the problem is that this guy is not a human being. He is a divine tool that regenerates itself from heaven and earth. Dedicating to heaven and earth and living beings is the essence of the divine tool. Only by doing this can he have the opportunity to become a sacred tool," Zhou Shu Weiwei Shaking his head, "It's just a matter of reconciling him and the old scholar, both of them are in the wrong direction."

Qingque seemed to think, "Where is the old sword."

Zhou Shu only shook his head, "Jian Lao may be a little worse, obsession is much harder than greed, I can only do this step."

Qingque sighed slightly, "The artifact is also troublesome."

Zhou Shu nodded, "It's for sure that it is more troublesome than others. The more you think, the more troublesome it is. Kunlun mirror might be better like this."

Qingque paused and owed Zhou Shu, "Shu, I don't know much about artifacts, but when I saw Hu Lao Jian Lao and they have been working hard for Xian Shu City, they said that. Now think about it. It’s better for you to be right, and you are also thinking about them. I was wrong."

Zhou Shu helped him up and said warmly, "It's okay, it's your greatest strength to be able to point out my problem, and I also have a lot of problems..."

Qingque covered his mouth and said softly, "You are the emperor, you can't admit your problem, I can say, you can't."


Zhou Shu smiled and nodded, "Qing, let's go to the lotus school."

Qingque lowered her head, "Yes."

The lotus sect is located in the east area of ​​Xianshu City and occupies a small area. Its appearance is almost exactly the same as the original lotus sect, except that the spiritual veins are replaced by the immortal veins, and the cultivator becomes a cultivator.

Of course, there are not many disciples, maybe less than ten in total, and only those who are trusted by Zhou Shu may come in.

On the square, King Jiang guarded the Hundred Ghosts chariot, and did not leave a step.

Zhou Shu frowned, "Didn't you let you go to rest? After decades of driving, you are not tired?"

Seeing Zhou Shu coming, King Jiang hurriedly saluted, "I'm not tired, I want to help the King guard these things, how can I leave."

"Nothing will be lost in the Holland music pie."

Zhou Shu was a little helpless, pointing to Qingque and said, "Introduce, she is Qingque and the city lord of Xianshu. You can find her if you have any questions in the future, such as where to practice and what resources you need. Of course, she What you need to do, you also try to do it."

Jiang Ren Wang was startled slightly, bowed to Qingque, and said, "Okay, but I have no problem. I will always follow Ren Huang and stay with me."

"You guy."

Zhou Shu frowned and looked around, "There is a snow puppet, you follow it, wherever it goes, you can do whatever it does."

"I see, I will follow the orders of the Emperor."

King Jiang made a salute and rushed to the side of the puppet in a flash. The puppet left, he also went, the puppet stopped, he stopped too.

Qingque was stunned, "This King of People is really the same as you said before. He will do whatever you say?"

Zhou Shu nodded, "Almost."

Blue Sparrow seemed thoughtful, "Then why do you tease him? You are testing his loyalty?"

"No, it's just that I've been watching him for decades, now it's annoying."

Zhou Shu smiled and shook his head, and strode up the mountain, "Just leave him alone, he will be busy later."

On the mountain, a few people surrounded Lin Zhu, chatting very deeply, and they didn't seem to notice Zhou Shu.

Lin Zhu found out and walked over quickly, "Senior, you are here."


Zhou Shu smiled and nodded, and said warmly, "What are you talking about?"

"The little girl has been listening, listening to what they said about you, senior..." Lin Zhu hesitated and complained, "The little girl now knows how hard you have been in these years, and how are you all on the road? Don't say it."

"There is nothing to say about those things."

Zhou Shu smiled and knocked on Caiying, "It must be Caiying who talks too much."

Caiying looked back at him with a look of dissatisfaction, "Zhou Shu! Why hit my palace again, obviously other people said more!"

Zhou Shu thought for a while, as if it made no sense, "I don't know, I'm used to it."

"Why aren't you used to hitting others, it's damning..."

Caiying rubbed her head and whispered, but there was a smile in her eyes.

Lin Zhu smiled and looked at Zhou Shu, "Senior, the little girl heard from Xuemei that you have already prepared a lot of materials for the teleportation array, so let's start now and try to make the teleportation array as early as possible."

Zhou Shu paused, "Don't worry, you just came back..."

Lin Zhu just shook his head, "It's okay, not tired at all, everyone is busy now, and the little girl is not willing to rest."


Zhou Shu sighed slightly, "I really have to hurry up. I heard that the immortal world is already moving. I'm not sure when I will come over. If I can get the line up sooner, I can feel relieved. I have already made many puppet parts. , And then assemble it according to your needs, it should be enough for you."

Lin Zhu said happily, "That's the best. There are no puppets in the Kuiwei realm. It's a lot of trouble to do things. It is still the seniors who understand the little girl."

"I also told her to rest. I'll be ready tomorrow morning, just waiting to be squeezed... Ouch!"

Caiying held her head and jumped a few steps away, "You... my palace is going to fight you decisively!"

Zhou Shu said indifferently, "Go, fight with Yueru, I don't have time."

"Sister Yue went to train her mind, she said it will take many years to come out."

Caiying murmured a few words, and said depressedly, "This time she defeated all the other towers, and the palace will beat her again, I am afraid it will take more energy."


Bian Xue, who had never spoken, couldn't help but laugh.

"Sister Xue, why are you laughing, do you think this palace can't beat her?"

Caiying crossed her waist, but she couldn't get up anyway, she soon lost her energy, and said, "Can't beat, that...that's the reason for the sword. The sword intent of this palace won't be lost to anyone. , Even if it’s sister Yue, even if..."

Talking about what she thought of, staring at Zhou Shu, "The sword of the palace needs promotion!"

"I feel so too."

Zhou Shu nodded, the suppression of evil was still obtained in Oetingna in Crescent City, and it was a little bit unable to keep up with Caiying's progress.

Caiying shook her head, and said solemnly, "I don't think I'm going to look for it."

"What are you looking for?"

Zhou Shu is a little puzzled~www.ltnovel.com~ What materials are needed to suppress evil? No, the chance of suppressing evil becoming a Taoist weapon is very low, so it is not easy to start from this aspect. "

"No! Why did you forget everything? Don't care at all!"

Caiying pointed to Zhou Shu, her words were a little unclear, "My palace... My palace will be **** off by you!"

Zhou Shu paused, and apologized, "There have been too many things recently, and a lot of things have been neglected. I'm sorry Caiying, you can make it clearer."

"Did not say."

Caiying snorted, turned her head, and squeezed for a while before whispering, "When Xiao Zhao comes back, you can ask him."

(PS: Thank you Hugher for your continuous support, and thank you book friends who have subscribed to vote~~~)

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