Fairy Winner

Chapter 3330: This is important

The same thing, Zhou Shu repeated to Liang Zhang again.

Liang Zhang also left in a hurry, perhaps even more anxious than Xie Xun.

Returning to Wanmuting and observing the bustling central area outside, Zhou Shu let out a sigh of relief, "It's almost over."

"End what?"

Caiying came over curiously.

Zhou Shu patted her head, "This busy period is about to end."

Caiying said thoughtfully, "Yes, you are too tired during this period of time, and even the soul shadows are not busy."

"Everyone is the same, not me," Zhou Shu shook his head subconsciously. When his eyes fell on her, there was a hint of disgust, "Oh, except you."

Caiying became unhappy and said with her arms akimbo, "My palace, my palace has also helped a lot, okay?"

Zhou Shu snorted, "If you also know some formations, you might be able to help."

Caiying was very unconvinced, "I didn't do anything less about running away, and I helped you cut down a lot of mountains. Isn't the immortal veins of those realms also changed by this palace?"

"Then count your help."

Zhou Shu waved his hand to avoid entanglement with her. This time was really exhausted.

Yuntong is mainly done by Lin Zhu, but she only does the last step. There are many puppets in the previous preparations, which were solved by Zhou Shu alone. There are more than 50 teleportation formations and nearly 10,000 puppets, even Zhou Shu. They are all a bit unbearable, and nearly 10,000 Xuan Huang Jie were completed by him alone. Although Xuan Huang Jie is not difficult to refine, the material is the fallen branches of Jianmu, and the properties are sufficient. The main thing is to communicate with Jianmu. Strength, but this kind of thing can only be done by him who is extremely familiar with Jianmu. The helpers that might have been, Older Hu and Older Jian are all in retreat, and they can't count on them. Among them, Older Hu even needs one of his soul shadows day and night. Continuous preaching.

Tired, tired, the key is that Zhou Shu is still in a weak period, and finally had to fill in a few soul shadows to complete these tasks.

But it was also a last resort. If the formation could not be completed as soon as possible, the following things would not be possible, and Zhou Shu could not leave Xianshu City for half a step.

"Master, the disciple has almost learned it."

Xue Nv walked over, holding a black yellow ring in her hand, and said respectfully, "See if it can be used?"

Zhou Shu took it, the ring flashed a soft green light, and the surrounding was full of vitality. He nodded in satisfaction, "Okay, it can be used out of the domain, it is enough to meet the requirements," he looked at Xue Nu, he was very pleased, "still you can help me."

Xue Nu nodded earnestly, "It is right to share the worries for the respected teacher. From now on, Xuan Huang Jie will leave it to his disciples to prepare."

Zhou Shu paused, "What about your seventeen dojos?"

Xue Nu whispered, "If you tell Master, you can take care of the clones of the disciple. If you just preach, the disciple should try not to make mistakes."

Zhou Shu nodded, and said gently, "I am so relieved to have you, and I will trouble you in the future."

"The disciple continues to do things. When Master is free, the disciple still wants to listen to Master Shu Zhidao's guidance."

The Snow Girl retreated slowly, walked to the edge of Jianmu, and disappeared quietly.

It’s worth mentioning that Xuenu and Jianmu are almost barrier-free to communicate. The relationship between the two is very close. Jianmu even allows Xuenu to live on Jianmu. This is something Zhou Shu didn’t do, and it’s also very enviable. For example, Caiying who looked straight at the snow girl was like that.

"Every time I think about it, it won't work, this is a broken building!"

She angrily said, "They are all heaven and earth elves, why do you favor one and the other, Zhou Shu, please ignore him!"

Zhou Shu knocked her once and warned, "Don't talk nonsense, you are a practitioner now, not an elf. Besides, the sword spirit is not the same as the natural elf."


Caiying touched her head, just dissatisfied.

Zhou Shu smiled and said, "Well, you are no worse than anyone. I guess among us, you were the first to be promoted to Hunyuan Jinxian, right?"

"I can see it, this palace still wants to give you a surprise."

Caiying frowned, but quickly became proud and straightened her waist. "Ten years! At most ten years, this palace can be promoted."

Zhou Shu smiled and nodded, not surprised, he could see Caiying's growth.

When it comes to understanding of sword intent, Caiying is still above Zhao Yueru, because she is a sword intent, but this does not mean that she is better than Zhao Yueru, and the two have their own merits.

Caiying's strengths are widely tolerated. As long as she is a sword intent, she can understand and use it skillfully. With her own sword body, her future is unlimited, while Zhao Yueru only cultivates a sword intent, highlighting the extreme of a specialization, and has reached the peak. It will never be bad.

The two walked differently, but both had the potential to become a sword master.

Qing Ying floated in and fell beside Zhou Shu, seeming to perceive Zhou Shu's exhaustion, walked behind him, and gently beat his shoulder.

"Qing, sent it away?"

Zhou Shu felt good and closed his eyes slightly.

Qingque smiled and nodded, "Well, I also walked a few circles with him. He was worried that Yuntong would hinder his body, and he didn't believe it."

Zhou Shu said calmly, "The teleportation formation will not affect the body, this is the most special formation between heaven and earth."

"The Liang Miao don't understand either."

Qingque lowered her head and said thoughtfully, "Shu, I look at him, it seems that Liangmiao Kingdom really wants to join in."

Zhou Shu calmly said, "I don’t really want to, but it will be incorporated. No matter what the Lord of the Liang Miao Kingdom thinks, the Wu Clan is behind the Liang Miao Kingdom. In the eyes of the Wu Clan, the meaning of the Liang Miao Kingdom’s existence is to connect to the outside world. The passage, as long as this passage is stable, it doesn’t matter who is in charge. Now they have the opportunity to change this passage from a good seedling country into a better Xianshu city. There is no reason not to agree."

Qingque was a little worried, "But in this way, will the Wu Clan intervene in Xianshu City?"

Zhou Shu's voice became colder, "They can't even intervene. I said that a witch clan will not be allowed to enter the outer domain from here. This guarantee will always be valid to grab the position of Xianshu City? This is not the witch world, even if they have the courage, It depends on whether they can do it."

Qingque thought for a while and said, "That's right, the Hundred Ghost Chariot is still parked here, plus Zhu Rong's assurance, Xiang Liang Xiangmiao didn't have the guts to do it."

Zhou Shu looked back at her and said with a smile, "Xianshu City has a formation, and it is not weak."

Four eyes meet~www.ltnovel.com~ Qingque must have responded, "Yes."

Zhou Shu turned around, "There should be some time spent in Hazhi country."

Qingque said with confidence, "Once the Liangmiao Kingdom is incorporated, they will definitely come, and then you and Lin Zhu will be busy again."

Zhou Shu smiled and nodded, "I'm not afraid to be busy, I'm afraid that I'm not busy."

Qingque paused, and said worriedly, "Shu, they wouldn't notice it?"

"You said that Yuntong has nothing to do with the formation?" Zhou Shu looked solemnly, "This matter is very important, except for us, no outsider can know about it at the moment, and remember it, but I am not trying to prevent it. Two of them, they are nothing."

"We know that it is to guard against the immortal world."

The few people present responded together with serious expressions.

(PS: Thank you for your continuous support, and thank you book friends who have booked and subscribed to vote~~~)

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