Fairy Winner

Chapter 3365: Floating Island Dialogue

Outside the Xianshu City array.

Two people sat opposite each other on a small floating island with a radius of hundreds of miles.

"I didn't expect to see you again, man."

The speaker was a middle-aged man with a long and sturdy body and an exceptionally handsome face. His eyes were faint and dull. The gray and loose robes were casually placed on his body, lying half-lying and half leaning against a small tree, idle. I'm too lazy, and I feel a pity to see this good skin.

"Hehe, I'm also quite surprised, you haven't traveled to Outland for many years."

Opposite him was an acquaintance, Xie Zheng, the former Fu Guo of Hazhi. At this time, Xie Zheng was relaxed, even with a slight smile, without the usual majesty.

"Ten thousand years, or longer?"

The middle-aged man thought for a while, shook his head and said, "I don't remember, ten thousand years and one day are not much different to me."

Xie Zheng sighed, "You are really comfortable, envious."

"How about you?"

The middle-aged man raised some spirits a little, and his eyes focused on Xie Zheng, "Old Xie, you have been staying around, are you planning to help Xianshucheng?"

Xie Zheng shook his head, "I didn't plan, otherwise I wouldn't sit here and watch it, right? Actually, I wanted to help Zhou Shu, but he didn't want to. He even kicked the old man out, saying that it was not enough. When the country took the shot, hey, this kid is really confident."

The laughter was cold, but there was no complaint on his face.

The middle-aged man seemed to think, "He is not only confident, I think he has considered the consequences before doing this."

A cold light flashed in Xie Zheng's eyes, "What can be the consequences? Can I still fight over?"

"That's almost certain," the middle-aged man rarely nodded seriously. "If your Hachi country intervenes this time, the people in Xianting will immediately abandon Xianshu City and turn to attack Hachi country. Those three people will definitely Come here, and I must also take action, it is impossible to watch the fire from the other side."

Xie Zheng paused and sighed, "I still don't understand your fairy garden, is it necessary?"

The middle-aged man stretched his waist and slid down a bit, "I don't know Xianting, but I know Xianting likes doing this kind of thing, especially Xuanlingzong."

Xie Zheng's expression was slightly condensed, and he slowly said, "Unconsciously, Hachi Country seems to have inherited Zhou Shu's love again."

The middle-aged man said leisurely, "At most, more than a dozen realms are gone. It is not a big loss for you. What do you care about? Speaking of it, your current personality seems to have changed a lot, compared with the Xie Zheng I knew before. , It seems... it doesn't seem so difficult anymore."

Xie Zheng smiled slightly, "I don't know if you are exaggerating or demeaning, anyway, I don't care, heh, you haven't changed at all."

"Doing the same thing every day, ten thousand years like a day, how can it change."

The middle-aged man yawned and almost collapsed on the tree. When he fell, his eyes suddenly lit up, as if he couldn't hide his resentment, and suddenly slipped out.

Xie Zheng stared at him and suddenly showed a lot of solemnity, "I still don't know why you are here, isn't it good to stay in Ming Yaotian? You ventured out this time, and you will be investigated and questioned by Xian Ting after you go back. For you and the family, it is another disaster."

The middle-aged man shrugged his shoulders, barely propped up half of his body, with a hint of doubt, "Hey, didn't you say that you don't know Xianting, how can you guess this?"

"I didn't know Xianting, and I had never been to Xianjie."

Xie Zheng said slowly, "I didn't guess it, but calculated it."


The middle-aged man almost jumped up, "Rely on astrology? Can you actually see what happened to me?"

Xie Zheng nodded, "Vaguely, but I can see a little bit."

The middle-aged man stared at Xie Zheng, his eyes changed a few times, as if he was deciding something, and after a long time he sat back, "You have indeed become stronger, how did you do it? Your astrology is our law of destiny, and different paths lead to the same goal. That's it, to be able to make a breakthrough in the law of destiny, this is definitely not achieved by cultivation... Could it be that you usurped the position and used the entire Hachi country and the Hachi people's fortune to forcibly improve your astrology?"

Xie Zheng said angrily, "I am the auxiliary country, not stealing the country!"

The middle-aged man said with a shy face, "Hey, just talk about it, I'm curious, you know, it's hard to make me curious now. Besides, I'm not coveting your law of fate. I learn this thing. No, I can't touch it at all."

Xie Zheng sighed unconsciously, "You still haven't learned it? The curse of your clan is still there, alas."

"Nonsense! That's not a curse!"

The middle-aged man pointed to Xie Zheng and hummed, "I have said that many times, it is bad luck, at most, the blood is not suitable."

Xie Zheng shook his head, "You always say it's bad luck, but I think it's a curse, otherwise how could something like that happen? For so many years, no one in a large group of people can learn the highest law, and even understand it— , Your blood is so noble and powerful, you can't even have a talented child, just use luck to explain what you think is possible? It must be a curse, a terrible curse, if it weren't for this curse, you would have been The most powerful practitioner in the heavens..."

"Don't tell me, I've heard enough."

The middle-aged man waved his hand, "No matter what it is, no matter how much you say, it will not change."

Seeing him look cold and discouraged, Xie Zheng also felt helpless, "I won't say that, but I think you can definitely get rid of this..."


The middle-aged man smiled bitterly, looked at the green leaf-like formation in the distance, and said nothing for a while.

"The formation of Xianshu City, the three of them can't break."

Xie Zheng followed his gaze and slowly said, "There are two reasons why my astrology has improved, both of which are related to the city lord of Xianshu."

"He still has such an ability?"

The middle-aged man turned around and recovered his lazy appearance, "What's the matter? Could it be that he summoned some artifact for you, or he is proficient in the law of fate? Hahaha!"

Xie Zheng said oilily ~www.ltnovel.com~Wow, you are half right. "

"What, can he really summon the artifact for you?"

The middle-aged man shook, his eyes widened and said, "Don't you say that he is proficient in the law of fate. I don't believe it or dare not believe it. If he can do it, he really belongs to that position. The court can't change either."

Xie Zheng said hesitantly, "Half of what I said, it's not that one of these two answers is right, but that both answers are half right."

The middle-aged man was a little more relaxed, with a few question marks hanging between his eyebrows, "It turns out that it is, but what does it mean to be half right?"

"Explain to you slowly," Xie Zheng looked at him and said thoughtfully, "However, even if he is not proficient in the law of fate, the position you mentioned is none other than him. It seems that I am right. At least I If you think so, no one can change it."

(PS: Thank you wangc1111 for your continuous support, and thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for collection~~)

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