Fairy Winner

Chapter 3379: It was him

"What's weird?"

Zhou Shu smiled, also very proud, "I have been waiting for this moment for a long time."

The accumulation of many years has finally reached the harvest time.

The opportunity that triggered the harvest was this war. Although Zhou Shu did not personally participate, he clearly perceives every battle and everyone in the war. He seems to be incarnate in ten million, with his soul on everyone, and A lot of experience was gained from it, such as the application of Tao and law, etc.

Usually there is no such opportunity.

The doubts were solved one by one, and the avenue that was originally full of mist was fully revealed.

The rest is to go up and over.

Qingque said with joy, "Great! You will basically not die when you reach the Golden Immortal Hunyuan!"

"That's it, is it easy for me to die in your eyes?" Zhou Shu glanced at her and smiled unconsciously, "I won't die now, but after promotion, I can indeed take longer steps, so I am not afraid. It's an egg."

"Always say these strange things..." Qingque was stunned, and said, "Shu, when will you be promoted?"

Zhou Shu calmly said, "It will take another 20 to 30 years to fully recover, and then go to cross the catastrophe. If it goes well, you can be promoted."

"Ah! Isn't the human being without catastrophe? Why do you want to overcome the catastrophe?"

Qingque was taken aback, and frowned, "I never heard that human practitioners have to overcome the calamity to advance to the realm, even if they are quasi-sages, they don’t need to. Every practitioner walks up from Zaxian all the way smoothly. Practitioners occupy the welfare of the fairy world, which is different from other races."

Zhou Shu gently shook his head, "I know, what I want to cross is not the realm of calamity, but the Dao calamity."

Qingque seemed to understand something, and became even more nervous, "Are you planning to use Shu Zhidao to promote Hunyuan Jinxian?"

Zhou Shu smiled and nodded, warmly said, "Yes, a new way of life. It is necessary to rely on it to become the Golden Immortal Hunyuan recognized by the immortal world. I think the possibility of not falling into the calamity is very small, so I have to do well. Preparation for the robbery."

"Is this... too dangerous?"

Qingque no longer had joy on her face, she was all worried. She didn't expect Zhou Shu to use Shu Zhidao for promotion.

Isn't it good to use reincarnation or some rules to reach Hunyuan Jinxian?

Zhou Shu said indifferently, "As long as it is crossing the catastrophe, there will be danger, but this is a step I have to take. Using Shuzhidao to get promoted far exceeds the benefits of using a certain rule. It is worth risking. Everything is dangerous."

Now that Shu Zhidao has become his most important strength, it is time to become his master law.

He thought very clearly, using Shu Zhidao to promote Hunyuan Jinxian, and if he did it, it was almost equal to that hundreds of rules would be promoted to the control stage.

He also intends to use this opportunity to cross the catastrophe to integrate the law of reincarnation into the Tao of Shu, and become one of the laws. He has broken some key points, but this is not something that can be achieved by cultivation or epiphany. Such big changes, such as things like the number of calamities, come to force them into it.

"What do I need to do?"

Qingque looked at him who was determined, and didn't say any more. There was nothing wrong with what he had decided, just support.

"Actually, it's nothing," Zhou Shu sighed slightly, with a trace of worry, "there are still too few people who practice Shu Tao."

Qingque seems to have realized something, "If there are many people practicing the Tao of Shu, they can provide you with strength and help you better overcome the catastrophe? I don't understand it, but it should be so."

"Yes," Zhou Shu looked at the sand table and said slowly, "Roughly there is only one Snow Girl in the city that can provide strength. Although she is strong enough, what I need is not a strong individual, but a loyal group. There are a lot of people who are sincere in the way of comfort."

Qingque thought for a while and said, "Aren't there many small circles in Xianshu City now promoting Shuzhi Dao? And those dojos."

Zhou Shu shook his head, "It's useless. Their Dao and deeds are not enough. It will take at least a few hundred years before they can feed back my strength. Those alien races in the demon refining world have been in contact with Shu Zhi Dao for a long time, but they have not formed a good one. The system, almost no enlightenment, does not meet the requirements, and the people in the dojo are not loyal enough, believers are not counted, and their strength is not pure enough. It is impossible for them to stand against me."

Qingque subconsciously said, "Then wait a few hundred years..."

"Can't wait, who knows what will happen hundreds of years from now, we must prepare as soon as possible for Xianting's massive attack," Zhou Shu looked at her and smiled, "I can't wait any longer. The road is right in front of me, and I can see the new world when I walk up. It’s not a good thing to make me bear it."

The blue bird only nodded, with more worry in his eyes.

Zhou Shu said slowly, "If I had been preaching for thousands of years, promotion would have been much easier, but now it can only be so."

Speaking of which is very radical, Shu Zhidao has only been born for more than a thousand years, and it has only been developed in the heavens for a few hundred years, and it takes at least four to five thousand years of accumulation for a Tao to mature and become the help of the founder. At the very least, it is a situation of great luck. Many Taoisms have matured in tens of thousands or even tens of thousands of years.

By the way, in that era when there were so many avenues and saints emerged, many kinds of Taoism matured in a very short period of time, helping founders to be promoted and even become holy. It’s just that such a golden age is no longer possible. The sky is not the Xuanhuang Realm back then. There is no such environment where everyone is going to the Dao. Everyone hopes to make a breakthrough in the Dao, fruit the Dao, and become a saint. But now the practitioners in the heavens follow the law and hope Rely on the power of the law to reach the realm of saints.

Qingque paused, "There has been no news from Tianshui Realm."

Zhou Shu nodded, "Yes, the people there practiced Shu Tao very early and were very religious. If the Tianshui realm is not occupied by the fairy realm, those people can help me now."

Qingque's expression changed slightly, "Shu, when it comes to early cultivation, isn't there an earlier one?"

"Are you talking about the Xuanhuang World?"

Zhou Shu was also shocked, "I don't know the situation there, and I don't know how Shu Zhi Dao is developing now, and even if there are a large group of people practicing Shu Zhi Dao on Xuan Huang Jie, I can't receive their feedback~ www.ltnovel.com~ They are still in the edge of the sky, too far away."

"That's it, when I get out of my mind."

Qingque lowered her head, very depressed.

"Not necessarily," Zhou Shu thought of something, his eyes lit up, "Someone can temporarily tear apart the edge of the heavens and establish a channel with the heavens. I don't need much time, as long as I have the time to say a few words, I It’s enough to get Shu Zhidao’s feedback, if there is any feedback."

Qingque raised her head and said in surprise, "Ah, who is it that can tear the edge of the heavens?"

Zhou Shu paused, "Heavenly Dao Pu Lao."

"So it's him..."

Qingque was stunned for a moment, and his emotions were agitated for a while, but quickly returned to normal, "If there is a way, how can we find him?!"

(PS: Thank you Dalong for your continuous support, and thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for collection~~~)

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