Fairy Winner

Chapter 3385: Really convinced

"This should be the core of the source, how to communicate?"

King Jiang Ren walked around a big oval stone, shaking his head from time to time, showing his depression.


Zhou Shu nodded. The stone looked like a piece of black amber, covered with a thick layer of colloidal matter. It was crystal clear but impenetrable. A huge breath of life exuded, and it felt a little warm, but it was touched. Bounced, not very close.

King Jiang explained, “The Emperor may not know that many realms in the Dragon Realm are like this, and the core of their origins for creating realms is the Dragon Egg."

Zhou Shu curiously asked, "Does the dragon also lay eggs?"

He knew that Xiao Gun was a metamorphosis, that is, he transformed and promoted step by step, and Jin Xuan seemed to have been a small dragon since he was a child. As for other dragons, Zhou Shu rarely saw him, so he was too embarrassed to ask.

King Jiang was stunned, "I don't know if all the dragon races lay eggs, but there must be some who lay eggs, otherwise, where did the core of these realms come from."

Zhou Shu didn't realize it, "Your answer makes me scratch my head, King of People."

"I'm a bit confused."

King Jiang pulled off his beard and said in deep thought, "It is said that no one knows how the dragons produced their descendants, and those dragon eggs are produced by the reproduction of most dragons and other races such as half-dragons, which is impure. It’s not a true descendant of the Dragon Clan, otherwise it wouldn’t be used as the core of the origin, so unfortunate."

"That's it."

What did Zhou Shu think of? King Mu hated the dragon clan. Was that the reason? Unconsciously, I was also fortunate for King Mu, he was lucky that he did not become the core of the source.

King Jiang continued, "In short, many of the origin cores are formed by dragon eggs. It is a kind of permanent imprisonment. They will not communicate with other races. I tried to contact him just now, but there has been no response. He is sure I heard it."

"I'll try."

Zhou Shu walked to the egg and slowly said, "I have friendship with Pu Lao. His projection is not here anymore. Does he have any news for me?"

He repeated the same words a dozen times, all in a different language.

King Jiang Ren stagnated, "Human King, what are you saying, why don't I understand a word? Is it all in Dragon language?"


The dragon language is of course not difficult for Zhou Shu, he even knows Zulong's dragon language.

The dragon egg, which had never reacted, shook slightly and gave out a faint light, covering Zhou Shu in it.

King Jiang wanted to squeeze in, but to no avail, he could only wait by the side.

After a while, the light disappeared, Zhou Shu bowed and smiled, "Thank you, I'm sorry."

"Ah, got the news?"

Jiang Renwang looked surprised, "He really communicated with you, and still listen to you?"

Zhou Shu smiled faintly, "It makes sense for Pu Lao to choose to keep the projection here. He is from Pu Lao. I know where it is now. Let's go."

It's the King of Humans, King Jiang praised a few times, took out the dung fork to open the way, and shoveled it up.

Zhou Shu remained calm, but there were many worries in his heart.

Pu Lao’s projection was attacked before he had to leave. Dragon Egg didn’t say who attacked Pu Lao, but he could drive Pu Lao’s projection away, and he would definitely not be the weak. Speaking of which, Pu Lao himself had encountered it. Trouble, I am afraid it is difficult to help Zhou Shu.

And the place where Pu Lao went

He also asked about the situation of Dragon Egg by the way.

Like what Jiang Ren Wang said, the dragon egg is indeed the product of the combination of the dragon clan and other races, but unlike what Jiang Ren Wang said, they are not unlucky at all.

They have their own consciousness, exist in another form of life, and there is no small hope for promotion. After all, there is a world when they are born, and there are many resources for use. Therefore, becoming the core of the source is the best way out for the dragon egg. One is that if they are really hatched, the impure dragons are often discriminated against and are unlikely to have a good status.

The dragon eggs that can become the core of the source are the ones who are most loyal to the dragon clan, because there is no chance of being unfaithful, and the dragon clan doesn't want his own world to resist.

The one who was talking to Zhou Shu just now obviously had a sense of superiority.

Uh, Zhou Shu doesn't know whether he should be lucky for King Mu.

King Mu greeted him, "Why, is there a result, sir?"

Zhou Shu pondered, "Mr. Mu, have there been wars in the Five Realms of Pu in the past few years?"

King Mu thought for a few moments, and said with certainty, "No, my world is very peaceful. If something happens to the five worlds of Pu, I will definitely know, what's wrong?"

"I'll just ask."

Zhou Shu smiled, "Mu Wang, I will be away for a while, and I will go to Xuchang in a few days."

"I see, sir."

Mu Wang very seriously agreed, although a trace of depression flashed in his eyes.

After the Demon Abyss Mayfly returned to the silent void, Zhou Shu unfolded the boundary map, his eyes fell on a point, thoughtfully.

Following Zhou Shu's gaze, only a piece of pitch black was seen, which was particularly conspicuous on the star-lit world map. King Jiang's expression changed slightly, "Is this the abyss of darkness?"

Zhou Shu was a little surprised, "You know too? It seems that not many people in the fairy world know this."

"Well, I heard from the old man."

King Jiang nodded, "He said that the Great Dark Abyss is the largest ancient battlefield around the Dragon Realm. The worst war between the Dragon Race and the Immortal Realm is there. For hundreds of years, there have been thousands of Dragon Races, and Hundreds of thousands of people in the immortal world were buried here. There was too much power that erupted here, and even the void was changed, and finally a huge abyss of eternal darkness was formed. It is said that those who pass by will be sucked in by the abyss and cannot come out again."

He looked at Zhou Shu with a sad face, "Human Emperor, where are you going? There seems to be no boundary?"

Zhou Shu calmly said, "The message from Pu Lao said it was there, King of People, you don't have to go."

"The Emperor, do you look down on me!?"

King Jiang jumped up and said angrily, "Since I am determined to follow the Emperor, there is no reason to leave halfway!? As long as the Emperor is going to go, let alone a huge dark abyss, even the Luofu Realm and the Dead Realm, I Without blinking!"

Zhou Shu made a gesture ~www.ltnovel.com~ Wen said, "Don't get excited, I'm just used to asking."

Jiang Ren Wang sat down, still a little dissatisfied, "Human, I actually don't like this habit. You should get used to my following. No matter where you are, no matter what you do, you must feel that I am here, and I will definitely die. In front of you."

Zhou Shu froze, "I will try."

King Jiang Ren nodded repeatedly, and eagerly said, "Go! It's not too far away, it will be there in half a month. I just happened to see how terrifying the Great Dark Abyss is!" He paused, and said with some guilty conscience, "More How terrible, it will never exceed Luofu Realm and Dead Realm."

Zhou Shu smiled, "You said that the dead zone is the Jiuyou dead zone? I've been there for a while, and I have a ghost king inside."

"Ah, the King of Humans raises the King of Ghosts, still in the Nine Nether Realm?"

King Jiang was shocked, and it took a while before he came back to his senses, "I'm really convinced."

:. :()

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