Fairy Winner

Chapter 3388: Do you want to try 1 Echo Show?

Pu Lao stagnated, and then sneered, "There are fewer suspects? Zhou Shu, do you want to come to Tongtian Pagoda again? Don't dream! After the last Tongtian Pagoda, the fairy world has completely sealed the exit, and there is no one in the entire fairy world. The coordinates for you to transmit, even if you send it down to a tower to the sky, no one can come up. It will only turn into dust in the turbulence."

"That was not what I meant."

Zhou Shu quickly denied it, but was a little more curious, "Did we find the loophole last time?"

Pulao paused, "After a few calamities, the coordinates of the immortal world in the Xuanhuang world are still a loophole. There are only a few that have not been discovered by the immortal world, but you have found them. Otherwise, even if you have the sky Tower, it is impossible to reach the destination."

Zhou Shu thought for a while, "It seems that we are lucky, I believe that you have helped a lot."

Pu Lao yelled, "Don’t come to me, I’m too lazy to care about you, you said it’s not passing the Tongtian Tower, then what are you going to do? Just pull up the person you want, and don’t think about such stupid things. will happen."

Zhou Shu shook his head, "I don't want people, they will come up by themselves, what I want is the Tao."

"Dao, what kind of comfort did you create?"

Pu Lao thought of the old things, "The last time I passed on for you, Shu Xin Jing, is this?"

"Yes, that's a supplementary version. Actually, Shu Zhidao has been circulating in the Xuanhuang Realm for a long time," Zhou Shu was excited a lot, "Heaven, you should be able to see it in the Xuanhuang Realm." , How is Shu Zhidao's situation now?"

"I don't know, I don't know much about the Xuanhuang world." He hesitated for a moment, "I can't understand too much."

"Ah, you have lost control of the world?"

Zhou Shu's face changed slightly, what's going on, if that's the case, it's troublesome.

Pu Lao was quite dissatisfied, "I didn't say that, but the origin of the Xuanhuang Realm is awakening faster and faster, and his influence on the Xuanhuang Realm has gradually grown. Of course, he wants to compete with me. Far away, I am too lazy to take care of him now, so I am much lazy to take care of the Xuanhuang World."

Zhou Shu noticed something, "You didn't prevent Origin from waking up? You were afraid of affecting him, so you weakened your control over the Xuanhuang Realm?"

Pu Lao was uncomfortable, "Are you so smart and useful?"

Zhou Shu smiled, "I'm just a little surprised, I didn't expect that Tiandao was already cooperating with Origin."

Pu Lao scolded, "They are all locked up in one prison, can we fight again? The result will only be worse."

Zhou Shu shook his head quickly, "No, this is great, God, how is the origin of the Xuanhuang Realm now awakening?"

"Wake up is fast. Now he has less and less nerves for no reason, but what if he wakes up? The traumas in the past few times were too great, and the heavens did not have such a big disaster. Even if he wakes up, he recovers. It’s not as good as it used to be if it’s self-will, alas.

Pu Lao sighed secretly, but his disappointment was beyond words.

Zhou Shu's expression was slightly condensed, there is no essence core that has suffered more than the original source of the Xuanhuang world, because there is only one that can survive similar sufferings, but Zhou Shu’s view is different from that of Pu Lao, the source of the Xuanhuang world. The core is 100% able to recover because there is a building block.

Of course, this cannot be said to Pu Lao yet.

Zhou Shu paused, "Heaven, temporarily opening the channel will not affect him?"

"probably not."

Pu Lao said solemnly, "Zhou Shu, I know what you want to do. You want to accept the Taoist power of the followers of the Xuanhuang Realm, right?"

Zhou Shu was very calm, "Yes, I need to cross the road now. If there is enough Dao power, it will be very helpful to me."

"Dao Jie?"

Pu Lao was startled slightly. Although he understood what it was, he couldn't hide his surprise, "You want to cross the tribulation? Are you planning to use the cross tribulation to promote the Golden Immortal, that is, you regard your Tao as your most important thing. The power of, and disregarding the law of reincarnation that you have mastered, are you sure you want to take this step?"

Zhou Shu was very calm, "Of course."

Pu Lao dignified, "Zhou Shu, your heart is very strong, but I want to ask you one more question, do you really think that the power of your Tao can surpass the law of reincarnation? It is good for the founder to have such confidence, but It’s best to recognize the essence of your Dao. If you have gone through all the hardships to get promoted, but your strength is not as good as a golden fairy who uses advanced rules, what should you do? You have no way to change it. It is better to choose the best The safe way, is the law of reincarnation bad?"

Listening to Pu Lao's words, the king Jiang Ren next to him seemed to be a little tempted.

He actually felt a little wrong. The law of reincarnation is the highest law recognized by the heavens. There is no doubt that it is powerful. With the law of reincarnation, Zhou Shu can enter the control stage at any time, and then it is not difficult to reach the quasi-sage, a quasi-sage of the law of reincarnation. Few people in the heavens could be the enemy, but Zhou Shu gave up without hesitation. He wanted to use his own Dao for promotion and had to cross the Dao. It was said that this was a calamity that was more troublesome than the good fortune.

Of course, it was just tempting. He wouldn't do it if he changed him, but Zhou Shu is a human emperor after all, so whatever he can do is reasonable.

Zhou Shu laughed, looking a little happily, "God, this is the first time I have been taught from you. After all, you used to give me a catastrophe without saying a word. Hehe, your teaching is quite reliable. But I can’t accept it. I’ve decided long ago and will not change.”

"I mean, you think I'm really good for you."

Pu Lao snorted, as always, "A founder, but he needs believers in the Xuanhuang world to pass on the power of the Tao. It seems that you have failed these years. If you replace anyone else, you can at least develop a few Believers in the world, if your Tao is really useful."

Zhou Shu smiled and nodded, "I believe he is useful, it must be useful."

Pu Lao snorted, "It's not difficult to open the channel, but the duration is very short, at most a hundred breaths. If you are really ready, I can help you, but you are sure that you don’t understand Shu Zhi before opening the channel. Don’t let that side be prepared for the situation of Tao? If you open it, but there is no power of Tao to pass on to you, I don’t care what you don’t get, but it’s wasted my power~www.ltnovel.com~ Then it’s not guilty Forgivable."

Zhou Shu saluted, "God, if you can pass what I want to say first, then I will be more grateful to you."

"Want to try to show the saint?"

Pu Lao thought of something and smiled.

"The manifestation of the saint can only be done by the dragon, ah! You are the dragon."

Staring at Pu Lao, Zhou Shu's eyes brightened several times, and he couldn't suppress his excitement, "Is it really possible to do it? If it is a Manifestation, the effect will be good!"

An extremely tall and glorious self suddenly appeared in the Xuanhuang Realm, preaching the Tao of Shu to the whole world, saying that those who believe in me will have eternal life, such things, thinking about this kind of thing makes people excited.

Can't stop.

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