Fairy Winner

Chapter 3395: Lied to me

One by one Dao seeds were thrown into the abyss.

Zhou Shu perceives carefully and concentrates on it.

As a founder, he can perceive everything the Taoist has experienced.

The King Jiang in the distance looked shocked and helpless. Zhou Shu was undoubtedly a meat bun hitting a dog. He wasted his strength in vain. To do this kind of thing when he needed his strength the most before crossing the catastrophe is absolutely self-defeating, but I couldn't persuade him, because I was beaten back a dozen times.

Now he would be beaten as long as he got closer, so he might as well watch him quietly. It was not that he was afraid of being beaten, but that Zhou Shu would be affected even more.

I don't know how long it took, Zhou Shu suddenly shouted, "God!"

After a few breaths, Pu Lao's shadow slowly emerged, with a mocking color, "What do you do? I'm anxious before three days? I told you that this abyss is not something you can touch, here it is. Crossing the robbery is looking for death."

Zhou Shu hadn't heard of it, and just looked at him, "God, you lied to me before."

Pu Lao shook his body and couldn't help but shout, "What did I lie to you?"

Zhou Shu looked at him and smiled, "God, you can stay here, but you can not only rely on the blessings of your ancestors. Although you are not a saint, you still understand the abyss."

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

Pu Lao rebuked loudly, but looked a little flustered.

Zhou Shu said seriously, "Heaven, I can actually calculate the law of power in the Great Dark Abyss, but three days are not enough. Why don't you tell me the last step? I can assure you that after the catastrophe, no Then use the power in the Great Dark Abyss, everything here belongs to you."

Pulao stopped, his face became serious.

"Do you really see it?"

This sentence was spoken word by word, with strength.

Zhou Shu frankly fearless, "In ten years, I can stay in it for a few days, in 50 years, I can use the power in it, and in two hundred years, I can detonate the abyss and make it completely... You definitely don’t want this. Right, the Great Dark Abyss may be your last asset and the guarantee of your comeback."

"Are you a threat?"

Pu Lao sneered unconsciously, his body trembled violently, and the pressure slowly dissipated.

It was as plain as a breeze, but pointed directly at people's hearts. There was no way to resist. The guarded King Jiang suddenly palpitated, he half-kneeled, his face distorted, and the mayfly hissed, unconsciously backing away. Meng Ji who had lost his life, instinctively still feared the coercion of the strong dragon.

Zhou Shu, who had brought the soul into the Taoist furnace earlier, stood still, although he seemed to be a little tired, "Tiandu, I don't need much, but you get more."

Pu Lao breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that he couldn't do anything, "Zhou Shu, how do you ensure that you keep your promise."

Zhou Shu said calmly, "I am the emperor, and I guarantee the validity of my words."

Pu Lao disapproved, "Ke Renhuang has always been our enemy."

Zhou Shu shook his head, "No matter who it is, keeping promises is basic."

Pu Lao sneered, "The Emperor Xuanyuan never kept his promise. Our dragon race has left the Xuanhuang Realm according to the promise and established the Dragon Realm in the remote heavens, but he still entangled and brought people to fight the Dragon Realm. If not, why did the Yinglong clan end up in such a field and linger in this cemetery?"

Zhou Shu paused for a long time, "He is him, I am me."

Pu Lao was silent for a few breaths, "Fine, I believe you once, but I will not believe in the emperor."

"Thank you."

Zhou Shu breathed a sigh of relief.

The threat played a role. Pu Lao never hoped that the great dark abyss would disappear or fall into the hands of other people, not only because his projection was hidden in the abyss, but also because it was the source of his power.

After repeated trials of Dao species, coupled with uninterrupted deduction and calculation, Zhou Shu seemed to have some enlightenment.

Every time a Dao seed enters the abyss, after the first few breaths, the subsequent attacks are almost the same, such as the attack sequence of different powers of the law, the time interval between the powers of the same law... There are several here. How can the power of a hundred mixed laws be the same for every attack?

It can only be explained that the power of the law here is actually not mixed, or controlled by people, or has long formed a harmonious combination similar to the formation.

Either way, it shows that there is a specific law to follow, but how could Pu Lao who has been living in it not know this law?

This law undoubtedly comes from the law of order.

Although there are many types of laws and powers in the abyss, no matter what the power of the laws, they will be affected by a law, that is, the law of order. Even the laws of the same order will be affected by this. This is not surprising, the highest law The mutual fetters affect each other, such as the entangled fate, the inexplicable desire for reincarnation, etc., and they are all affected by order, to a certain extent, they accept the arrangement of order, and each is in place.

You know, Zhou Shu's law of order was "taught" by Pu Lao.

The Thunder of Order in the Secret Realm of Guixu, and the later Tribulation of Order, all came from Pu Lao's guidance.

Although Pu Lao is a dragon, his law of order has undoubtedly surpassed his control, and because of this, he can come and go freely in the abyss. Zhou Shu even suspects that the signs of violence outside the abyss are from Pu Lao. Design, in this case, as long as there is no quasi-sage who transcends the law of order, Pu Lao can monopolize this place alone.

At first, Pu Lao might have to rely on the blessings left by his ancestors, but after staying here for too long, he gradually understood the law of order.

As a result, he began to use the Great Dark Abyss to practice the law of order, and gradually grew until he surpassed the law. The withered Yinglong clan could no longer give him much help, and this place slowly became the source of his power.

Zhou Shu himself didn't have much time to study in the abyss, even if he had, Pu Lao might not give him a chance.

But he doesn’t need it very much either. His focus is Shu Zhi Dao, and he has hundreds of laws. He can gradually promote the law of order without the special environment like the Great Dark Abyss. In addition, his law of order is close Controlling, it only needs to go one step further to reach it, which is enough for Shu Zhidao, he doesn't need to compete with Pu Lao for this place.

In this step, he needs Pu Lao's help, which is to let Pu Lao tell him the law of power of law in the Great Dark Abyss.

These laws are derived from Pu Lao's tens of thousands of years of experience summary ~www.ltnovel.com~ It has greatly promoted Zhou Shu's law of order, and it is very possible to break through in one fell swoop.

You don't need all of them, as long as the dozens of highest laws are enough.

As long as he mastered the laws of the power of these laws, he could avoid these forces when crossing the catastrophe, so as to make the most of the great dark abyss to cross the catastrophe.

His personal maximum is only, and the influence on the abyss is negligible.

Zhou Shu believed that Pu Lao would agree to him, because Pu Lao had no more choices.

Are you going to kill Zhou Shu?

Let's not talk about whether it can be done or not, even if it is done, it will not do any good for Pu Lao. On the contrary, it will lose hope again, possibly the last time.

(PS: Thank you Longxian for your monthly ticket support, and thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for collection~~~)

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