Fairy Winner

Chapter 3399: Madman

   The body is like a dust, and the Tao furnace is also a dust. It sinks and floats in the abyss, whether it is or not, only the Tao can be found.

   In this tribulation, the body basically has no effect, so Zhou Shu chose to temporarily abandon it.

Integrating the body into the law and the power of Dao couldn’t be simpler for Zhou Shu. Only this time there is no Divine Soul connected with it. The only way to connect the two is through Shu Zhi Dao. If Zhou Shu can’t break through and promote smoothly, the Divine Soul will certainly not go anymore. Complete, the body will not be placed.

   Left in place, there is only a real shadow of spirit and power.

   But soon, the real shadow slowly became nothingness, until it completely disappeared into the abyss.

   It seems that Zhou Shu no longer exists, but it is everywhere. In the area before, Zhou Shu is everywhere.

   Perceiving all this, Pu Lao was shocked.

   It's really rare to get out of the body to cross the catastrophe.

   The body is the greatest guarantee against the calamity, but Zhou Shu even directly abandons this guarantee, using the purest Dao power to respond to the calamity.

   has a sense of breaking the boat.

   are all crazy.

   shook his head, Pu Lao stared at the void and waited silently.

   successfully turned a large abyss into his own Zhou Shu, as if he was in another form of life, feeling it with great interest.

Affected by the soul, different laws and powers seem to be part of Zhou Shu's body. Samsara is the hand, order is the head, creation is the foot, the five elements are toes, balance is blood, and yin and yang are some hairs... He can exchange and change at any time. He is like a newborn child, trying what rules are more suitable for what part, and having fun.

   Of course, this is just incidental fun to assist the breakthrough of various laws.

  The power of these laws will be transformed into the power of Shu when it breaks through. Before that, it is necessary for the spirit and power to be familiar with each other.

   A little bit of time passed, and the great dark abyss began to change.

   Under the outer violent vortex, a small vortex slowly appeared.

   It was generated by the power of the fast flowing law, not the change of the abyss itself, which meant that Zhou Shu's law breakthrough had begun.

Driven by the spirit and the original power, the power of the laws became solid and luminous, which stood out compared to the surrounding vortex. They were like tough threads, paralleling each other without interference, in the abyss. It rotates back and forth, and the speed becomes faster and faster, and in this acceleration process, many of the power of the law that belonged to the abyss, gradually attached to the silk thread, from the water mist to a drop of water, and finally became a part of the silk thread.

   More and more forces entered the breakthrough stage, and more and more lines appeared, totaling nearly two hundred.

  They are Zhou Shu's law of power.

   The colors are different, the thickness is different, and the appearance is bright and shiny. Those lusters originate from Zhou Shu's soul. Now the soul guides the power of the law to break through, and in the process, they will gradually merge into the power.

   The vortex turned faster and faster, the silk thread became more and more solid, and each other became closer and closer.

   It seems that it is already a huge grinding disc of substance, rather than a vortex in motion.

Around the millstone, there is a vacuum area that is not too large. The power here has been completely absorbed by Zhou Shu's law, but it has reached the extreme because of it. If you want to absorb more, the excess power is natural. It’s blocked outside. Zhou Shu didn’t expect this before. When a large amount of power is continuously running along the same law, there is actually no need to separate power to block external forces, because external forces cannot come in at all.

   eliminates the effort of blocking and identifying impurities.

   Pu Jao looked at all this and was more shocked.

   He couldn't understand how Zhou Shu wanted to overcome the catastrophe, but he could see that the power of these hundreds of laws was under Zhou Shu's control.

   How is this done? With his law of order, it is impossible for so many forces to act according to the law. Could it be said that Zhou Shu really understood so many laws?

This guy……

   soon changed again.

   The whirlpool is turning to a certain extent, or the power of the vortex is purified to the extreme, and the breakthrough has reached another stage. When the power of the colorful laws like silk threads begins to gather towards the center.

   The whirlpool turns faster and faster, getting smaller and smaller, and harder.

   seems to have become a shield that cannot be broken, no force can hurt it.

   At the same time, the silk threads that had been parallel before began to merge.

  Red, black, yellow, green... In the process of turning, they broke the unbreakable barrier between each other, and slowly combined together, the colors began to become messy, and the vortex became violent.

   There is a lot of movement.

   There was a constant crackling sound, and sometimes thunder light appeared, bursting out clusters of smoke, it looked like a vortex was blown out of a gap.

   really desperate.

  Pulao secretly sighed.

He has never seen such a fierce promotion process. Most practitioners are promoted to Hunyuan Jinxian, which is a smooth promotion of the law, basically there will be no conflicts, which is like the current Zhou Shu, it is almost like fighting, and It is the kind of deadly battle that must be divided between the winners and the losers, and the one that doesn't stop at the end.

   Now he also knows that Zhou Shu is promoting a lot of rules at the same time, is it just necessary?

   At this time, he also understood a little bit, why Zhou Shu had to abandon his body in advance, if he let his body be added to this process, who knows what it will become? Maybe after the robbery is over~www.ltnovel.com~ Zhou Shu will have only one head left.

  Pulao was right, the vortex at this time was the battlefield.

In the vortex, the forces of various laws are fighting together, but they are not a melee, and they will not distinguish the winners or losers. All processes are under the guidance of Zhou Shu. Only the forces that break through to the degree of control are qualified to fight. The end result is that they become Shu Zhili together, not one side completely disappears.

   While the battle continued, the whirlpool did not stop turning.

Gradually bulging in the middle of the whirlpool, it is something light white, not transparent, looks crumpled and a little messy, but with a breathtaking luster, like a baby just born, young, It is full of the brilliance of life.

   That's right, this is the freshman Shu Zhili.

   The power of the law that has reached the level of control is fusing into Shu Zhi Li, under the guidance of Shu Zhi Dao.

   With the appearance of this Shu Zhili, the battle suddenly became fierce.

The power of those laws seems to have been greatly inspired, speeding up the speed of conflict and fusion, explosions one after another, the vortex is chaotic, large chunks of smoke surround the entire vortex, and the vacuum area around the vortex , Suddenly expanded a lot.

   These naturally fell into Pu Lao's eyes.

   He was already shocked, this phenomenon can only explain one thing, the strength of the new birth is likely to exceed the power in the abyss of darkness!

   The power in the abyss gave birth to fear for it, and it would involuntarily avoid it.

   (PS: Thank you Ye Yu Xiaoxiang Hua Xian Xia for your continuous support, thank you book friends who booked and subscribed to vote~~~)


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