Fairy Winner

Chapter 3402: Benevolence

   Bai Xi passed quickly.

   The heavens and the Xuanhuang world are no longer connected.

   The torn crack closed quickly, without any light coming out, but the void was still shiny.

   That light comes from Zhou Shu.

   In the hollow of the giant dark abyss, Zhou Shu had already stood up, and his whole body was emitting a shiny golden light.

   At this time, he had opened his eyes, and those deep eyes seemed to contain infinite wisdom and fighting spirit.

"bring it on."

   Zhou Shu raised his head to the sky and let out a low growl.

   As far as the momentum can be reached, the abyss retreats, and Pu Lao in the abyss is also stagnant, and he takes the initiative to challenge Dao Jie?

   This is something that Pu Lao unexpectedly and impossible to think of. He has also survived many calamities. He can only earn his life in the face of the great calamity, and then beg for good luck to give him a chance. It is impossible to actively challenge the calamity like this.

   But for Zhou Shu, this is what he wants to do.

Supplemented by Shu Zhi Dao of the Xuanhuang Realm, many laws are integrated, Shu Zhi Li has reached its own limit, and Soul has been completed, completely integrated with Shu Zhi Li, at this time, the whole body is full of power, and no one will move. Decisive victory, when to wait.

   He had a clear hunch that he won this time, and Shu Zhi Dao would be irreversible, and it would surely become the Dao Da Dao, going everywhere.

   And if he loses, Shu Zhidao is not lucky, Zhou Shu himself no longer has the value of survival.

   The void slowly opened.

   is not torn but to open.

   is a seam first, and then separated to the left and right, square, like a door.

   There are still a pair of eyes behind the door, but there is no more compassion in those eyes, with some surprises, and a hint of joy.

   has been observing Pu Lao with both eyes, his mind suddenly shaken, he has a foreboding that something different is about to happen.

   The huge claws came out, and Jie Lei fell in time.

   The thunder is still green and gold, but it is no longer solid, transparent and shining, washing down like a waterfall.

In the midst of the robbery, Zhou Shu still stood, but with a trace of surprise on his face. This was a little different from what he imagined. It was not so much a robbery, but rather a reward. He could clearly understand Perceived that this robbery thunder was helping him freeze his way, washing his soul.

   Is the calamity passed, or is it a sign before the final calamity comes?

   But no matter what it was, he was prepared enough.

   The robbery thunder continued for ten breaths. As it was at the beginning, it disappeared immediately, and the door in the void began to close. When the door was about to close, a little golden light flashed, falling like a meteor.

   Pu Lao burst into ecstasy, "That's the mark of a saint!"

   There is nothing wrong, the imprint left by the saint is fresh out, and it may have just been written by the saint behind the gate.

   The strong and irresistible will of the saint descended slowly with the golden light.

   staring at the golden light, Pu Nao couldn't help but yelled, "Zhou Shu, catch it!"

To get it is to get the approval of the saint. From then on, Zhou Shu will become the candidate of the saint. If nothing else, the chance of becoming saint in the future is great. There have been many saints in the heavens, but like Zhou Shu It is extremely rare to receive the blessing of the saint directly.

   Pu was so envious that he couldn't restrain it, but he didn't dare to grab the mark.

   Gifted by the saint, if other people interfere, they will be punished by the saint immediately.

   Zhou Shu looked at Jin Guang, but his expression became solemn.

  The closer the golden light is, the clearer he can see. It is a solid and empty character, "Benevolence".

Perceiving the will of the saint in it, he seemed to have some enlightenment. Once he catches the word "benevolence", it will be deeply imprinted on the soul, and it can no longer be eliminated. It can indeed bring infinite benefits to himself, such as very Immortality to a large extent is immortal, and the souls protected by the saints can only be destroyed by the power of the saints, such as obtaining the power of the saints through the mark, such as...

   But these benefits also have a price, that is, becoming a saint running dog.

   By the way, the saint running dog is not derogatory, it means that the saint runs for the saint on their behalf.

For ordinary practitioners who want to be sanctified, becoming a saint running dog is definitely the best way out. There is no one, but for Zhou Shu, it is not. Zhou Shu is a founder, he has his own way, and he lives his life. He must fight for his own way. He can't let his own way be stained with other traces, even if it is the will of a saint, he can only be himself, not a disciple of anyone, even a saint.

   So the question is, how can he reject the word "benevolence"?

   The door has been closed, and the will of the saint is impossible to return.

   was also unexpected, but he got the approval of a certain saint in the robbery of the crossing, but he had a new problem after he was completely satisfied.

   If the word Shu is dropped, Zhou Shu may still have a slight chance of accepting it, but he would never want the word "benevolence".

  He can't learn benevolence.

   Zhou Shu looked at the abyss and shouted, "Pulao, come here, this mark is for you!"

   The abyss parted suddenly, and a figure appeared in a panic, shocked and ecstatic, "What, don't you want it?"

   Zhou Shu nodded vigorously, "I don't want it, here you are!"


Pu Lao was about to rush up, but soon calmed down and hesitated back into the abyss, "You hurt me, that is what the saint gave you. If you give him to me, will you not be afraid of the saint's sin? You are not afraid, I But afraid."

   Although he wanted it very much at that moment, in the end reason prevailed.

   Watching Pu Lao retreat hurriedly, Zhou Shu sighed secretly, knowing that something was not to be done, but the mark was about to fall, what should I do? I knew that King Jiang and Demon Yuan mayfly stayed here, and the King would definitely agree, and the mayfly must agree if it didn't.

   "You really don't want it?"

   Pu Lao’s voice came from the abyss~www.ltnovel.com~ Zhou Shu said loudly, "Of course, I don’t accept it!"

   He shouted to Pu Lao and also to the mark of the saint, but it seemed to have no effect. The mark was not obedient, so he looked for him.

"Don't you carry the Xuanyuan sword?" Pu Lao said solemnly, "He should want it, but he may not be able to do it. The sage mark is for you, and other people may not be able to accept it, and it won't be possible if you receive it. effective."

   By the way, Xuanyuanjian.

   Zhou Shu's eyes lit up.

This is indeed a very good choice. Old Jian always wants to improve his strength and find out the truth about Emperor Xuanyuan. He probably won't refuse the blessing of the saint. Although he has Xuanyuan Dao, he is not a founder. Besides, Xuanyuan Tao itself also has the meaning of "benevolence".

   "Thank you!"

   Zhou Shu yelled and began to summon his body.

   Now Zhou Shu is just a spirit, everything is on the body.

   This is obviously not difficult.

   Just a little bit of Shu's power was released, and before he could feel the progress of Shu's power, Zhou Shu, to be precise, Zhou Shu's spirit, suddenly trembled, and immediately turned into a stream of light, and went straight into the abyss.

   This is obviously not Zhou Shu's original intention, because he still has a lot of surprises on his face.

   The mark of the saint floating in the air also changed direction, and plunged into the abyss following Zhou Shu.

   The Great Dark Abyss separated immediately, making way for Zhou Shu and Imprint.

   (PS: Thank you Hugher for your continuous support, and thank you book friends who booked and subscribed to vote~~~)


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