Fairy Winner

Chapter 3406: Sword Repairer

"It's weird, Emperor Human."

King Jiang Ren looked into the distance and said suspiciously, "We have all circled for more than half a circle. Just now we passed through the realm of quasi holy treatment. He didn't come to look for us. What's the matter? Did he not recognize us?"

Zhou Shu was also a little puzzled, "It's not that the quasi-sages have true vision, and they must have seen me."

King Jiang thought for a while and said with joy, "Maybe it's not the quasi-sage of the immortal world, or doesn't know you at all, that's fine."

Zhou Shu said slowly, "It's good for us, but it's not necessarily for King Mu. If he doesn't come because of us, then he may stay here forever."

"That's no way, it's impossible to drive away, let's fight now...ah! He's here!"

King Jiang Ren exclaimed, and a beam of light from a distance swept over, looking towards this direction, but the invisibility of Demon Abyss Mayfly obviously had no effect at all.

"I'm here after I say, stop."

Zhou Shu was very calm, the mayfly was hanging in the air, and it stabilized after trembling twice.

A gray-robed old man with white beard and hair suddenly appeared thousands of miles away, carrying a simple and dark sword box behind his back, and his eyes swept over like electricity.

It is Jian Xiu, but not Shu Shan Jian Xiu.

This was Zhou Shu's first impression. Most of them were not from the fairy world.

Zhou Shu raised his hand, "I have seen fellow Taoists."

After going through the Dao Tribulation, Zhou Shu always regarded himself as a founder, unless he met a saint, no matter who he was, he would never be called a senior again.

The old man frowned, but did not show anger, "Who are you?"

Zhou Shu smiled faintly, "Do you want to stay here to prevent people from entering the Xuchang world?"

"One more move."

The old man shook his head, seeming to sigh, and suddenly stretched out his hand to grab Zhou Shu.

Zhou Shu stood still, flipped his right hand and took off a transparent spear, stabbing it towards the old man, while the mayfly under him pulled away and bounced away. The speed was surprisingly fast, and he flew tens of thousands of miles with Jiang Ren Wanghe in an instant. outer.

This was because they had discussed it early, and when they met the quasi-sage, Zhou Shu could only go there alone.

The old man seemed to have a hint of interest, and he shook the spear away, turning the spear in the air, and still stab the old man.

The old man watched the spear approaching him, his speed increased unabated, and he flew straight to dozens of miles. Only then did his eyes flashed with surprise, the light flashed, the spear broke every inch, and collapsed like an avalanche in a few breaths, but it fell. The fragments still persisted a little, and did not completely disappear until Baizhang.

He looked at Zhou Shu, "You are very weird, where did you learn it?"

Zhou Shu calmly said, "Why did Fellow Daoist make a sudden move?"

"Really unnecessary."

The old man sighed slightly, and reached out his hand to catch again.

Zhou Shu waved his sleeves one after another, several solid and qualitative spears, coming first, and blocking each other in front of the big hand.

The big hand is not aware of it, still moving forward, and the speed is not reduced at all. The spear turns suddenly and turns into a few long ropes, entangled the big hand with extreme force, and you can see the traces of the rope being pulled into the hand. .

The old man's face changed slightly, he let out a sneer, struggling a few times with his big hands, and continued forward with the rope.

In the process of rushing, the ropes were still tightening, but after all, they were too weak. When the big hand was about to approach Zhou Shu, several ropes had been broken away, scattered into flocs, unable to sustain, and flying everywhere. .

Zhou Shu let out a low cry, with both hands flattened out, a shield appeared, suddenly leaning in front of him.

The big hand was in the center of the shield, with a few muffled bangs, the shield shattered, and the big hand was finally exhausted and turned into a cloud of smoke.

The old man paused, his eyes narrowed, "This kind of power... are you cultivated by those in Xianting?"

Zhou Shu took a few steps back and slowly said, "Xianting, does it have anything to do with me?"

"It's really unnecessary to ask you."

The old man shook his head, only a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, "I see a lot of you, a kid like you. Only when you are **** can I speak well."

The sword box on his back flew up and fell in front of him. The old man put his hand on the sword box, his eyes suddenly sharp, as if he had become another person.

The sword box shook, and the sword light flashed.

The blue light came through the sky, but a thousand miles away, the sword's intention reached the light.

The sword intent swept across the air, Zhou Shu was instantly shattered, leaving nothing but nothing in place.

The old man was slightly surprised, and he murmured, "Is it because I didn't control it well and the power was used too much? It shouldn't be, how could the old man's sword intent make such a ridiculous mistake."

When he was surprised, a figure quickly took shape in the void thousands of miles away.

It wasn't Zhou Shu who could still be, there was still a trace of panic on his face, but the panic quickly turned into joy.

The old man’s sword intent is indeed domineering, and the sword intent is like the autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves, and the laws are withered. You can't even resist it, but not all the laws are completely eliminated by the sword intent. For example, the law of reincarnation can be temporarily stable. , Then Shu Zhili, who embraced these laws, could naturally find a chance to leave, and all his body and soul merged into it, quickly shifted his position and avoided the blow.

The first time he faced the attack of the quasi-sage, it was inevitable to be panicked, and the joy afterwards was normal.

The quasi-sage in front of the sword repairer is quite strong. It uses sword intent, which can overwhelm most of the laws. The sword box is mostly a Taoist weapon. If he can even avoid his attacks, then avoid other quasi-sages. It is not difficult, indicating that Zhou Shu has a strong ability to protect himself.

King Jiang, who was hundreds of thousands of miles away, couldn't help cheering when he saw this scene.

There was only one, before the second call, the old man’s gaze was swept over, the sharp sword intent made him feel stagnant, and then he ran back in a panic, but fortunately, the old man just glanced and did not pursue. the meaning of.

The old man looked at Zhou Shu and said slowly, "You..."

After only saying a word, he stroked the sword and pressed it, and a sword light came.

Zhou Shu's face changed slightly, but when he saw the sword light, Shu Zhili took advantage of the trend to wrap him up and flee away like dust.

This is an instinctive reaction, and it is also Shu Zhidao’s self-protector, but what’s interesting is that when the power of Shu is fully exerted, there are some if there is a force from Xuchang world that has traced it, and it naturally merged into it. Inside the furnace.

In Xuchang circles, there are also people who adhere to the Tao of Shu.

This time the old man seemed to be angry, Zhou Shugang showed signs in another place, and the sword light appeared again, smashing him away like a shadow.

The ghost stays away~www.ltnovel.com~ Zhou Shu sighed secretly, and the body hidden in Shu Zhili began to wander around, wondering whether it should continue to appear.

Continue to come out, Jianguang will still follow, but if he doesn't come out...

He was still thinking about it, but the old man moved, and was landing where Zhou Shu had just disappeared. The sword box was swinging, brightening.

The intangible and intangible sword intent was scattered around, covering thousands of miles. The sword intent was interspersed and entangled with each other, like a dense net, scattered around in the void.

It was because Zhou Shu had nowhere to go and had to show up.

Feeling that the overall situation is settled, the old man laughed, "Are you still reluctant to come out?"

(PS: Thank you Hugher for your continuous support, and thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for collection~~)

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