Fairy Winner

Chapter 3408: Incompetent

"I really don't worry."

King Mu sighed and said sternly, "He has been in Xuchang for so long, and I can't find it. If you really want him to enter Chen Liucheng, I don't know what to do by then, and I can't order him... …It's really hateful, but such an outstanding talent can't be kept."

"It's not necessarily a talent."

Zhou Shu patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile, "It's okay, Xuchang circles will soon find the quasi saint inside."

King Mu's eyes lit up, "Mister has an idea, about the formation?"

"It's almost the same if you turn around a few more times," Zhou Shu nodded, confident, "Mu Wang, you want a simple or a complicated one. You can do it in more than ten years, but it only serves as a warning. The complicated one takes a hundred years or more. More time, but able to defend against the enemy."

Mu Wang thought for a few moments, "Can it all work?"

Zhou Shu smiled and said, "I know you will want it, yes, I will leave a soul shadow to help you, but I have to work **** my own materials."

King Mu directly aimed at the saint just now. Zhou Shu must remember this friendship. Xuchang Realm is in such a good position, relying on the Dragon Realm and the Devil Realm at the same time. , Enough to restrain the number of parties, such allies must be strongly supported.

"Thank you sir!"

King Mu was overjoyed and immediately bowed and bowed to salute, but Zhou Shu had been prepared and didn't let him really bow down.

The Demon Abyss Mayfly had already flown over, Zhou Shu separated a soul shadow, and let the Mayfly continue to observe Xuchang Realm, and he and King Jiang went to Xuchang Realm.

Chen Liucheng is much more prosperous than before, and even Zhou Shu was stunned. "It's hard to compare, you are more lively than many immortal cities, right? Where did so many practitioners come from? So many people come to do business in the outside world?"

King Mu said triumphantly, "The Dragon Realm is now a lot more open, and my place has just become a transit point. I also want to thank them for Xiaozhao.

Zhou Shu understood, "The materials in the Dragon Realm are all very good. If the goods pass from you, there will be more people. Is there news from King Mu, Jin Xuan?"

King Mu nodded, "There is news from Chi Long Country. Your companion named Xiao Gun must be alive, but I don't know where it is. I heard that Jin Xuan went to the Demon World to look for it again. Back."


Zhou Shu seemed thoughtful, he still had to go to the Demon Realm to take a look.

Mu Wang looked forward to it, "Sir, will you go to my place now?"

"I'll go around the city."

Zhou Shu still thought of the Shu Zhili that had been passed on before, and wanted to visit the dojo.

King Mu seemed to understand something, and apologized, "Then I will prepare first, and I will come to see Mr. later."

Along the way through the prosperous world, most of the dojos are overcrowded, and the doorways are endless. The three Shuzhidaos are all gated. Only the last dojo has barely a few people. Zhou Shu also secretly shook his head and noticed Zhou Shu’s Helplessly, King Jiang said dissatisfied, "These people don't know what is good or bad at all, don't care about the King."

Zhou Shu smiled faintly, "I don't care, this is normal."

When Zhou Shu was here, there were not many people. Now that Zhou Shu is gone, there are naturally fewer people.

Shu Zhidao is really difficult. Although the Shu Xin Sutra's several methods are very good and everyone wants it, there are very few people who can really learn it. Most people fall into shackles when they begin to understand Shu Zhidao. Instead, learn the power of lighter rules. A few people understand Shu Zhidao, but they find that they want to further integrate and become more complicated. They may not be able to make progress for thousands of years. Those with a low level need Shouyuan to give up, while those with a high level. Not willing to give up the original rules...

For these reasons, fewer and fewer people come to Shuzhi Taoist Temple. Although King Mu has been supporting him, for example, Shuzhi Taoist Temple is all free, and there are fairy stone rewards for learning in it, but even so, there are still very few people.

King Jiang thought for a while and said, "Human Sovereign, you have survived the tribulations. When it spreads, there will be more people in the future."

Zhou Shu smiled and ignored, strode into the dojo and stood straight in front of the stage.

The few people were about to get angry, but when they saw Zhou Shu's appearance, they immediately fell into ecstasy, "It's Mr. Zhou!?"

Zhou Shu nodded. The Shu Zhili he had sensed before came from these people, two true immortals and two golden immortals. "I remember you were all my students at the beginning. It’s really hard for you to hold on for so long. I ask you, do you really want to learn the Tao of Shu?"

"Shu Zhidao is what I ask for, what I have to do."

"I firmly believe that only by practicing Shu Tao can you become a real strong person."

"As long as you learn the way of comfort, no one can beat me."

The responses of several people were similar. It can be seen that these are people who really understand Shu Zhidao and also feel Shu Zhidao's future.

A light the size of a grain of rice appeared before them.

"This is... Ah!"

"The pure and vigorous Shu Zhidao seems to be calling me..."

"I seem to see everything."

All of them were taken aback, and then they were ecstatic, staring at the light in a daze, and muttering in a low voice, as if their souls had been hooked away.

Zhou Shu flicked his finger, and the rays of light fell into the palms of several people and quickly merged into them.

These are the Dao seeds of Shu. These people’s heart is oriented towards the Dao of Shu. After they get the Dao seeds, they can better understand the Dao of Shu, and even condense the heart. Zhou Shu can also directly give them strength through the furnace. Of course, the premise is that they have been Regarding Shuzhi Dao as one's lifelong desire, if you violate this point, Dao kind will be invalid.

Several people calmed down, bathed in the brilliance, and realized what they had gained.

Zhou Shu picked up a Shu Xin Sutra and attached it to Shu Zhi Dao. Anyone who reads this book in the future will benefit from Shu Zhi Dao practitioners. Many doubts encountered in the practice can be solved suddenly. At the same time, he will also understand himself. The Shu Zhi Li permeated and filled the room. The beams, screens, tables and chairs, and masonry were all integrated into Shu Zhi Li. Simply put, it turned this dojo into a way of practicing Shu Zhi Li. The Holy Land~www.ltnovel.com~ After doing this, Zhou Shu walked out calmly after looking at the few people who were still immersed in Shuzhidao.

Last time I only got four fruits by sowing the seeds, I hope there will be more this time.

At the door stood Mu Wang and a peerless beauty.

The beauty of the beautiful woman is still the same, but the cultivation base looks far worse, but the temperament is not diminished, her head held high, and the arrogance of the past in the eyes of Zhou Shu, "Mu Wang, the person you want your deity to see is him? You? Keeping the deity all the time, do you want the deity to be his prisoner? Then you are wrong, the deity would rather die than succumb to an incompetent person who can only deceive!"

King Mu's face changed suddenly, "Zhetian, what are you talking about? Don't be rude to your husband!"

Zhetian sneered, "The deity promised to live in Xuchang Realm for the time being, but never said that he would obey your orders. No one would even want to order the deity!"

(PS: Thank you Hugher for your continuous support, and thank you book friends who have subscribed to vote~~~)

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