Fairy Winner

Chapter 3413: Be quiet


Mu Yan woke up leisurely, only to feel uncomfortable all over his body, and could not help but let out a low hum.

Obviously hanging in the void, but not feeling cold at all, the surroundings are warm and pleasant, as if being in a spiritual spring fairyland.

Zhou Shu looked at her, "How do you feel when you wake up?"

Mu Yan subconsciously said, "Since I practiced, I have never been so comfortable. Why is this?"

Zhou Shu smiled faintly, "I mean, how is the recovery from the injury?"


Mu Yan blushed, and ran the mind several times, and could not help showing a lot of surprises, "The power to invade is gone, and the injuries are all healed. It is better than before I was injured, and my compassionate mind... Have you advanced? Otherwise, there will be so much more vitality in the power of compassion, and it will not be the same level as before! I have never learned to create laws."

She looked at Zhou Shu, her eyes straightened, her eyes filled with confusion.

Zhou Shu waved his hand, naturally not telling her about the use of Jianmu Zhiye, "I helped you adjust it a little bit. It is okay for the same school to help each other, it's no big deal."

"This is amazing too!"

Mu Yan stagnated and couldn't believe it, "If you can advance to the ranks with just a bit of conditioning, then cultivation is too easy?"

Zhou Shu looked slightly condensed, "This...in the power of compassion, I do have a lot of great things. If you want to understand, there will be opportunities in the future, but now I want to ask you some questions, pastor girl."

Seeing Zhou Shu's expression, Mu Yan quickly adjusted his clothes and said solemnly, "I see, Brother Zhou."

Zhou Shu slowly said, "How did you fall into the swamp?"


Mu Yan was stunned, "Are you talking about the magic mud? They were attracted by the Holy Shield Talisman. The magic energy in the world wanted to erode the Holy Shield Talisman, so they gathered and eroded the soil on the world. , Gradually formed the appearance of a swamp, it turned out that I just fell on the realm, and then watched the swamp formed, slowly sinking..."

She thought of something, and a little horror appeared on her face, "It sinks inch by inch, very fast, as if someone is buried alive. Every day I see this scene repeating in front of me... I thought I would never get out again. That's it, thank you Brother Zhou."

Zhou Shu shook his head, "It's mainly you who saved the saint."

"Holy woman... Brother, do you call her a holy woman?"

Mu Yan was stunned and muttered, "Why did she save me..."

Zhou Shu patted his head and quickly said, "Priest sister, don't worry about my name. It's okay if you call her a witch. In fact, she doesn't take saving you seriously. You don't have to think about it in your heart, such as what you want to repay. of."

Mu Yan thought for a while, and said seriously, "You will be rewarded for your kindness, but I also understand that the senior brother is right, and it is not appropriate for Ci Hangzong to make more enemies now."

"Well, don't talk about it," Zhou Shu nodded, "How did you fall into this world?"

Unexpectedly, the first Cihangzong disciple I met in the heavens was a talkative, and he especially liked to divert the topic.

Fortunately, the voice is very nice.

"I met the immortal catcher and ran all the way from Tingdongcheng. In the end, I didn't run. Because my flying boat was broken, I blamed the crafter Wang Dahui in Dongcheng. He said..." Mu Yan felt a little bit No, I quickly looked at Zhou Shu, "I'm not an immortal hunter opponent. In the end, I used the Holy Shield Talisman and beat him three times. When I woke up, I was lying in the swamp."

Thinking of something, she added, "My cultivation level is not enough, and I don't know much about the Holy Shield Talisman. I didn't expect that after using the Holy Shield Talisman, I would not be able to move. If I could move, I wouldn't necessarily lose. "

"I understand."

Zhou Shu said slowly, "What are you listening to Dongcheng? The city lord who listens to Dongcheng seems to be on the list of ten thousand evils, right?"

Staring at Zhou Shu, Mu Yan looked very surprised, as if he had heard something extraordinary, "Only such a fairy city has a place for a disciple of the Ci Hang Sect. Brother Zhou is also a disciple of the Ci Hang Sect. How could he not know? This is what Sect Master Cihang said. Every disciple knows that we can’t stay in a city that is not right with the fairy world.”

Zhou Shu looked slightly condensed, "Ci Hangzong now has a sovereign?"

"Of course there is a Sect Master..." Mu Yan realized something, her expression changed, "Zhou, you...Are you my brother? Why don't you know anything about Cihangzong? "

Zhou Shu calmly said, "I ascended into the heavens from the Profound Yellow Realm, from the Profound Yellow Realm Ci Hang Sect, not the Ci Hang Sect here."

"Xuanhuang World!"

Mu Yan exclaimed, and the people also stood up, "Ci Hang Sect of Xuanhuang Realm!?"

Zhou Shu was a little surprised, "You also know?"

Mu Yan stepped back in horror, and she couldn't help but say, "I know, and I told us that once you encounter a disciple of the Ci Hang Sect who claims to be from the Xuanhuang Realm, you must stay away! They must be liars. , The person sent by the fairy world to deal with Ci Hangzong!"

Zhou Shu was stunned, but soon understood, "Sect Master Cihang is a sensible person."

Mu Yan, who had already retreated, immediately walked back and said straightly, "Don't laugh at this sect master!"

"Not a mockery."

Zhou Shu calmly said, "You should stabilize your mind first. According to the logic, if you can cultivate the power of compassion to the level of Da Luo Jinxian, you won't become so flustered when you encounter something. I am a little wondering if you are. People from Cihangzong."

"You... the wicked sue first!"

Mu Yan was angry for a while, and said angrily, "Only the most pious followers of the Tao of Compassion can use the Holy Shield Talisman, no one can question my heart to the Tao!"

Zhou Shu said slowly, "Then you just be quiet and sit down."

Mu Yan hesitated, and sat back, probably knowing that he was not Zhou Shu's opponent, and it was impossible to escape.

Zhou Shu sighed slightly, "Your suzerain is right, the Ci Hang Sect in the Xuanhuang Realm was deprived of the right to ascend to an immortal, so the disciples of the Ci Hang Sect who claimed to be from the Xuanhuang Realm were probably spies sent by the Xuanhuang Realm, but I No."

"Why?" Mu Yan stared at Zhou Shu~www.ltnovel.com~ Actually I don't want you to be, but I don't know if I should believe you. "

Zhou Shu paused, "Do you know Tongtian Tower?"

Mu Yan thought for a while, still at a loss, "I don't know."

Zhou Shu smiled, "It's okay. There are not many people who know the Tongtian Pagoda among the cultivators of the heavens. Let me explain to you in detail. The Tongtian Pagoda was built on the Xuanhuang Realm thousands of years ago..."

He spoke very seriously and in detail, and Mu Yan listened very attentively, sometimes exclaiming, sometimes regretting, and sometimes rejoicing.

Zhou Shu looked strange at her. This Muyan has such a temperament, and at first glance he has not experienced many hardships. Would the Ci Hang Sect who struggled in the heavens really have such a simple disciple?

But no matter what Zhou Shu thinks, this guy is an out-and-out disciple of Cihangzong, not to mention his strength, he also carries the unique token of Cihangzong.

(PS: Thank you drgjz0 for your continued support, and thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for collection~~)

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