Fairy Winner

Chapter 3421: Don't scare the kids

"Don't bet!"

Youtan shook his head quickly, "It's absolutely okay to bet with you!"

Zhou Shu laughed, "That's because you know you must lose."

You Tan stagnated and frowned, "Actually, no matter what you say now, I won't agree to it. Sect Master Zhou, the Yinkui tribe Shahtian brought countless sufferings to the Yinkui tribe back then. Everyone bears grudges. No one from the tribe wants her to come back."

"I know."

Zhou Shu nodded, "It is difficult for me to be strong."

You Tan nodded in relief, only a trace of doubt in his eyes, "I thought you would keep talking until you convinced me."

Zhou Shu seemed thoughtful, "In your eyes, am I such a person?"

"It's in the Xuanhuang Realm, it's here, too," You Tan smiled, "Sect Master Zhou, you are the kind of person who doesn't give up until you reach your goal. The attachment of a practitioner is particularly obvious in you. I really can't think of you. You let me go like this, and thought I was going to pester you for many days."

"You are wrong, I am a person who adapts to the times."

Zhou Shu shook his head and smiled, "The time is not yet here. It's useless to tell you more. In fact, you will understand it later. You will know that a powerful anemone world needs each of you, maybe you will still ..."

"Stop it!"

Youtan covered his ears, "You are here again, I shouldn't have said that!"

Zhou Shu stopped and looked at her carefully, "I haven't seen you for many years. You are getting better and better. Seeing you always reminds me of many things in the past, Youtan, if one day I need your help, would you agree? "

Youtan snorted, "Do you still need my help? It's not enough to have peace. Now that it's covering the sky again, I can't think of anything that needs me."

Zhou Shu's expression was condensed, "I'm talking about the Xuanhuang Realm. Only you have been there."

"You don't want to pull the Profound Yellow Realm from the edge of the heavens, do you? I really don't want to go to the edge of the heavens again, that is definitely one..." A trace of panic flashed in Utan's eyes, but he calmed down soon Coming down, said slowly, "You are the emperor they respect most, you must rescue them, right?"


Zhou Shu nodded, "You still understand me, you know everything before I say it, and others can't match it."

"Don't put a high hat on me, I just knew you earlier. Anyone who has been to Xuanhuang Realm will know your purpose." You Tan curled his lips, but with a smile on the corners of his mouth. After a few breaths of thought, he slowly Slowly, "How can I help?"

Zhou Shu said slowly, "Not now, I will tell you when you become the Holy Lord."

You Tan's figure shook, staring at Zhou Shu, "Holy Lord, do you think I can do it?"

Zhou Shu nodded seriously, "The Holy Lord is not a saint. There is no reason why you can't do it. Back then, the Heavenly Lotus Saint Lord started from nothing, far from your current environment, and I will help you."

You Tan was stunned, his face turned a little red suddenly, "How can you help me?"

"You can take your time for business, now I have something for you."

Zhou Shu waved a thick cloud and mist, and Youtan took the mist curiously, took a look, his eyes were immediately dull, "This..."

Zhou Shu smiled, "Don't shout, I won't tell you the origin of it, but I can be sure that it can help you a lot, put it away."

You Tan nodded, and solemnly took the cloud into his arms, staring at Zhou Shu without blinking, "I ask you, did you give me a person, or did they all have it?"


Zhou Shu paused, "But yours is the best, because only you are in the Yinkui realm."

It was Jianmu Bud who was given away. Zhou Shu had already given peace and shading the sky, and Youtan could not pull it down. Of course, the other two got Jianmu Leaf, because they did not really belong to their own world, and excellent Tan is bounded, and she is smart enough to know where this bud should be used.

You Tan retracted his gaze and sighed, "I don't understand you anymore, no, I have never understood you."

Zhou Shu calmly said, "That's because you think it is too complicated. I always think that you are the most suitable master of the Anemone Realm, but to do this, you must get help from others, especially They are two saints who can never be there again."

"I will consider it carefully."

Youtan nodded subconsciously, and suddenly thought of something, "It seems that you have achieved your goal."

"These things, let them go."

Zhou Shu raised his hand, "Youtan, I should say goodbye."

Youtan frowned, "A trip for hundreds of years, are you leaving so soon?"

Zhou Shu sighed, seemingly thoughtful, "It can't be done, but it may come once in a few years."

You Tan scolded, "You're talking nonsense again, unless you live in the Yinkui realm, otherwise, even if you become a quasi-sage, it is impossible to go back and forth in a few years."

Zhou Shu didn't argue, only smiled and said, "Would you like to make a bet?"

"No bet with you!"

You Tan shook his head subconsciously, but there was a hint of curiosity in his eyes, could it really be done? After thinking about it, I still found it unbelievable, so I settled on my mind, "Sect Master Zhou, if you want to leave, can you leave me with the Cihang Sect disciple next to you?"


Mu Yan was stunned, and quickly hid behind Zhou Shu.

Zhou Shu laughed, "Youtan, what are you going to do? Don't scare the children."

Youtan snorted, "I'm talking about it, what are you nervous about, but I really have something to do, you ask her to come over."

Zhou Shuwen said, "Sister priest, just go over, don't be afraid."

Mu Yan hesitated and flew over, but involuntarily opened the shield of the power of compassion.

"What's the use of your kindness."

You Tan waved away and looked at her carefully, her lips moved slightly, as if she was saying something, and Mu Yan looked confused, blinking and shaking her head sometimes.

Zhou Shu didn't pay attention to listening, but guessing what they were talking about, they couldn't do without Zhetian and Yangmei, so he sighed.

In the Xuanhuang Realm, You Tan and Yangmei have played twice, which is considered to be knowing the roots, but knowing the roots and the roots can be compared to Zhou Shu himself? Zhou Shu didn't know how many times she watched Mu Yan, she did have a natural sense of intimacy with herself~www.ltnovel.com~ but she had nothing to do with Yangmei, whether it was a soul or something.

After a while, the two separated, and Mu Yanfei returned with a trace of doubt.

Youtan shook his head, with regrets on his face, "Sect Master Zhou, I wanted to do you a favor, but I didn't succeed."

Zhou Shuwen said, "I take it in my heart, Youtan."

Youtan shook his head, "Actually, I have been looking for her, not all to help you, but I also want to find her, because I still don't understand it. With the unbearable kindness of Xuanhuang Realm, she really How did I defeat me? Even if I have learned the Way of Patching Heaven now, I dare not say that I will definitely be able to beat her original power...I must figure it out."

Zhou Shu paused, but he was not surprised, "If I find it, I will come to see you with her."

You Tan nodded, seemingly muttering to himself, "Daughter of Destiny, is it really Destiny..."

(PS: Thank you for the monthly ticket support of the black girl, thank you book friends who have subscribed to vote~~)

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