Fairy Winner

Chapter 3423: Look no more

Zhou Shu paused, "The king, they explained that they did not dare to enter the city, which is a good thing for us."


King Jiang thought for a while, "But, how do I feel that you did it on purpose? If you don't stay in a certain realm, it is impossible for anyone to keep up with you. Those in the golden fairy realm How could the immortal catch surround you..."

"Okay, okay, this time it was really intentional," Zhou Shu said helplessly, "You know, I have to go down and have a look when I meet a realm that I haven't been to, not to mention that the realm just now is so special. When it happens to them, I will take them for a few laps, so I won’t meet them again here."

"You will always be in trouble, if only I could have a few ghost shadows following you."

King Jiang Ren sighed, "Human King, you have to be a little awakened. Now you must not have anything to do. The whole world is on you."


Zhou Shu nodded and turned to Mu Yan, "I see, I will help you if I have something."


Mu Yan answered, "Are you busy with you, brother."

Zhou Shu smiled, but he had nothing to be busy with. Speaking of the matter of the soul shadow that was only a hundred breaths away, it had been resolved long ago. When the soul shadow returned to Xianshu City, some of them were busy. His gaze fell on the Demon Abyss Mayfly, which was also a coincidence. The muddy eyes of the Mayfly with a gleam of light happened to look at him, as if saying something.

Want me to see your past again?

Zhou Shu unconsciously invested in the power of reincarnation.

I was warned last time, will there be any this time?

He wants to try.

He has been promoted to Hunyuan Jinxian, and he has some resistance to saints, and the power of reincarnation has been integrated into Shu Zhidao, so there is no need to worry.

The haze-like magic barrier was gradually cleared, and a ray of light appeared in front of him. Zhou Shu subconsciously defended it. It was at this time last time that he saw the eyes of the saint. Dao Xin was directly shocked, his mind was unstable, and he had to withdraw.

The precautions failed and there was no warning this time.

Zhou Shu looked at it carefully, his mind was slightly shaken, the warm sun hanging high, the flowing clouds in the sky, the mountain peaks that reached the top of the cloud, the spring water surrounding the mountain peaks was full of immortality, and there was an aura that was familiar to no more. This is the Xuanhuang World, the Xuanhuang World a long time ago.

This mayfly, it should be said that Meng Ji, was born in the Xuanhuang world.

Wandering in the reincarnation of Mengji and feeling the Xuanhuang world of the past, there is a special taste. The more magnificent the past, the more withering the present.

Looking around, a familiar figure that I have never seen before jumped into my eyes.

That is the Emperor Xuanyuan imprinted in his heart. There is nothing wrong with him. His majestic body, eyes with the world in his heart, and Xuanyuan sword at his waist can all prove his identity. He walks in the clouds, holding one in his hand. Pen, writing something on an expanded map.

At that time, Meng Ji was very scared. He hid in the bushes in the valley, hiding his breath, for fear of being discovered by the Emperor, but obviously such a cover was not enough to avoid the Emperor. The Emperor noticed it and cast a kind eyes, and then he was far away. go with.

"Catch up."

Zhou Shu almost shouted out, but quickly laughed at himself. What he saw was the past that had already happened, and he couldn't change or pursue it.

That picture should be the divine artifact mountain and river map. It is said that all the terrain of the Xuanhuang World is in it, and the essence of the Xuanhuang World itself resides on the map. Obtaining this picture means obtaining the Xuanhuang World. Once the Xuanhuang World is in danger and even destroyed, You can also use this map to rebuild the Xuanhuang world.

It is the most important artifact of the Xuanhuang Realm itself. It is said that it is kept in the source, and it is only imitations that have never been real.

Zhou Shu only later learned from Master Jian that the landscape painting was obtained by Emperor Xuanyuan, but now it has been confirmed.

Why did the emperor get a picture of mountains and rivers and even take it to the fairy world?

Regardless of the reason, this incident must have greatly affected the Xuanhuang Realm and the heavens...

He didn't have time to think about it, because he felt a pair of eyes, not knowing where they came from or where, just observing Zhou Shu like that.


Zhou Shu sighed slightly, and said slowly, "Junior Zhou Shu has met senior."

In the cognition of practitioners of the heavens, the three highest laws of rebirth of destiny and cause and effect have special symbols.

Fate is a star, cause and effect is a wheel, and rebirth is a long river.

When certain saints transcend these supreme laws, they can witness these symbols, and this kind of powerful saints also have new titles.

For example, the Lord of Destiny, the heavens and stars are in their eyes, and they can move or cover the stars to change the destiny of the creatures of the world; for example, the Lord of Cause and Effect, they cannot change the direction of the wheel, but they can temporarily contain or Accelerate cause and effect; another example is the Lord of Reincarnation. They are like anglers on the long river of reincarnation, standing by the long river day and night, watching everything in the long river, the reincarnation that happened in the past or the present, and sometimes interest comes. Maybe I will catch it and take a look before putting it back.

Of course, most of the time, they will only watch silently and will not influence them.

Because they know that a wrong touch may change the entire heavens.

It is worth mentioning that the rivers, stars, and runners do not exist alone, and no one can touch them. Most of the time they are entangled and affect each other. The masters who can see them will also have disputes. It will also change the opponent's position.

These are just cognitions. I don’t know whether Zhou Shu really exists, but almost all practitioners believe it, and Zhou Shu is no exception.

Zhou Shu entered the reincarnation of other creatures through the law of reincarnation. Although he had been very careful and used Shu Zhili to hide, a wave was still aroused in the long river of reincarnation, or a bubble appeared. It was noticed by the Lord of Reincarnation.

That was the case last time, and this time too.

This is something Zhou Shu didn't want to happen. He didn't want his peeping to be noticed by the saint, or even entered by the saint to observe his reincarnation.

But it has been discovered, and that can't be. Last time he broke away from samsara in a hurry and reduced the number of times he used samsara. Now he has some resistance, it is better to try to get in touch with the Lord of samsara through this wave.

Talking in samsara is a very absurd thing~www.ltnovel.com~ but Zhou Shu knows that since he has been seen, any movement in the samsara afterwards will be noticed by the Lord of samsara, and there must be a way to respond. , Unless the other party does not want to respond at all.

"Look no more."

When Zhou Shu waited for a long time and felt it was impossible to respond, a flat voice rang.

I don't know where it came from, it's so deeply imprinted in the sea of ​​consciousness, it's true.

"Junior knows."

Zhou Shu didn't stay for a while, and quickly recovered the power of reincarnation.

I just have some doubts in my heart, don't look anymore, do you mean don't look at this Demon Abyss Mayfly, or don't look at the Emperor Xuanyuan?

It should be the latter.

(PS: Thank you for the monthly ticket support of Flying Swordsman 2006, and thank you book friends who booked and subscribed to vote~~)

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