Fairy Winner

Chapter 3326: Wait till you

Nothing happened, Zhou Shu quietly returned to Xianshu City.

In the woods outside Wanmuting, a familiar figure stood. He wore a yellow shirt, his face was quiet, and there seemed to be a slight ripple in his clear eyes.

Zhou Shu walked over in surprise, "Ruoyan, when did you arrive?"

Hao Ruoyan turned around, with a gentle smile as always, "It's only ten days, Master Shu, it's really nice to see you and other people."

"I was so happy, I finally waited for you."

Zhou Shu calmed down and said with a smile, "Heaven's Dao is very obedient this time, did he send you directly to the vicinity of Xianshu City?"

"A small realm in Hazhi Country, very close to Xianshu City, but it took Ruoyan almost eight years to find people who knew you and persuade them to come here." Hao Ruoyan shook his head slightly. With some regrets, "Ruoyan's cultivation base is too low, and the distance that others can fly in a quarter of an hour, Ruoyan will take several years."

Zhou Shuwen said, "There is nothing to worry about. With me, the cultivation base is not a problem at all."

Hao Ruoyan nodded, stroking the Xuan Huang Jie on his hand, admiringly said, "It’s hard for Master Shu to make this kind of thing, but wearing it every day, it seems that he can be promoted automatically, and even a person like Ruoyan who has no power. Can be used... No matter where Shu Shi is, he is the best."

"Don't praise me," Zhou Shu was a little embarrassed, and glanced around, "Ruoyan, why are you alone?"

Hao Ruoyan was a little embarrassed, "They...They walked away temporarily."

Several hours passed suddenly.

Leaning on Zhou Shu, Yijing's face became a bit more blush, Hao Ruoyan suddenly noticed something, and said, "Why is there all immortality on her body? Ah, Ruoyan is already a fairy?"

"Nothing strange, right."

Zhou Shu laughed, "It was not difficult at first, Ruoyan, I will be able to make you a golden immortal in half a year, but it is best not to do this. I want you to adapt to the heavens and determine your own way."

Hao Ruoyan nodded lightly, "Well, the environment can be adapted slowly, but the Tao is no longer necessary. Ruoyan will cultivate the official Tao."

Zhou Shu said very seriously, "Ruoyan, don't make decisions in such a hurry. I will let you feel most of the principles and laws in these days, and then you can choose the one that suits you best... Maybe in some way, Do you have better talent?"

"Master Shu, Ruoyan will cultivate the official way."

Hao Ruoyan shook his head and rejected Zhou Shu for the second time.

Zhou Shu was stunned. This is really an extremely rare situation. In the Xuanhuang world, Hao Ruoyan can be said to be obedient to Zhou Shu.

She seemed to perceive something, and she smiled softly, "Master Shu, if Yan chooses the official way not to help you, if Yan really likes the official way, she won't like anything else, and the environment of Xianshu City is also Very suitable for officialdom, Ruoyan has no reason to give up."

Zhou Shu pondered for a few moments and frowned, "Of course I support your choice. What are your plans?"

Hao Ruoyan paused and sighed lightly, "I don't know yet, the Heyin School is just an empty shelf... Besides, if Yan's cultivation level is so low, even if he becomes a golden immortal, I am afraid that he can't control other people. I can do it now. , It should be hard to cultivate."

"Without practice, how should you practice your Tao? It is not a good choice to specialize in the laws of the immortal world."

Zhou Shu said solemnly, "I happen to ask you for one thing, Ruoyan."

As if thinking of something, Hao Ruoyan shook her head quickly, "If the smoke can't control Xianshu City, Xiancheng is different from Zongmen, and the officialdom is not enough to deal with it. Besides, Qingque manages a lot better than Ruoyan, and she has been with her these days. I learned a lot."

Zhou Shu shook his head, "It's not Xianshu City, it's Emei."

Hao Ruoyan looked puzzled, "Master Shu, is there Emei here too? Don't lie to Ruoyan. These days Ruoyan has learned the general situation of the heavens and the immortal world from Qingque. There is only one star-sea world in the heavens, that doesn't count. Formally Emei, even if it is, Ruoyan can't control it."

Zhou Shu touched her hair and said slowly, "So we have to start over and rebuild an Emei here."

After talking about Huang Xuan's things and his own thoughts, Hao Ruoyan soon became interested, and his eyes lighted up, "This is really interesting and challenging! Shu Shi, Ruoyan will do this. ! Rebuild Emei!"

Zhou Shu nodded, "Let Emei grow up and rely on you. Of course, I will support everything you need, and I will satisfy whatever you need."

He felt relieved. He had no clue to rebuild a once huge sect. It would be great to have professionals like Hao Ruoyan who have managed the large sect for thousands of years to help.

Hao Ruoyan stood there, and after a long time of contemplation, his eyes calmed down.

Zhou Shu smiled, "Ruoyan, it seems that you already have some ideas."

"There are some, but think about it carefully..." Hao Ruoyan nodded, with a hint of shyness, "Now there is a problem. If Yan has a goal, he doesn't need to adapt to the environment anymore. Ruoyan wants to get to the Golden Wonderland in the fastest time. Jie, only Master Shu can help with this."

Zhou Shu immediately agreed, "Okay, it's easier to help you practice than to deal with Huang Xuan."

Hao Ruoyan seemed to think, "What kind of person is Huang Xuan? Emei's development still depends on her."

Zhou Shu paused, "A true super genius. Her appearance is very similar to Jiao Ling, almost the same model. When I first saw it, I felt Jiao Ling came, but her personality was opposite. Jiao Ling is generous and gentle, approachable, Huang Xuan is more difficult to approach."

"It doesn't seem to be difficult to reach."

Hao Ruoyan smiled, but didn't take it seriously, "Master Shu, Princess Jiao Lingjiao is still in the Xuanhuang Realm, and now she is the king of the sea clan."

Zhou Shu looked slightly condensed, "What do you mean, besides Donghai, the other three seas are now willing to listen to Jiao Ling?"

Hao Ruoyan had a trace of worry in her eyes, "Yes, the Sea Clan is now more united than the cultivators, and the cultivators are still fighting, and the Sea Clan is almost unified. When Ruoyan left the Xuanhuang Realm, he was thinking whether there would be One day, the Sea Clan will surpass the cultivators?"

Zhou Shu shook his head ~www.ltnovel.com~ It's impossible. The Sea Clan cannot do without the sea, and it always has great limitations. "

Hao Ruoyan smiled and said softly, "That's because Ruoyan thinks too much."

Zhou Shu looked at her, "Is the Xuanhuang Realm still fighting? The six sects are fighting each other, or what's the matter?"

Although it is a trivial matter to fight in a realm, it is the Profound Yellow Realm. If there is a chance, it can be changed. Zhou Shu doesn’t want it. When he drags the Profound Yellow Realm from the edge of the heavens. , The last thing you got was a broken wreck.

"This is not something Ruoyan can tell in a few words, Master Shu, Ruoyan seems to be sleeping..."

While talking, Hao Ruoyan fell softly. In the end, he just broke through and took on so much celestial power at once, and his body was unconsciously tired... He just fell down and opened his eyes, "Master Shu, Yuan The elders are here too."

(PS: Thank you for your continuous support of Flying Dagger 2006, and thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for collection~~~)

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