Fairy Winner

Chapter 3428: Xiao Kun

In the void, a flying boat was flying fast.

Feizhou is named Ruoyin.

The speed may not be as fast as the Demon Abyss Mayfly, but it is not that far away. After all, it is the Ninth-Rank Immortal Tool that Zhou Shu and Lin Zhu have spent ten years to refine. Besides, its advantage is not in speed, but in its incomparable strength. The defense is as stable as the comfort of home, and the outside looks no more than seven or eight feet long, but there is a huge space of nearly a thousand miles inside. Its unique teleport function can also make it freely shuttle between the two worlds...

It is certainly not an exaggeration to say that it is one of the best flying magic weapons in the heavens.

Inside the Feizhou, Xiao Su planted a tree very seriously, holding a special Shennong **** in his hand, Caiying followed her, asking questions, looking very boring, a cage of light indistinguishable. The unclothed children ran around, fell from time to time, then got up and continued...

Zhou Shu and Qingque sat in the corner, quite leisurely.

But this Youran was quickly broken. Seeing the white light flashed, Qingque's face immediately changed, "Shu, your body is here?"


Zhou Shu nodded and smiled complacently, "Now he can't tell me to go back, hehe, you don't know how annoying he is, you can't leave him, you can't avoid him if you don't do this."

Qingque also laughed, "It's so cunning, I waited until the distance limit was reached before switching, but..." She was still a little worried, "We have all left, what about Xianshu City, what if the immortal world comes to fight during this time? "

"do not worry."

Zhou Shuwen said, "I have left seven soul shadows in Xianshu City, each of which is stronger than the one I was before promotion. What about the people from the fairy world? Unless they are more than three times stronger than the last time, how many people come will be useless. Maybe one or two will be left."

Qingque nodded lightly, "I know you are a lot stronger, but there are so many things in Xiancheng every day, or... I should go back?"

Zhou Shu pulled her to her side and whispered, "You don't want to rest so much? You don't want to think about how busy you are these years. I won't talk about so many things in Xiancheng. The merger of Hachi Country and Liangmiao Country is all you. Deal with it, there is also the Demon Realm, the Immortal Realm... Okay, Xiancheng can’t do without you, but it’s okay for a while, and it’s not that no one is doing things, just let other people do more, and my soul shadow won’t. Idle."

Qingque paused and lowered his head to think.

"When you come out, don't think about other things."

Zhou Shu frowned and seemed to be angry, "You said that you are a cultivator, and you have not made any progress in your cultivation for so many years. This time you are not only going out to do errands and rest, but also want to promote you to the golden immortal of Hunyuan. This is also very important."

"I understand, I just can't let it go for a long time, I don't want to anymore."

Qingque thought for a while, but didn't realize it laughed, "So I thought I was holding you back, Shu."

Zhou Shu couldn't help but scolded, "If you say something silly, if you are holding back, no one will not hold back. Give me your hand."

"I just talk about it."

After hesitating, Qingque stretched her hand over, looking very relieved.

Zhou Shu held it, and slowly closed his eyes. After a while, Qingque was puzzled, "Shu, what are you doing? I can't feel it, but this method seems to work. It doesn’t work? If you can, can’t you help others get promoted?"

"No, the external spirit power is useless."

Zhou Shu opened his eyes, there was a little light in his eyes, "But I have figured out a way to help you improve."

Qingque curiously asked, "What can be done? Is it really possible?"

Zhou Shu slowly said, "I couldn’t do it before, but after going through the tribulation, my Shu Zhi Dao reached a new level. I can use Shu Zhi Li to simulate the creation of a temporary core of the law. You know the core of the law is What? It can spontaneously produce the power of the law..."

"I know, but that's something a sage can do. I have seen it in the classics that a sage can freely pull away from the core of other people's laws, or condense one by himself, and then it can instantly promote an ordinary person to a mixed gold. The fairy realm is really too strong to say," Qingque couldn't help being surprised as he said, "Shu, you can do it too... Then you want to become a saint?"

Zhou Shu smiled and shook his head, "Don't talk nonsense, I am a simulation, and it is the core of the temporary law."

The blue sparrow stuck and stuck his tongue out, "I don't quite understand", and said with some resentment, "You have surpassed me too much now, ooh, you used to learn from me. I will be punished, alas, the past cannot be pursued."

"Hehe, I have to care about it, but I won't punish you."

Thinking of the past, Zhou Shu laughed unconsciously, "In short, I used Shu Zhili to simulate the core of the law, put it in your body, and constantly provide you with the soul power you can use, and ensure that you can perfectly adapt to you. It's just that these powers are still external powers. You can use them but you can't treat them as your own... This is not the same as what the saints give. The saints give them their own, which I can't do now."

"The core of the temporary law, is it a temporary Hunyuan Jinxian?"

Qingque seemed to think, "The core is with me, that is, you want me to perceive the core of the law you gave me, and then try to do it?"

"Well, you can get the core of the law in Daluo Jinxian, practice at any time, and understand the law at any time, which is very good for promotion."

Zhou Shu nodded, "But this method is not suitable for everyone. The core of the law can easily affect practitioners, such as confusion between one's own power and external power, and so on. Unlike you, your Hundred Soul Body is quite useful. Since there are hundreds of bodies, then I can also place dozens of cores of laws in your body. You can perceive one of you with a soul body without interfering with each other, thereby increasing the speed of perceiving the laws many times. With so many temporary cores of the law, you can also exert more power than the ordinary golden fairy and quickly increase your strength."

"Then we will try."

Qingque looked at Zhou Shu and said faintly, "But now I feel that coming out with you doesn't seem to be a rest."

"This..." Zhou Shu stopped ~www.ltnovel.com~ and patted his head vigorously, "My fault, it seems to force you to improve your strength, so let's put one first. You can feel it carefully. Take the rest slowly."

Looking at Zhou Shu, Qingque said warmly, "It's okay, try to come, as long as you have a soul body, you can stay with you..."


A beam of light rushed over and hit Zhou Shu.

The child touched his head and got up, and gave Zhou Shu a dissatisfied look, "You are in the way again!"

Zhou Shu lifted him up smoothly, "I said you little guy, this has been for many years, can't you use this body well yet? Let alone a divine tool, even an ordinary fairy tool As for casual wrestling, I can’t even tell the direction, so I am still in the way."

"It's still a kid, don't say that about him."

Qingque patted Zhou Shu, took the child over, smiled and said, "Xiao Kun, does it hurt?"

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