Fairy Winner

Chapter 3435: Immortal world will not come

A few days later, Zhou Shu and Zhugehuan landed on an acropolis.

Zhugehuan looked around, rather anxiously, "Why the city lord hasn't come yet, it shouldn't be so slow..."

Zhou Shu glanced around, very calmly, because he knew that City Lord Ding Zhi had arrived, hiding in the void, it was a spatial rift created by the power of law, similar to what the old scholar did on the Kuiwei world. Things, but limited by cultivation base, Ding Zhi can only hide himself, it is unlikely that other people will be brought in.

In Xianshu City, Zhou Shu could also do this, but he wouldn't be as comfortable as Ding Zhi.

Create your own space at will, and you can only do it if you have a deep understanding of Xiancheng. This requires a long time of accumulation. Zhou Shu has not run Xianshu City for less than a thousand years, and it is definitely not as good as the one who has been in Gladiator City for tens of thousands of years. Ding Zhi.

Soon, Ding Zhi walked out slowly, with a majestic expression.

From the way he looked at Zhou Shu, he didn't recognize that Zhou Shu was Yang Tian before.

It can’t be confirmed, Zhou Shu’s current cover-up, even if it is the true vision of the quasi-sage, it takes some time to distinguish, and Ding Zhi is not the quasi-sage yet, although it is not far from this step, it is not after all .

"City Lord, this is what I said..."

Zhugehuan walked over quickly and suddenly realized something, and said in embarrassment, "Sorry, I forgot to ask this fellow Taoist name."

Zhou Shu said slowly, "Shu next week."

"It turned out to be fellow Taoist Zhou Shu, the city lord is the evangelist I was talking about, he should be able to help us, ah..." Zhugehuan's face changed slightly, his eyes stopped on Zhou Shu, and he muttered, "Zhou Shu? Isn’t it Zhou Shu on the Ten Thousand Fiends list?"

Zhou Shu smiled and nodded, "If you mean the city lord of Xianshu City, it is me."


Zhuge Huan's face changed drastically, he couldn't help but stepped back a few steps, and said in surprise, "You... are you Zhou Shu?"

Ding Zhi glanced at him and reprimanded in a deep voice, "What kind of decent are you panicking? Get out!"

Zhuge Huan walked away, staring at Zhou Shu not far away, still wondering if it was really Zhou Shu, how could he meet him here?

Ding Zhi raised his hand and slowly said, "Family Daoist is really the City Lord of Xianshu, the one hundredth on the list of the heavens?"

"This is not an immortal world. I don't need to hide it. It doesn't seem to be any good to pretend to be Zhou Shu?" Zhou Shu smiled lightly. ."

Ding Zhi's expression was slightly condensed, "I heard that Zhou Daoyou was promoted to Hunyuan Jinxian according to the law of reincarnation. I wonder if it is true or not?"

"Ha ha."

Zhou Shu smiled, and a mirror suddenly appeared in front of him. As soon as the mirror had condensed into shape, Zhou Shu waved his sleeve and the mirror exploded. Tens of thousands of fragments flew around, splashing everywhere.

Facing the flying fragments, Ding Zhi and Zhuge Huan, instead of avoiding them, were stunned on the spot.

In the flying fragments, they saw many familiar or unfamiliar scenes, which shocked their minds. Those things that had been immersed in the long river of reincarnation unconsciously flashed out in their memory, either sad or happy. There may be emotion, or understanding.

However, after a few breaths, those fragments disappeared without a trace, and the two quickly recovered.

Zhuge Huan looked at Zhou Shu with shock on his face, "Friend Zhou, what is this trick?"

Zhou Shu calmly said, "In fact, it's not a tactic, it's just an application of the law of reincarnation. I call it the Wanhuajing Realm. It may remind people of some past lives, but it is harmless to people. If you are lucky, There will be some opportunities."

As a method that Zhou Shu has painstakingly researched over the years, the Wanhuajing world is more than just helping people recall their past lives.

But there is no need to say too much.

"I did get the chance, I didn't expect me to go..."

Zhugehuan paused, whispering something in a low voice, but no one could hear him anymore, he had entered a state of no-self.

Ding Zhiwei sighed and said in a deep voice, "Today, Fellow Daoist Zhou has opened my eyes. I am ashamed of it. No, it should be far worse. It’s ridiculous that I was still doubting the identity of Daoist. Regarding the cultivation base of the law of reincarnation, no one would think about it except Zhou Shu in the heavens."

Zhou Shu shook his head, "The city lord is absurdly praised. As far as the law of reincarnation is concerned, I am just getting started earlier. There are many people in the heavens who are better than me. I don't think I am better than the city lord. The city lord should soon be a quasi-sage. Right?"

After confirming Zhou Shu's identity, Ding Zhi seemed to become more calm, and said with a wry smile, "Quasi Sage? Immortal life is unsatisfactory. Ninety out of ten, I am afraid that I will not be able to survive this death domain."

Zhou Shu felt the same way, "The Nine Nether Realm is indeed a troublesome thing."

What Ding Zhi thought of, "I only know that friends are extremely rare reincarnations. They are creators?"

"It can be regarded as forced out of the fairy world."

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, "The immortal world is pursuing very tightly. I have no place to obtain resources. If I can't be a creator, I won't be able to build a fairy city."

"Friends of Taoism mean you can do it if you just do it. Others want to be forced but can't come out."

Ding Zhi shook his head and said in admiration, "Genius is indeed a genius. It is incomparable. The more you are, the more you have a guilty conscience. I heard that Daoists have been practicing for less than three thousand years, right? Now they are able to control the immortal world. The city lord outside the city of Shengjuzhi is no wonder that the immortal world is so jealous of fellow Taoists."

Zhou Shu looked at him, "How does the city lord feel about the fairy world?"

Ding Zhi was stunned, and sighed, "Your question is too big, and I don't know how to answer it. As a city lord of the Immortal City in Outland, I can only try to be as neutral as possible. If you care about what the people on the list do, as long as your fairy city can develop."

Zhou Shu nodded, "It should be so."

He knew that what Ding Zhi said was a bit contrary to his will. After all, Ding Zhi had already regarded the immortal world as an enemy last time, but now Zhou Shu is an outsider in the eyes of Ding Zhi, or an outsider in the evil list, as untrustworthy as the immortal world, Ding Zhi is not It's too possible to tell him too much truth.

Ding Zhi sighed, "It's a pity that the sky doesn't follow people's wishes. The Jiuyou Death Realm is expanding at this time, even if it is ten years later."

"The city lord didn't ask for help from the fairy world?"

Zhou Shu seems to have some understanding~www.ltnovel.com~ The fairy world is nominally in charge of the heavens, and the Jiuyou Death Region is naturally among them. They should not allow the death region to expand. As long as the city lord tells the fairy world, I believe they will send someone over Help the lord. "

"This one……"

Ding Zhi said calmly, "I have sent someone, they should come over."

"I understand! I actually knew this truth a long time ago!"

Zhuge Huan suddenly yelled, and his whole body was instantly refreshed, and it was obvious that he had realized something.

He threw his arm in excitement and walked towards the two of them, with some doubts in his eyes, "Did I misheard it just now? Lord, didn't you say that the immortal world won't come ten days ago, you want us to be prepared to fight alone? "

(PS: Thank you for the monthly ticket support of the pineapple head of Mo Deqing, and thank the book friends who have subscribed and voted~~)

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