Fairy Winner

Chapter 3443: Die

I don't know how long it took, Zhou Shu's speed slowed down.

The death aura around is obviously richer, even if you don't feel it, you can hear a few ghost howls from time to time, which are particularly harsh and shocking.

Zhuge Heng seemed a little worried, "Friend Zhou, we have been here for almost eight days, have you found anything?"

Zhou Shu calmly said, "Not yet, but it's coming soon."


Zhuge Heng said depressed, "What on earth are fellow Daoists looking for? We can't see anything and can't help. We can only wait and get very anxious, or we will go out too? Even if we meet the ghost king and fight, It’s better than staying."

Zhou Shu didn't bother to pay attention to him. In the past few days, he knew Zhuge Heng very well, a enthusiastic but a little overdone.

Jing Tianshan lowered her eyebrows, "I think Fellow Daoist Zhou should be looking for the swallowed world."

Zhuge Heng was a little confused, "Jie?"

Zhou Shu opened his mouth, "Friend Daoist Jing is right. I am indeed looking for a boundary. According to the remaining wind, it should be nearby."

Zhuge Heng was stunned, "What do you want to do? The place should be completely destroyed, there will be no clues left," he thought of something, his face became gloomy again, "Speaking of the expansion of the dead zone, it is indeed terrifying. It is said that no one in the engulfed world can escape, and there is no news of the people inside. Could it be that no one has escaped from this kind of expansion in the past... It's really terrible."

Zhou Shu smiled and didn't explain, but looked at Jing Tianshan more. She was very spiritual, and it was difficult for ordinary people to perceive Zhou Shu's purpose.

After a while, Zhou Shu stopped, "found it."

"Which way?"

Zhuge Heng hurriedly looked forward and tried to expand his perception. He soon discovered, "Ah, this is the Far Light Realm! A year ago, it was swallowed by the Dead Realm, and with it there are still near The Light Realm, these two realms are important resource points for Gladiator City. I have been here several times, and one of my... now is completely enveloped by lifelessness and can't see anything."

For some reason, he sighed secretly, his eyes dimmed a lot.

Zhou Shu seemed to think, "Go down and take a look, but be careful."

"Finally I can move my muscles and bones."

Zhuge Heng waved his hand vigorously, as if venting, seeing the direction, and rushing straight down.

Zhou Shu was not in a hurry to go down, letting go of his spiritual consciousness and covering most of the world, and carefully observed.

Not long after, the world exclaimed.

"It's fellow Zhuge Daoist."

Jing Tianshan's face changed slightly, "Is it in danger?"

Zhou Shu shook his head, "He is not someone who exclaimed for danger, let's go over."

As soon as they landed on the realm, they saw Zhuge Heng. He was facing a long figure with a very ugly face. He said in a deep voice, "Friend Zhou, Fellow Daoist Jing, sorry, I just disturbed you."

Before the words fell, the figure suddenly made a move, lifelessness ran across, and several black rainbows were drawn in the air.

The dead aura is as solid as a cannonball, and anyone can perceive it. Anything that touches them will instantly lose all vitality.

Zhuge Heng waved his hand to block, and the thick thunder force formed a shield in front of him, colliding with Heihong.

For a while, electric lights splattered, reflecting the surroundings transparently, and also reflected the true appearance of the figure. The figure is a phoenix and a dragon, a talent, most of whom was a phoenix figure before his death, but at this time there are only two deep holes in his eyes. There was a dark black fire burning inside, and there was no more anger.

Completely become a walking corpse.

"Friends Dao Mei, you and I drank wine stubbornly back then, and we had a deep friendship, but today I have to be sorry. When a person dies, the lamp will go out, and there must be no harm."

Zhuge Heng chanted a sentence in a low voice, his eyes flashed brightly, and a thunder light suddenly appeared. He was dozens of times taller, and walked towards the walking corpse step by step.

"Wait a minute."

Zhou Shu chased in a few steps and stopped in front of him.

The skyrocketing thunder light touched Zhou Shu, but he couldn't help shrinking back, as if he would get hurt if he got close.

Zhuge Heng frowned and said, "Friend Zhou, this is an old friend of mine. I want to bury him by myself. Please get out of the way."

Zhou Shu shook his head, "He still has great use."

"Useful?" Zhuge Heng's mind was tense, the thunder light all over his body disappeared immediately, and he asked in surprise, "Does fellow Taoist have a way to save him?"

"Dead people whose souls have been swallowed will definitely not be saved, but they also have value."

Zhou Shu casually opened a few black rainbows, and raised a round mirror with his right hand.


The round mirror shattered and turned into countless fragments, with different colors, such as dazzling thousands of flowers, and thousands of butterflies, flying towards the walking corpse one after another. The walking corpse seemed to be completely frozen and motionless. Let the countless fragments surround it, surround it, and dance back and forth.

Zhuge Heng realized, "This is...the world of Wanhuajing?"

"If you want to see your deceased a few more times, don't waste the opportunity."

Zhou Shu stared at those lenses without looking back.

Zhuge Heng stared at the scene in the fragments, muttered in a low voice, without paying attention to Zhou Shu at all, "I saw it, I saw it...this is his memory, and the scene of me drinking with him...and us When we went to Saitama Sect together..."

Jing Tianshan seemed to feel something, and groaned, "The body is born out of nothing, like imagining various images..."

Of course, Zhou Shu can use simple methods, such as directly using the power of reincarnation, to investigate the past of the walking corpse. This is not difficult and more concealed, but it is obviously a better choice to use the Wanhua Jingjie. As Xianshu It is necessary for the city lord and the founder to use some seemingly powerful tricks in front of outsiders, and spreading them can increase their reputation.

This time the Wanhuajing world lasted a lot longer.

The flowers dispersed, the walking corpse still stood there blankly, as if all its power had been taken away.

Zhou Shu paused, and said softly, "The Daoist wants to bury his deceased, and that's it now."

"Thank you fellow daoist."

Zhuge kept calm, pulled out from the memory, with a thunder tower in his palm, flew straight to cover the walking corpse in the middle.

In the burst of thunder, the walking corpses gradually disappeared, the dust returned to dust, and the dirt returned to the earth.

Zhuge Heng stood there quietly, his expression condensed, as if he was thinking of something.

"When the flowers bloom, see the Buddha and enlighten no life~www.ltnovel.com~ the sea of ​​bitterness makes a boat sail, the Nine-Rank Lotus State, and we are willing to go to the west together."

Jing Tianshan put her palms together for a verse, and slowly turned to Zhou Shu, with a lot of compassion in her eyes, "This fellow Taoist Mei was so tragic and magnificent. The guardianship of the far lamp world is really the blessing of all lives. Thank you fellow Tao I saw this scene, if there is a breeze on the lotus platform, driving away the dust."

Zhou Shu nodded solemnly, "There is a fellow Taoist who has passed away, I believe he has passed away."

Jing Tianshan smiled slightly, as if she was holding flowers indifferently, "It's no wonder that fellow Taoists insist on finding the realm, to find people in the realm. I really can't imagine that there is such an ability for the dead to speak in the world. Taoists have this ability, what? It’s not hard to find answers to any questions."

Zhou Shu shook his head lightly, his expression a little solemn, "This kind of answer is not what I want to see."

Jing Tianshan sighed, "Yes."

(PS: Thank you drgjz0 for your continued support, and thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for collection~~)

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