Fairy Winner

Chapter 3445: taboo

"It has nothing to do with fellow Daoists, it's purely because of me that I've gotten into trouble."

Zhuge Heng shook his head quickly and saluted, "Sorry, I shouldn't have misunderstood fellow Taoists."

Jing Tianshan paused, "Friend Zhuge Daoist said seriously."

"It's still Daoist Jing's open-mindedness, but it makes me feel more helpless."

Zhuge Heng laughed, and he looked at Zhou Shu, "Friend Zhou, now that the root of the problem has been found, shall we find the ghost emperor next? How to find it, I should be able to help this time. Busy?"

Zhou Shu seemed thoughtful, "It's hard to find."

Zhuge Heng's expression was slightly condensed, "Why? According to your statement, it should be a relatively large ghost king, easy to recognize, right?"

Zhou Shu sighed, "It's different. For the ghost emperor, the rich death aura is its natural domain. He is completely invisible inside, moving silently, and at a fast speed. The moment is thousands of miles."

Zhuge Heng was stunned, "Then how to find it? Death is everywhere in the dead zone, and there is no way to find it."

Zhou Shu slowly said, "Yeah, maybe it's by our side now and can appear anytime."

"There is such a thing?"

Zhuge Heng was shocked and couldn't help but look around.

Zhou Shu shook his head unconsciously, "It can be seen so that it is not called a ghost emperor."

Zhuge Heng sighed, "I now understand why you say that the Ghost Emperor is as troublesome as the Lord of the Nine Nethers. Even if his strength is worse than the Lord of the Nine Nethers, it is not easy to deal with. There is no way to find out, unless this It's only possible that the death aura in the dead zone is exhausted. This is... terrible."

"do not think too much."

Zhou Shu glanced at Zhuge Heng, took out a jade slip and gestured a few times, and handed it to him, "Take it and see."

Zhuge Heng took the jade slip, his face was suspicious, "What is this?"

Zhou Shu said indifferently, "The inheritance of your ancestors is infinitely useful if you learn it well."

Zhuge Heng's complexion changed drastically, and his figure trembled. He held the jade slip and saluted him, "Thank you Daoist Zhou, for this great kindness, I really don't know how to repay it!"

"Take a good look, I'll talk about the others later."

Zhou Shu waved his hand, turned to Jing Tianshan, and said with a smile, "Friend Jing Dao, you have seen that scene before, and I have something to ask you."

Jing Tianshan walked over slowly, but lowered her eyebrows and sighed secretly.

The two walked not far away. Zhou Shu looked at her and said calmly, "Friend Daoist Jing, it seems that Daoist Zhuge and I have broken your business."

Jing Tianshan looked at him, "No, you did save me."

"You really know what I'm talking about," Zhou Shu smiled. "Don't hide it anymore. When I used the Wanhua Jingjie to find out the ghost emperor, you were surprised not by the ghost emperor, but by my technique. , You are surprised that I can find the ghost emperor, and you, in fact, have long known that everything here is caused by the ghost emperor, right? You use the power of compassion in the dead zone at will, and it is not the ghost king that you want to lure , But the ghost emperor."

Jing Tianshan sighed lightly, seeming to let go of something.

Zhou Shu seemed thoughtful, "I believe that you are not malicious, or you will not explain the origins of the ghost emperor to us. It is just Fellow Jing. At this time, we must be more honest, otherwise no one can do what we want. thing."

Jing Tianshan paused, "Friend Zhou, you don't need to ask me, you should be able to know?"

"Are you talking about the Kaleidoscope World?"

Zhou Shu smiled and said frankly, "I will not use it to you. On the one hand, you are a disciple of the Cihang School and have a deep connection with me. On the other hand, you have the Holy Shield Talisman and the Holy Musical Talisman. I cannot guarantee The fantasy world must have an effect on you."

"Friends of Taoism are really honest."

A hint of surprise flashed in Jing Tianshan's eyes, and then she calmly said, "I am indeed here for the ghost emperor."

Zhou Shu slowly said, "Did you know that the dead zone will expand?"

"I don't know, I came on my master's order."

Jing Tianshan paused, and said slowly, "Master instructed me to choose a fairy city on the edge of the dead zone as much as possible when developing believers outside, so I have been preaching on the edge of the dead zone. I came to Gladiator City more than 100 years ago. It’s not until recently that the realm of death began to expand, and I discovered that Master had anticipated something at the beginning. After seeing the bitter meditation practice of non-community two times, she calculated this point."

Zhou Shu seemed to be thoughtful, "Impersonality, is that what you said before to abandon Buddha and bitter meditation?"

"Yes, from the method of Kuji Temple, Master said that Kuji Temple had disappeared a long time ago, and I don't know how that one got it," Jing Tianshan showed a bit solemnly, "Will Kuji Temple still exist? The two words of mutual generation are taboos in Zen. It is best not to utter them casually."

"I see, I won't talk nonsense."

Zhou Shu agreed, only with a trace of doubt in his eyes, "Master is good at calculating?"

Jing Tianshan nodded, "Yes, it's not so much the way of calculation, it's the law of destiny. In addition to the way of compassion, Master mainly cultivates the law of destiny. I don't know the specific realm, but Master said, When Cihangzong was in trouble, she first counted..." She smiled bitterly, "So the master often said that seeing fate is not a good thing, especially when you know it will happen but don’t know how to stop it. It will only make practitioners fall into deeper despair."

Zhou Shu was stagnant and sighed, "Master must be a rare genius in the heavens, I admire her very much."

He rarely praised others in this way, but this senior is definitely worth it. With her talents, it should not be difficult to enter the sect in charge and become an elder of the fairy court, but she insists on staying in the Cihangzong and inheriting the way of compassion. , This matter itself is awe-inspiring.

You know, in the eyes of most people, the law of fate is much stronger than the way of compassion.

"of course."

Jing Tianshan unconsciously showed pride, and her eyes became shiny, "Master is also the person I admire the most, and that's why I joined Cihangzong."

Zhou Shu nodded, "Ci Hang Sect has a role model like Master, there is no reason not to join. By the way, the Master is not the Sect Master Ci Hang, right?"

"surely not."

Jing Tianshan shook her head, seemingly thoughtful, "I haven't seen the Sect Master~www.ltnovel.com~ but I think the Master has met, otherwise she will not accept the Sect Master's order."

"I'm pulling away," Zhou Shu smiled, "Since the master has asked you to come over, you should tell you the way to deal with the ghost emperor, right? That's why you will use the power of compassion in the dead zone, hoping to The ghost emperor draws over."

Jing Tianshan shook her head, "No, Master told me that if a ghost emperor really appears in the dead zone, she can't solve it."

Zhou Shu stopped, "Huh?"

"Even the ghost king can continue to resurrect in the dead zone, not to mention the ghost emperor, he is almost immortal in the dead zone. Master has long known this," Jing Tianshan looked at Zhou Shu with regret. "Master did not say how to deal with it, because she knew I couldn't do it."

Zhou Shu glanced at her, helpless.

Her ability and attitude didn't seem to be able to solve the ghost emperor.

(Ps: Thank you for the support of the monthly pass of Pineapple Head, who is not emotional, and I am still in joy, thank you~) ()

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