Fairy Winner

Chapter 3464: Please stay

"I have seen seniors."

Zhou Shupo bowed respectfully.

Staring at it, there was a slight lag.

The old man on the opposite side was unusually tall, more than twice as big as an ordinary person. He was born with round faces and big ears. A beard on the side of his cheeks was poked, thick as ink, and his head and face were shiny and stained with wine. Most of his clothes were opened, revealing half of the cold hair that fell into the wind, and the end was extremely informal. If it weren't for the rosary hanging in front of him, the particles were as big as a small drum, it would be hard to believe that this is a meditation for reading Buddhist scriptures.

"Just a gift."

Fang Jian stared at Tongling's big eyes, "I heard you are good at the law of reincarnation?"

Zhou Shu calmly said, "I don't dare to say that I am good at it. The younger generation only has a little experience."

Fang Jian raised his eyes and said, "If you will, if you won't, you won't. At a young age, your words are so long-winded. It's damnable. Take me!"

Before the words fell, a golden light flashed in his eyes, like a big stick, slamming straight at Zhou Shu.

Seeing the force of Wanjun rushing through the air, Zhou Shu's mind was slightly stagnant.

When you meet, do you really think you are a murderer?

But looking at this unsatisfactory golden light, Fang Jian obviously did not use his full strength, although the Zen power in it has far surpassed any time Zhou Shu has seen before, no, it should be the sum of the Zen powers I have seen before, not as good as this one. .

In an instant, a white shield appeared on Zhou Shu's head.

As soon as the furnace turns, Shu Zhili is born with his heart.

The golden light was falling on the shield, making a muffled noise.

The shield shattered, the flakes of snow flakes flying off, and the golden light scattered, turning into thousands of Sanskrit sounds for a long time.

The few people in the flying boat were already panicked. Although they didn't see anything, they couldn't sit still when they heard these Sanskrit sounds.

Caiying wanted to go out again, but was stopped again, and Xiao Su also came over this time, telling her not to go.

"This is not the power of reincarnation!"

Fang Jian stared at Zhou Shu, not angry, and a little more surprised.

Zhou Shu smiled and said, "The seniors are not particular about it at all. If there is such an inexplicable way, they will start with the juniors."

"You said this by yourself, Lao Na didn't admit it, and you are a wanted murderer in the immortal world. If I hit you, I can't talk about bullying the minor." Fang Jian didn't care at all, staring at Zhou Shu. "When a cultivator encounters an enemy in a hurry, he will use the power he knows and trusts best, and you are useless. It means that you are not majoring in the law of reincarnation. It is very interesting. There is no law of reincarnation."

Zhou Shu paused, "It turns out that Senior was testing me."

"Ha, if I really killed you, I killed you too. What a temptation?"

Fang Jian sneered, "It's your ability that you can block that. Lao Na is too lazy to make a second hand. Now that you have learned the law of reincarnation, you can take it out and let Lao Na open your eyes, and then let you go, how about it?"

"it is good."

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, "It is better to be respectful than fate."

Slowly raising his hand, the palm of his hand held out a prism, the brilliance was dazzling, and it shattered into thousands of pieces in a flash, and flew away.

In the world of Wanhua Mirror, Zhou Shu has been caring for the art.

Fang Jian was still standing with big thorns, but his eyes showed a rare dignity. When the Wanhua approached him, the whole body suddenly burst into Zen light, which was no more than a hundred feet long, like a real screen made of heavy gold, silk The threads are clear and can be learned.

Countless broken lenses flew around the Zen light, but couldn't enter.

In the past, the world of kaleidoscopes used to be colorful, because the lens will reflect all kinds of past and various past lives. The pictures are different and the natural colors are colorful, but now it is monotonous, because most of them are just blank lenses with only reflections inside. The light of Zen, there are empty spaces.

Does this show that Fang Jian has no previous life?

of course not.

Fang Jian's realm cultivation level is too high, blocking all the power of reincarnation outside, without being affected by the Kaleidoscope Realm, naturally his previous life will not be reflected in the mirror, nor will it disturb his mind.

Is it completely invalid?

Zhou Shu's heart sank. Of course, this was the first time he encountered this kind of thing, but it was completely beyond his expectation. Samsara, as the highest law, should be able to affect the quasi-sage. Now that it has not succeeded, then this Fang Jian Is the quasi-sage too strong, or is it possible that meditation can restrain the world of kaleidoscope?

This result is simply saying that there is no chance of winning against Fang Jian.

When confused, a piece of lens flashed suddenly.

Although the flash seemed insignificant under the shade of Zen light, Zhou Shu still noticed it, and at the same time he saw something else.

Fang Jian’s past life, a fleeting picture.

Suddenly, Zhou Shu realized something.

Fang Jian didn’t block the power of reincarnation from the outside. He just used Zen power and certain laws to forcibly obscure the mirror surface. He has been affected by the Kaleidoscope Realm, but he can quickly eliminate this influence, so see It's like not being affected.

But in any case, making up after the fact and preventing it beforehand are not the same.

Fang Jian is effective in the Wanhuajing world, that is to say, oneself is not unable to fight against Fang Jian, all that is needed is timing and more accumulation.

Fang saw that he had clearly sensed this, and in his solemnity, he was more surprised.

What surprised Zhou Shu even more was that a drop of sweat condensed on top of his head.

Now that Fang Jian and Zen light are integrated, this is still very conspicuous. Of course, if Fang Jian’s head is not too bright, Zhou Shu would not have noticed it. Fang Jian’s Zen light level is much higher than Zhou Shu.

After a few breaths, the flowers dissipated and the light disappeared.

A trace of contentment flashed in Zhou Shu's eyes, and he raised his hand and said, "I'm sorry."

"Not easy."

Fang Jian put away his Zen light, closed his eyes and said, "The bottom of samsara is samsara, and Lao Na can't get rid of it."

Zhou Shu said calmly, "Senior doesn't need to get rid of it. As long as the Zen light comes through, I can't resist it and leave it to Senior."

"Leave it to you? That would really be bullying the small, haha!"

Fang Jian laughed, his beard trembling, "Zhou Shu, Zhou Shu, although you are the enemy of the immortal world, what does this have to do with Lao Na!? Why did Lao Na want to offend you invincibly and make another enemy for Zen? Hehe ~www.ltnovel.com~ The four quasi-saints are blocked, and one more Lao Na will not do!"

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, knowing in his heart that this was indeed the case.

If there is no Xianshu City to block the record of the four quasi-sages (actually there are three quasi-sages, but as long as Xianshucheng does not say this, the immortal world will not know it, and it is even more difficult for others to know), the quasi-sages from the fairy world will meet Zhou Empress Shu will never let him go. After all, Zhou Shu is also in the top 100 of the fierce list. You can get a lot of things in the fairy world, how can you miss it casually.

But because of this record here, they will feel that so many quasi-sages are planted in Xianshu City. They must have something special about Zhou Shu. When they meet Zhou Shu, they will throw rats, and they are not willing to risk even one ten thousandth. risks of.

After speaking, Fang Jian ignored Zhou Shu, pinched the rosary, and strode forward.

Zhou Shu paused for a few breaths, then suddenly chased after him, shouting, "Senior, please stay!"

(PS: Thank you book friends 2010609214232291 for your continued support, and thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for collection~~)

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