Fairy Winner

Chapter 3467: Tiangu Thunder

A few months later.

Wu Niancheng appeared in front of him.

Like a rising sun, surrounded by soft golden light, the golden light sheds light, reflecting the openness around it. In the huge area, there is no small realm or acropolis, as if there is only one realm in the void, it is The center of everything.

"It's not the same as imagined."

Qingque looked into the distance with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

Zhou Shuwen said, "Isn't it like Xiancheng? I think it's normal. No thought means no infection, just selfishness."

Qingque looked back and smiled, "Then shall we pass now?"


Feizhou moved forward slowly, and after several more days, he could see more clearly before reaching the boundary.

The outer layer of the sky curtain of Xiancheng is covered with golden "swastika" patterns, one by one, there is no gap at all, and it is airtight. Only the golden light source constantly comes out of these **** patterns and illuminates the surroundings.

"What a great weather."

The green bird seemed to think, "Shu, this is the big sun **** pattern, one of the strongest sky formations in the Buddha country. I heard that only a few meditations are qualified to use it. The sun **** will cause inevitable disasters."

"You also did a lot of homework."

Zhou Shu nodded, "Buddhist was once a teacher of the Buddha, and his status in Leiyin Temple is not low. It is not surprising to use the big sun swastika."

Qingque looked at Zhou Shu, with some doubts, "The relationship between Buddhism and the immortal world seems to be pretty good, why this is not arrogant but it is at the forefront of the list of all evils, and has never been down? Look at his immortal city. Get out of Zen."

Zhou Shu said slowly, "I only heard that I did not arbitrarily kill the important person in charge of the sect in the immortal world, so I was wanted by the immortal world, and his status as a teacher of the Buddha was also lost. But the punishment of the Buddha country ends here. The governing sect was dissatisfied with it, and had entangled with the Buddha country many times, so he didn't leave the Buddha country to go to foreign areas to develop, and created a world, which is the city of no thoughts."

Qingque said unconsciously, "Buddha country also protects shortcomings."

Zhou Shu smiled, "That's pretty short-sighted. As long as you have a relationship with the Buddha, you can be forgiven for anything you do. They can always think of ways to excuse you, and you can become a Buddha by putting down the butcher knife. The truth is said, even the fairy world It’s also impossible to take them, and the immortal world and the Buddha country don’t make sense, so it’s a kind of compromise to put those Zen disciples who cause trouble on the list of ten thousand evils and let those who want to deal with it."

Qingque shook her head unconsciously, "Such a tight canopy, it's hard to get in, how to deal with it."

Zhou Shu paused and touched his chin, "Speaking of which, Le Yinan called for practitioners in the name of purifying and conquering evil, and opened the door of convenience without prejudice. It is tantamount to being temporarily undefended, maybe There will be a lot of immortal hunters or other people who want to get a reward from the immortal world, and the situation will become more complicated."

Qingque snorted, "Don't forget, you are also being offered a reward."

Zhou Shu smiled, but he was confident, "I can't forget, I'm used to it."


The bell sounded, the void rang, long and solemn, and echoed constantly, so that the flying boat shook gently.

"What happened?"

Caiying flew over in a whisper, staring at the outside with a puzzled look, "Did someone call here? Where is it?"

Zhou Shu shook her head and touched her head smoothly, "Don't be afraid, it should be the welcome bell in Wunian City."

"What kind of welcoming bell, this palace has heard of welcoming pine," Caiying curled her lips, dissatisfied, "It's so loud after such a distance, it makes our ears deaf, and my heart jumps. Jump, very uncomfortable."

Zhou Shu smiled and said, "If you hear the sound of thunder from the sky drum, it means that you are uncomfortable with the Buddha."

"I don't want to be destined!"

Caiying snorted and bounced away.

"Tiangu Leiyin, is this the rumored Tiangu Leiyin?" There was a hint of panic in Qingque's eyes. "It is indeed well-deserved. No wonder my mind also shook with it, and I still felt uncontrollable."

Zhou Shu's face changed slightly, he glanced at her with concern, and raised his eyebrows, "Blue, it's mainly because you have too many cores in your body. It's normal for you to be frightened for a while, and it's not stable. Are you okay now?"

"It's okay, just what I felt just now."

Qingque shook his head lightly and whispered, "What's wrong, I was so nervous just now, if I was affected, would something go wrong?"

"There is a problem, but not a big deal."

Zhou Shu shook his head and whispered, "Tiangu Leiyin itself is to suppress demons and exorcise evil spirits. If it is affected, it means that there is evil spirits in the heart. In the future, you may encounter the evil spirits of the heart. If the reaction is large, you must be alert and be prepared in advance. Do your best to get rid of the demon barriers in your heart. Leiyin Temple's meditation practice rarely causes devilish calamity, which has a lot to do with Tiangu Leiyin...Ah, that's wrong."

While speaking, he stopped suddenly, and the next breath had reached Xiao Su.

Xiao Su, who was holding a small tree, lowered his head, his body was trembling slightly, and his wings were folded together, looking painful.

Obviously something was in trouble.

As soon as Zhou Shu arrived, the breeze came to calm the mind and mind. After a few breaths, Xiao Su raised his head, frowning gradually spreading, and a sunny smile hung around his mouth, "Thank you, Zhou Shu, I'm fine. "

"Don't be brave."

Zhou Shu pointed to the Xuan Huang Jie on her finger, "Xiao Su, you turn on the tenth layer of function so that you can protect your mind without interference."

Xiao Su stagnated, "Tenth floor, too many merit points are deducted..."

"It's as if I have buttoned you a lot," Zhou Shu frowned, "Although it is enough, I won't button it at all when I come out with me, and," Zhou Shu took a lot of solemnity, "Don't you I am too worried about my demon, and I can concentrate on doing what I want to do. I have a way."

Feeling warm, Xiao Su nodded lightly, "Yes."

Her eyes were as clear as lake water as before, but she could also see that there was a conspicuous black color in the lake.

The blackness is not the breath of the demon race, but it is also what she left after struggling in the demon world for many years. The corroded body has been restored, but the corroded mind is not so easy to recover.

She has been planting trees, but also to soothe her mind, find peace in her heart, and try her best to eliminate the devil.

But when he heard the thunder of Tiangu, Leiyin perceives the devil and confronts each other, and the lake turns black waves~www.ltnovel.com~ Her mind can no longer remain stable, of course, the current black waves are surging. , Under Zhou Shu's comfort, has calmed down.

Looking at her, Zhou Shu felt a little pity.

Her problem must be solved.

If you find her clan and let her return to her homeland, she should be able to completely get rid of the devil. This trip to the fairy world, I hope it will be possible.

Qing Que came over, "Is Xiao Su okay?"

"never mind."

Zhou Shu smiled and shook his head, "Something went wrong and it has been resolved."


A shadow slammed into it, saw Zhou Shu, scratched his head and ran away.

(PS: Thank you wangc1111 for your long-term support, and thank you book friends who booked and subscribed to vote~~)

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