Fairy Winner

Chapter 3469: Zheng Qiao

Qingque said faintly, "May I ask the surname of fellow Daoist?"

"I was negligent for a while, sorry, I'm Zheng Qiao, one of the vice-lords of Wunian City."

Zheng Qiao raised his hand and said solemnly, "It is really inappropriate for the Daoists to make any moves in front of Wunian City. They must be punished according to city regulations."

"I just defended myself."

Qingque said righteously, "The first guard said nothing, and spied on the flying boat in Xianshu City with God's knowledge. Can't I defend myself with this behavior? The second guard, who looked well-behaved, tried to attack me. With divine minds around me, should I let him do it? The third guard directly suppressed me with divine souls. There is nothing to say, I should fight back."

She shook her head and sighed, "Friend Zheng, since you are the deputy city lord, you should teach the people in the city to obey the rules. Instead, they blame the self-defending guests. This kind of thing will never happen in Xianshu City. occur."

Zheng Qiao sneered unconsciously, "In this way, it's our fault?"

Qingque said seriously, "Of course, if you don't believe me, I can give you some evidence."

Zheng Qiao shook his head and smiled, "Your soul is far stronger than them. It is not difficult to produce evidence that is beneficial to yourself. Now their mind and consciousness are in your hands, and they don't even know it was at that time. Intentional snooping or being controlled, in front of you, they don't even have a chance to distinguish."

"No need to distinguish, because it is the case."

Qingque stared at him and said slowly, "Is the deputy city lord really entangled in this issue? We came to Wunian City not to have a dispute with you. A few minor things, how about skipping this?"

Zheng Qiao stopped slightly, and glanced around. The guards were sincere and fearful. They didn't mean to criticize himself or the blue bird. They also sighed secretly and said slowly, "That's all, the fellow Taoist said that the city lord of Xianshu has come. Can I see that if I am sure that it is the city lord of Xianshu, Wuniancheng will also prepare for the ceremony, so that he can welcome the city lord to Wuniancheng."

"The ceremony is unnecessary."

Zhou Shu walked out slowly, smiling and raising his hand, "Zhou Shu, I have seen Fellow Daoist Zheng."

Zheng Qiao stared for a few breaths, his expression gradually dignified, and politely said, "Sure enough, it is City Lord Zhou. I was rude before. Please don't blame the City Lord."

As soon as he said this, the group of people behind him became even more flustered.

The lord of Xianshu City is really here!

A big Luo Jinxian's subordinate has the ability to suppress Hunyuan Jinxian, what about the city lord? Did he write down all the rude words just said, and then take revenge one by one?

A lot of people dispersed in a moment.

Some people came to apologize respectfully.

The two young men were still standing there, one surprised and the other calm.

"I heard a lot of rumors about the city of Xianshu. What do you say that this city lord has a lot of clones and likes to run around, sometimes the devil world, sometimes the dragon world. I thought it was fake before. How can a city lord of Xiancheng run around? It's impossible to run that far? But now it seems that those words are true."

"This is not a clone."

"You can see it? Didn't you just say you want to see him? Why not?"

"Now is not the time, let's talk about it in the city."

Of course these words could not escape Zhou Shu’s ears, but Zhou Shu didn’t respond much. He only smiled and sent away the group of people who came to apologize. By the way, he also retracted the spiritual thoughts placed on them. Well, those who escaped will not take it back temporarily. Up.

He smiled, "The deputy city lord doesn't care, can you go in now?"

"Of course, City Lord Zhou, please come in."

Zheng Qiao waved his hand to make the guard stand away and walked to the front first.

After Zhou Shu walked slowly, his expression was calm, only intentionally or unintentionally showing a trace of coercion, which made those who wanted to follow Zhou Shu fear in their hearts and retreated in the face of difficulties.

Qingque returned to Feizhou and followed Zhou Shu.

Caiying leaned over and said angrily, "Qing Que, don't be angry, those rude guys before, this palace will help you teach one by one! This palace will see Zhou move their hands and feet, none of them can run away! "

"Thank you, Lord Palace."

Qingque smiled and said, "I'm not angry, I still miss it a little."

Caiying was stunned, "I miss you? No, they are all scolding you!"

"It's not that I miss scolding me, it's the feeling that I miss," Qingque smiled, very happy. "When I was in the Xuanhuang Realm, I could meet things like this almost every day... Don't you Understand?"

Caiying blinked, as a boxer, "My palace understands! You want to go out and practice, right? My palace is with you!"

"Didn't you just come back from the rocky beach, and then come out again? You can't be free," Qingque smiled and shook his head, "No, I just want to do it, and I don't have to do it, rather than miss it. Life is more important and makes me more comfortable."


Caiying lowered her head and thought for a while, but she didn't understand, she just said, "Anyway, you feel comfortable. If it doesn't go well, then you can't."

"This sentence is the most correct."

Qingque smiled and nodded, "Caiying, you just said Zhou Shu moved his hands and feet, did he say what to do?"

"I didn't say, I guess I have to wait for you to decide. Think about it, how to let them know that they are wrong and dare not make it again in the future?" Caiying squeezed his finger and whispered, "The palace feels that they are thrown into the nine-story tower. It’s best to torture for a few months..."

"Do you remember this?"

Qingque laughed and said, "Master Palace, I used a nine-story tower for you at that time. It was Zhou Shu's idea. Don't blame me."

"Zhou ah Zhou, hateful Zhou..." Caiying suddenly widened her eyes, looking strange, "I don't blame him, I just want other people to taste this. It's so uncomfortable!"

Zhou Shu, who was walking outside, suddenly felt resentful, and his body trembled as if he had been stabbed hundreds of times by a needle.

This made Zheng Qiao quite surprised, and said in a condensed voice, "What happened to City Lord Zhou?"

Zhou Shu waved his hand and said, "It's okay, the Zen principles in this passage are too deep, I am a little confused, and want to clear up."

Zheng Qiao glanced at the Sanskrit around the passage and said slowly, "Oh~www.ltnovel.com~ Is the Lord Zhou interested in Zen Tao? I have never heard of it. The Sanskrit in this passage is written by the Lord himself. Yes, there is indeed a puzzle hidden in it. The city lord also said that no matter who solved it, he can meet the city lord directly and get rewards."

"I'm just interested. If I really want to do it, I can't do it."

Zhou Shu smiled and shook his head, looking at Zheng Qiao and said, "City Lord Zheng doesn't seem to be meditation?"

Zheng Qiao nodded, "I just understand Zen."

Zhou Shu showed some apologies, "I took the liberty."

"What's presumptuous of this," Zheng Qiao waved his hand. "Wonian City does meditation mostly, but there are also many other practitioners. As long as they have the ability to help Xiancheng, the city lord will be promoted, and he doesn't care about his birth. For example, This is how I am, and I am very grateful to the city lord so far."

He spoke indifferently, but there was a hint of helplessness in his eyes.

(PS: Thank you drgjz0 for your continued support, and thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for collection~~)

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