Fairy Winner

Chapter 3478: Come in

Zhou Shu smiled and nodded, warmly said, "It should be well soon."

Caiying was a little unhappy, "Even if it's fast, I have to let my palace have a good time. For example, the tall man with a bun like a cockscomb, I want to cut his hair off, and that..."

Before she finished speaking, she was picked up by Zhou Shu and walked in quickly.

"City Lord Zhou."

A Hunyuan Jinxian with several guards appeared in front of the two of them, respectfully saluting, "In Xia Ning Yan, is the manager of Pei'an Competition Field, the city lord intends to deal with some grievances here, right?"

Zhou Shu nodded, "Yes, Fellow Daoist Ning."

Ning Yan sighed, "I'm really sorry, there were so many people here in advance, and I couldn't stop many of them. If the city owner wants to cancel this skill match because of the large number of people, we have no problem here."

"It doesn't matter, just start as soon as possible."

Zhou Shu smiled faintly, whether it was not blocked or not blocked, who knows, but it doesn't matter, it is not a bad thing for him to Xiancheng.

Ning Yan seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, and said slowly, "That's the best. Some rules must be explained to City Master Zhou in advance. Pei'an Competition Field is one of the three irregular competition fields in Wunian City. It is equivalent to a life and death status. No matter what happens in the field, Wuniancheng is not responsible."

Caiying struggled to get a head, and mumbled loudly, "It's all right, I won't come if there are rules!"

"This one……"

Ning Yan was stunned, "Is this fellow Daoist the partner of the city lord? It looks a bit..."

"Isn't it reliable?"

Caiying said angrily, "Dare to look down on this palace? You will also go up in a while to see if this palace won't beat you into a peach!"


Ning Yan stayed for a while.


Caiying was just about to say that, she was caught by Zhou Shu and knocked her head severely, "You also know that you are unreliable. You are not allowed to speak. If you say more, you will not be allowed to go up. Talk to Xiao Su. Let's go to the back to watch the excitement."


Caiying touched her head and stopped talking.

Zhou Shu calmly said, "I'll go up there, right, there will be no problems with this place, right?"

Ning Yan, who was as stunned as the audience, frowned, seemed to be thinking about Taozi, and he quickly recovered after hearing Zhou Shu's words, "It's okay, Zhou City Lord only has to show his skills. The defense of the venue is absolutely fine, even if it is accurate. Santos are hard to break."

"Are you saying that we are inferior to the quasi saints, or do you look down on people?"

Caiying drilled out of the small half of his head and could see a round eye.

Zhou Shu sighed helplessly, and could only reach out and block her back.

Ning Yan stagnated, "I don’t mean to look down on fellow Daoists. The defensive formation here is similar to the sky screen outside. It is indeed difficult to break. For tens of thousands of years, Pei’an has experienced nearly 10,000 competitions in the field, and there are no shortage of strong opponents. No damage has occurred."

Zhou Shu groaned, "I see, I have no problem here."

Ning Yan nodded and said solemnly, "Okay, it's confirmed over there. There are a total of 63 people, all of whom are Hunyuan Jinxian. In addition, they have one more request, although it was raised by our competition field. But I think it is necessary to tell City Lord Zhou."

Zhou Shu stared at him, his eyes calm.

Ning Yan's heart tightened, "They said that if City Lord Zhou is killed, they will take away City Lord Zhou's body. This has happened before, but I can refuse them."

Caiying couldn't help it, "It's really arrogant! My palace wants..."

Zhou Shu smiled and said, "There is no need to refuse. If there are no rules, there is no need to restrict. But I also trouble the daoists to bring them a sentence. People who don’t want to die can leave a white spot on their clothes. I see that they will stay. Feeling a little bit, if you don’t see it, it’s impossible."

"Okay, I will tell."

Ning Yan nodded and passed it on soon.

Caiying is dissatisfied, "Zhou, this palace knows what you are going to do! But it's no good. Each of them is afraid of death and will definitely draw a white dot on the body, but they will still kill you desperately! And you If you do this, the palace will not fight!"

Zhou Shu was a little surprised, "In terms of combat, you are very sharp."

"Call me Lord Palace Master!"

Caiying smiled triumphantly, "You can see it with just one glance. It doesn't matter if you draw a dot, what if you can save your life? Anyone will try it if you change it!"

Zhou Shu said calmly, "There are always people who are not afraid of death, and the real murderers will still die."

Ning Yan beside him had guards, and sweat burst out of hearing.

Of course not scared.

In this irregular competition field, no life and death scenes have been seen, no matter how tragic it is, I am not afraid.

Because of surprise.

It’s not only here that Zhou Shu and the two of them didn’t pay attention to the sixty-odd Hunyuan Golden Immortals. The situation there is also the same. Over sixty people have already regarded Zhou Shu as meat on the chopping board, no matter how you divide it. How to kill.

Both sides vowed to be able to solve their opponents, confident to the extreme, and it was a competition under the public's attention, there was no retreat.

Such a situation is really rare.

See the results.

Ning Yan waited for a while, then raised his hand and said, "City Master Zhou, the words have already been brought, and they are preparing to play over there."

Zhou Shu looked indifferent, "Let's go, isn't it over there?"

"Yes, just go through that door," Ning Yan nodded and said solemnly, "It must be said that after entering the door, as long as one side of the two sides disagrees to stop, the battle must continue until one side is completely lost. Until then, the door will not open again."

Before finishing speaking, Zhou Shu had already walked over, Caiying also looked back, "It's too long-winded for you."

"It's also a **** pattern."

As soon as she entered the door, Caiying jumped down, "It's very similar to the outside."

Zhou Shu seemed to think, "From here, you have entered the range of the formation. Using the **** pattern, the formation and the sky are connected together, and the formation also borrows a lot of the power of the sky itself. This method is quite good. It can be done mainly because there is an excellent medium such as the **** pattern, which is clearly just a nihil light, with almost no loss in transmitting and receiving power, and it can also exert the effects of magic weapons and so on... Well, if you are in Buddha It would be nice to find something similar to the **** pattern outside of China."

Caiying thought about it seriously, "Zhou, isn't your way good?"

Zhou Shu sighed slightly, "I also think that Shu Zhili can't do it at present. Compared with Zen Tao, Shu Zhidao is barely a child who has just grown up. There is still a long way to go to achieve this. ~www.ltnovel.com~ My palace thought it would not work."

Caiying snorted, "Then keep going, if there is anything to worry about, just do it."

Zhou Shu looked at her with a smile, "You are an optimist."

Caiying glared at him, "My palace is encouraging you!"

"What are you doing!"

"Don't you dare to come out and fight?"

"It's still in the top 100 on the list, and I can't come out anymore! I haven't been out for so long!"

"Hurry up, I have to go to practice after the fight, Amitabha... Buddha!"

There was a burst of noise outside, and there were more people like thunder, making the two people in the passage stunned.

Then smiled at each other.

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