Fairy Winner

Chapter 3491: 8th sense

Soon, several people decided to divide their labor.

Guan Jiu stayed here, waiting for an opportunity to create chaos. Zen Master Heidou himself adapted to the formation and paid attention to the movements of other peaks in the temple. As for Zhou Shu and Xu Ran, they set off to Tiangu Peak and Huayue Peak.

After leaving the Zen room, Zhou Shu once again merged into Zen power and turned into a ghost. If it did not appear intentionally, he would never notice it.

Xu Ran's figure became blurred, and a faint light was trapped on his body. A shadow with light in the Zen power could still be seen clearly, but he seemed indifferent, so he slowly followed Zhou Shu like this. Behind.

Zhou Shu smiled and said, "Friend Xu Dao, won't you be discovered this way?"

"No, Dao Qi isolates Zen power and can actively confuse perception, but that's it. I want to walk through the formation as freely as the city lord, even ignoring the big sun swastika. I decided that I couldn't do it. ."

Xu Ran's voice was very calm, no disappointment or envy could be heard.

Zhou Shu seemed to be thoughtful, "Daoist, what did you see me through, Sky Eye?"

Xu Ran had noticed himself before, but now he is following closely, obviously he can clearly perceive himself.

For Zhou Shu, this is something to know.

Xu Ran said faintly, "The city lord is joking. I don't have a heavenly eye in meditation, or the common eighth sense. The city lord also has it."

"That's not common."

Zhou Shu sighed slightly, did not say anything more, common? He has been in the heavens for many years, and there are only a handful of people with the eighth sense, and it sounds like Xu Ran's eighth sense should be stronger than his own, and he himself can't perceive the eighth sense of others.

The journey went smoothly to the bottom of Tiangu Peak.

Xu Ran stood still, staring at the mountain in front of him, motionless for a while.

Zhou Shu knew that he was looking at the mountain peak, and he also used his eighth sense to detect it.

Compared with the outside, the formation here is much stronger. It is worthy of being a quasi-sacred handwriting. Although it can be seen smoothly with the eighth sense, it is difficult to see everything in detail, especially the formation eyes and so on. In the fuzzy general direction, it is difficult for the people inside to determine the detailed location.

About a quarter of an hour passed.

Xu Ran withdrew his gaze, the light in his eyes was dim, showing a little fatigue, "City Lord, the formation of this peak is not built in vain. I cannot guarantee that I will not disturb other people when I pass, so I can only trouble the city owner to go up alone."

Zhou Shu nodded, "I see."

Xu Ran paused, "The city chief paid special attention to these places. Starting from the foot of the mountain, the 27-foot-three-foot stone pillar is..."

In short, it was half an hour, but Zhou Shu was more and more surprised.

The places Xu Ran said to pay attention were all the places he couldn't see through and felt vague, but after Xu Ran's introduction, those places became clear immediately, like an unfolded picture scroll showing the Tiangu Peak. In front of him, there were few omissions.

Xu Ran stopped and looked at Zhou Shu, "Can you remember the city lord?"

Zhou Shu nodded, with a lot of surprises in his eyes, "Did you all see it?"

Xu Ran was very calm, "Is it true or not? The city lord will know when he goes in and sees it. This matter is related to the safety of Xu's family. I will never deceive the city lord, but the city lord should also pay attention. I can’t see the whole situation clearly. Mainly adapt to the circumstances, or wait for my contact. Bystanders are clear, maybe I can give some tips."

Zhou Shu was even more surprised, "How do you contact me?"

Before the words fell, a sentence came from the sea of ​​knowledge, "That's it."

Zhou Shu was stagnant again. Obviously, this sentence was not transmitted by means of laws, spirits, etc., because Zhou Shu did not feel the passage of external forces from the inside to the outside, from the body to the absolute realm. There was nothing at all, only the first. Eight senses felt conscious, and they trembled slightly.

He hadn't even thought about the fact that he could deliver news through the eighth sense.

Xu Ran looked at him, "I have only recently mastered this method of delivering information. I haven't tried it many times, and I don't know the distance limit. I can only say that I do my best. The city lord can't count on it too much."

Zhou Shu gently shook his head, and said slowly, "The eighth sense of fellow Taoist makes me feel ashamed."

Xu Ran said calmly, "The city lord is too self-effacing, we are different. The city lord has learned too much, so naturally I don’t need to work **** these side matters, and I’ve been dull since I was a child, and I have very few things to rely on. If you don’t delve into it where you can do it, you can’t do anything and you’re doomed to accomplish nothing in the future."

Zhou Shu's mind was stagnant.

This sentence speaks of his pain.

Once upon a time, the eighth sense was what he was most proud of. At the beginning, in the ghost town of the ghost realm, relying on the eighth sense, he did a lot of things that ordinary people can't reach, making the practitioners who are much higher than him speechless, but now What? The eighth sense's progress is far less than the law and the Tao. Shu Zhidao has advanced by leaps and bounds, from several to hundreds of laws, while the eighth sense has only improved by two levels at most...

Most of the time, the eighth sense is unreliable, and vague perception can only guide the direction, and no amount of things can be done.

The enemy is getting stronger and stronger, and the situation is getting more and more difficult, but the eighth sense is stagnant and becoming more and more useless. Even with the power of Shuzhi Dao and many laws, it meets certain times, such as now...

Important ability cannot be improved, and there is no difference.

It is true that the eighth sense is difficult to improve, and there is no way to rely on deduction, but in the final analysis, it is because Zhou Shu did not pay attention to it. For example, Xu Ran looks younger than Zhou Shu, but the eighth sense is strong. This level is unbelievable, but if others can do it, there is no reason why you can't do it. Why can't you compare to others.

He raised his hand and said sincerely, "Daoyou Xu, if possible, I would like to ask one or two in the future."

Xu Ran paused and said with a smile, "The city chief asks, I naturally know how to answer."

"Friends be careful outside."

Zhou Shu nodded, turned around, found a gap, and escaped quietly.

Seeing where Zhou Shu left, Xu Ran nodded slightly, seemingly thoughtful.

He informed Zhou Shutian about the Drum Peak~www.ltnovel.com~ but he did not elaborate on the formation of the outer quasi-sages, and even a few key points were not mentioned at all. In his eighth sense. , Those points are the flaws deliberately exposed by the formation method. As long as you pass from there, let alone Hunyuan Jinxian, even the Quasi-Sage can immediately trigger the mechanism and let the entire Tiangu Peak know.

Of course, for him, this is not a deliberate framing, but a simple test.

If Zhou Shu can't even see these points, it's useless to go in, so it's better to expose it earlier.

But if Zhou Shu passes, does it mean that he is worthy of assistance?

No, he had known for a long time that there was nothing Xu Ran wanted in this Tiangu Peak, and it didn't make sense for him to come or not. Coming to Tiangu Peak itself was a test of Zhou Shu, only Zhou Shu passed the sky safely. Gufeng can gain his further trust.

Help on the way? He has no plans.

(PS: Thank you book friends 2010609214232291 for your continued support, and thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for collection~~)

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