Fairy Winner

Chapter 3493: Really you

"No matter what, it can't be postponed anymore. After three months, it must start."

"I also understand that if you postpone it anymore, no one will be impatient, Le Yinan may have to do it, but at least there are three quasi-sages participating in the conference. We don't have an abbot, so what's the matter?"

"Let Fang Jian Zen Master come forward to preside?"

"It can only be so, let's go and ask for it."

"Fortunately, the abbot invited the brother from Leiyin Temple before he disappeared. Otherwise, it will be even more difficult to clean up. Maybe Le Yinan will be a demon now."

"But I can see the Zen Master, he has always wanted to see the abbot, is it useful for us to go please?"

"There is no way. I can only say it clearly when I have to. I hope that he will not attack Wunian City because of the relationship between the brothers."

"Oh, even if I post it this time, I don't know what to do later."

"Don't think too much, the abbot will come out soon."

Several great virtues practiced meditation together, and gradually died, Zhou Shu quietly left behind the pillar.

I got more news.

Buwang did disappear. It has been missing for nearly 30 years, that is, shortly after Le Yinan came to Wunian City. Even the prison in the temple does not know whereabouts. For a fairy city, this is a big deal. The calamity, the current situation will also undergo a lot of changes, but these are not what Zhou Shu needs to consider now. What he knows is that there is no quasi-sage here, and he can make a big splash.

After sweeping the Tiangu Peak again, Zhou Shu went to think about the cliff.

The reason for going to Outing was told to Xu Ran and others. Zhou Shu didn’t think so. He didn’t look for Outing, but didn’t think he would find it in Xiaoleiyin Temple, Xiaoleiyin Temple and Outing. There is almost no connection, what did Xiao Leiyin Temple catch him for?

But I still have to go. Judging from Xu Ran's words and expressions, there may be some people thinking about the cliff.

Compared with the outside, the formation method of thinking over the cliff is much simpler. It is not surprising that the punishment in Zen temples is basically meditation. After meditation, you will think about it. There will be no thoughts to escape. As for meditation, other people Save, this kind of thing is unlikely to happen.

Of course, it simply refers to the strength of the formation, and the ability of this formation to limit perception is still strong.

If people who have been thinking can hear outside sounds casually and can't calm down, then think about something.

After passing through the formation and letting out perception, Zhou Shu was startled.

The old man with a solemn face standing on the edge of the cliff, who else could he be if he wasn't Outing?

It's really unreasonable to be here, but in any case, this is definitely something to be happy about.

After setting up some obstacles to avoid being discovered, Zhou Shu walked slowly, and his figure changed as he walked, from blurry to clear, and when he reached Ou Ting, he was a complete Zhou Shu.

At this time, Ou Ting also noticed that the sword intent came in time.

"It's you?"

Ou Ting looked in astonishment, and after a few breaths, "Zhou Shu? Is it really you?"

"It's me, Old Ou."

Zhou Shu took out an item and handed it to him, "You can go out with this. I'll talk about it later if you want to go out."

He didn't intend to talk too much here, there was Xu Ran watching outside, and it would be suspicious after a long time.

"what is this?"

Ou Ting looked at the teleportation stone in his hand, confused for a while, glanced at Zhou Shu and said, "Why are you going out?"

Zhou Shu also stunned, "Ah, didn't you get caught?"

"No, the abbot here is good. I live here voluntarily, but something will happen after I go out..." At this point, Ou Ting glanced at Zhou Shu and was very pleased, "You came here for victory? I guessed that you were coming, but I didn’t expect you to come. Aren’t you wanted by the immortal world, is your immortal city still being attacked?"

"Are you not going to go out?"

Zhou Shu looked slightly condensed, and soon thought of something. Could it be that Ooting came to Xiaoleiyin Temple to avoid Le Nan. He paused, "Now the situation is different, Buxu is no longer here, you stay It’s better to go out here. I can guarantee your safety. Of course you can distrust me, but I may not be able to come in next time."

"Aren't you here?"

Ou Ting's face changed slightly, and he thought for a while, "Okay, then I will go, Zhou Shu, are you Fulu?"

He looked at the teleportation stone in his hand, seemingly thoughtful, "The formation of Xiao Leiyin Temple is not pierced by things like the Great Escape Talisman. Using this talisman is completely useless. If you want to go out, I will try Take you out, maybe the great virtue meditation here can give me a bit of face, although I haven't seen anyone else except not arrogant..."

"Well, I'll talk about these things later."

Zhou Shu shook his head, "This thing is more useful than the Great Escape Talisman, you can use it directly, and I will find you immediately after going out."

Both Soul Shadow and Feizhou are waiting outside, as long as Outing is out of the scope of Xiao Leiyin Temple, they can naturally be found.

"Then I will try..."

Ou Ting injected the suspicion into some fairy power, and a white light suddenly caged him.


The exclamation just appeared, Bai Guang and Ou Ting disappeared.


The same exclamation came from another person.

Xu Ran, who had been following Zhou Shu, couldn't help seeing this scene.

He perceives very clearly that Outing's breath is already outside Xiao Leiyin Temple.

This...how did Zhou Shu do it?

He had told Zhou Shu before because of his reliance. If Zhou Shu couldn’t solve the problem and couldn’t help the Xu family, he would have a way to bury Zhou Shu in Xiaoleiyin Temple. The intention was lost.

Obviously, if Zhou Shu can send others out easily, there is no problem in sending himself out.

The seemingly ordinary stone painted with patterns can directly ignore the large sun **** pattern and countless Zen causal powers. It is probably a special treasure that directly uses the power of the law of space.

With it, even if all the great virtue meditations in the Xiaoleiyin Temple come out, the formation will be fully opened, and even if you don’t come out on your own, I’m afraid you won’t be able to prevent Zhou Shu from leaving. This means that I’m afraid my previous plan will be completely overthrown. If Zhou Shu had discovered his plan before, how would he treat the Xu family after he went out?

The terrible thing is ~www.ltnovel.com~ The current Zhou Shu may still be far from showing his full capabilities.

It is possible that he has gotten into a lot of trouble.

Xu Ran shook his head unconsciously, "This guy..."

There is an unexpected situation, and we must find a way to remedy it. Either desperately, and now use all forces to deal with Zhou Shu, or try to assist Zhou Shu as much as possible, try to win Zhou Shu’s favor, and don’t let Zhou Shu know what he was doing before Even if you know it, you can ignore it, but in this way, the Xu family may have some blood.

"Haha, illusion, there is no other way."

He made a decision soon, with a smile, a wry smile and a real smile.

Speaking of it, Zhou Shu seems to be the first person who can make his own illusion and fail his plan, and he has to try his best to remedy it.

You know, after he replaces all other perceptions with the eighth sense, the world in his eyes is completely different from that in other people's eyes, and so are people.

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