Fairy Winner

Chapter 3504: Cause and effect

Xu Ran smiled and said slowly, "Friend Lin said and laughed. We only knew the name Nuwa Stone until today. How can we find someone who can use it? Let alone save people through Nuwa Stone. , Such a person, we don't know anyone except Lin Daoyou."

Lin Qingjue paused, "I am not the only one who can save or not, but it is hard to say whether it can last so long."

Xu Ran stagnated, "Friend Lin Daoist meant, Master Buwang is in danger in it?"

Lin Qingjue calmly said, "Danger is not dangerous, only he can feel it. I can only say that this situation is very rare, it may be the first time in the sky, and no one knows what will happen."

"It seems that things shouldn't be too late."

Xu Ran nodded lightly, thought for a few breaths, and said in a deep voice, "Brother Zhou."

Zhou Shu looked at him, "What's wrong, Brother Xu?"

Xu Ran slowly said, "We can't get here without Brother Zhou. If we want to influence both of you to make a decision, it shouldn’t be right. Now I’ve said everything I can say, and then Brother Zhou will decide what to do. What I can say is that no matter what Brother Zhou does, I am willing to follow Xu Ran, even if it is against Master Buwang, that doesn't matter."

Zhou Shu's face changed slightly, "Why did Brother Xu say this?"

Xu Ran was very calm, even with a smile, "It's okay. I told Brother Zhou a long time ago that I personally would like to form an alliance with Xianshucheng and advance and retreat together. In that case, it is strange to follow the opinions of allies."

Zhou Shu thought for a few breaths, "Fine."

Xu Ran did say about forming an alliance, but the same sentence at that time was completely different from what he said now. At this time, he is willing to support Zhou Shu, even if he does not hesitate to be an enemy, then Zhou Shu will regard Xu Ran as a true ally and also Take into account his interests.

Make sure Xu Ran is on his side this time, and things have become easier.

Lin Qingjue still stood there calmly, as if he hadn't heard anything.

Zhou Shu said slowly, "Brother Lin, you save people first, and I will help you get the Nuwa Stone, and then safely send you out of Wunian City. After that, if anything happens in Wunian City, you don’t need to participate. how is it?"

"Brother Zhou, how could it be possible?"

Lin Qingjue looked at him and said slowly, "If he is not arrogant, he will soon be able to adapt to the bridge of souls returned. I believe this time will not exceed 100 breaths. In such a short time, how can you let me leave? Wunian City? This city belongs to him. If he has the heart to prevent anyone from leaving, even the quasi-sage cannot leave."

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, "Don't worry, I can do it."

Lin Qingjue pondered for a few breaths, and shook his head, "Okay, if you can do it, but what do you do afterwards? If you want to run away, you won't get victory over evil. You, Brother Zhou, it’s not the work of the monks of my generation that put you in distress because of me."

Zhou Shu calmly said, "Compared with the danger that I may fall into, I think your sect is more important. It doesn’t matter if I lose a chance to win the evil, but if you don’t take the Nuwa stone now, your sect You may never get the Nuwa Stone, which is really a pity for you."

Lin Qingjue's figure trembles slightly, and said calmly, "Do you really think so?"

"Thousands of years ago, I told you the answer. You, your sect and the will you insist on is something I appreciate but cannot do, but it is indispensable in the heavens. I don’t want Seeing your sect withered, and," Zhou Shu hesitated for a moment, and said with a wry smile, "This is a kind of compensation. I should swallow the fruit by myself for the cause I made in the past. This is certain."

Lin Qingjue looked puzzled, "What cause and effect, what did you do back then? Why don't I remember?"

Zhou Shu laughed, "I don't remember the best. In short, you don't need to worry about things here, just concentrate on Gu Zongmen."

Lin Qingjue has ascended, and Zhou Shu understands very clearly what happened to the Xuanhuang World.

Yunli was able to destroy Kunlun Mountain later. Although Kunlun took the initiative to avoid it, it has a lot to do with Zhou Shu.

Before Zhou Shufei ascended, he gave Kunlun a method of refining fake fairy qi. After doing this, he expected the result afterwards. At least in a few hundred years or more, he would There are many disciples in Kunlun who have embarked on the wrong path of cultivation, and several or more elders have failed to overcome the catastrophe, and Kunlun will decline for a long time because of this.

——In the news brought by Hao Ruoyan and Yuan Heyin, these things actually happened.

In the past, he put Kunlun in a dangerous situation, but now he can help Kunlun, which of course is a kind of compensation.

The Xuanhuang Realm needs Kunlun, and the current heavens also need it.

But what I want to say is that Zhou Shu will not regret it. If you have done it, you have done it. There is no regret, and Kunlun is also destined to suffer such a catastrophe. What Kunlun did to the Xuanhuang World and the Heyin Sect before, let them get This calamity is also causal and cannot be avoided.

"Brother Zhou, what can I say about you like this."

Lin Qing was absolutely determined, and said slowly, "Okay, can I start now?"

"Wait a minute, take this."

Zhou Shu took out a teleportation stone and handed it over, "After the bridge of souls that are sure to leave Nüwa stone, you will use this to take the Nüwa stone and leave. When you arrive outside the Xiaoleiyin Temple, I will pick you up and leave Wunian City. , The whole process will never exceed 100 breaths. If it is faster, it may be possible to achieve a dozen breaths."

"I've seen this before, yes..."

Lin Qingjue's eyes lit up and she suddenly realized, "I see, Brother Zhou."

He also came from the Xuanhuang Realm, how could he not know the Tongtian Tower?

The Heyin Party's research on the Teleportation Array is leading in the Xuanhuang Realm, and the same is true in the heavens. If Zhou Shu carried the Teleportation Array with him, he could indeed be safely sent out, and the doubt in his heart completely disappeared.

Of course, he also knew that Zhou Shu took out the teleportation stone after he agreed, which was also a test for him.

Xu Ran looked at the teleportation stone and took it for granted. This is indeed the best way to leave Xiaoleiyin Temple. Even if he doesn't wake up, he can't stop it, but he still doesn't understand what should happen after he walks out of Xiaoleiyin Temple? This teleportation stone can only transmit a distance of 100,000 miles~www.ltnovel.com~ But Wuniancheng has tens of millions of miles. Even if you go out, you will be in Wuniancheng, and under the control of unreasonable control, how can you leave? Wu Niancheng?

Do you rely on that flying boat to break out?

It might be possible if Zhou Shu was inside, but Zhou Shu obviously had no idea of ​​going out with Lin Qingjue.

It seems that Zhou Shu still has many secrets.

And what kind of sect was Lin Qingjue, why didn't he have any impression?

Putting his thoughts away, he glanced at Guan Jiu next to him. Guan Jiu is much more honest now, but why did he be stupid before? And it's not the first time. I have pulled back several times, and it is almost a bad thing, which has caused me to make a firm statement again and again. It has come to a situation where I must stand by Zhou Shu's side and there is no retreat.

Misfortune comes with blessings, and blessing comes with misfortunes.

(PS: Thank you fans204 for your continuous support, and thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for collection~~~)

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