Fairy Winner

Chapter 3507: The more the better

"Why haven't you left yet?"

Without presumptuously looking at a few people, his face slowly sank.

Xu Ran's expression condensed slightly, and said slowly, "Go? The master meant to forget the past?"

I waved my hand and said indifferently, "Let's leave. There are so many things waiting for me in Wunian City. I don't have time to chat with you dolls. I will find you if I have something to do."

Guan Jiu, who was covering his face, brightened his eyes, unconsciously showing a lot of joy, bowed and walked back slowly.

Zhou Shu and Xu Ran didn't move, but frowned instead, surprisingly in agreement.

Xu Ran raised his hand and said, "The master manages everything every day, it is really hard, but the younger generation thinks it is better to make things clear now."

Zhou Shu nodded and said slowly, "Just right."

Don’t pretend to snorted, “I’m not big, but I have many hearts and eyes. You think I’m dividing you up, letting you out and then chasing you one by one. If you run away, the monk can’t run away from the temple? I’m not that stingy. It has already passed. If you have to make it clear, then I will give you a quarter of an hour."

Zhou Shu said slowly, "Does the city lord really care?"

"What do you care about, are you talking about the diamond prongs or the Nuwa stone? Or is it your crime of disrespect?"

Don’t pretend to say, "I have as many diamond prongs as I need. As for the Nuwa stone, it is indeed a good treasure, but it can’t be a Zen treasure. The Buddha nature that has been integrated for thousands of years can no longer help me. Fortunately for me, I don't care if I lose my life. For that Kunlun disciple, this sentence also applies. You can tell him that I won't be grateful to him, and I won't chase him."

Zhou Shu seemed to understand, and raised his hand, "I see."

Do not nod presumptuously, and continue, "Your sin of disrespect, trespassing and slandering, etc., are not forgivable, but Nian Zhizhi did not move the origin of Wu Nian City after you broke through the Arhat Hall, and suppressed the guardian beast without hurting its life. Two points, I won’t pursue them anymore, but you shouldn’t expect to demand anything from me. It’s impossible. At most, I appreciate you a little, just a little.”

Xu Ran was slightly startled when he heard these words, and Guan Jiu was even more surprised, his eyes straightened.

They are very clear that they don’t presumptuously advocate self-centeredness. They only see themselves and appreciate other people’s words. Not only in Wuniancheng, they have not said it, but he has not said it in other places. Even in the face of their master, he I wouldn't say that.

But I didn't pretend I saw Zhou Shu today, so I said that I appreciate Zhou Shu.

In other words, the fight between Buzuo and Zhou Shu just now must have made Buzuo understand something and think that Zhou Shu is different.

Perhaps this is the reason why I didn't continue to do it and didn't continue to pursue it.

What the **** is that?

None of them noticed that at the moment of the fight, their perception was completely covered by the power of cause and effect, and there was no way to understand it.

Zhou Shu seemed very indifferent, "Thank you very much, I never thought about asking the lord to do anything, the most is fair cooperation."

Do not say indifferently, "Cooperate? Zhou Shu, you took Ou Ting away, presumably the goal this time is the evil sword to overcome evil, I don’t need to cooperate with you in this matter, I don’t care about you, if you want to take it, At the Clean Devil Meeting, grab it by your ability."

Zhou Shu seemed to have realized, "The City Lord definitely hoped that I would take it away, so Le Yinan would not be able to trouble the City Lord."

Do not snorted, "Why should he trouble me?"

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, "The city lord has two Nuwa stones. One of his own is from Leiyin Temple, and the other. Isn’t it the reward that Le Yinan gave to the city lord in advance? If the sword of extreme evil is in Le Yinan’s hands If it is lost, the city lord cannot get the sword and cannot be purified, so the reward can naturally be delayed."

Don’t sluggish, and said coldly, “It’s just a broken stone, he is willing to give it, I will take it, and the rest is none of my business.

"The city lord can't say that, after all, is it right?"

Zhou Shu shook his head and said, "It's better to let the things of the Evil Sword and Nuwa Stone fall on me. Le Yinan will only find me if he finds trouble, he will find Xianshu City, and he will not entangle with the city lord. Wouldn't it be better if nothing happened?"


Suddenly he drank it, King Kong glared, and the rosary shook as if it shook, "You say that, do you think Wu Nian City is afraid of the Holy Fire Gate? Or is Wu Nian City inferior to Xian Shu City?!"

Zhou Shu looked at him, calmly, "Of course the city lord is not afraid, but the less needless fighting is always better, right? Wunian City has stabilized, and no more enemies are needed. Xianshu City is different, the more enemies the better."

"You really are not afraid of death."

He didn't laugh rashly, and said slowly, "Given your current situation, why don't you hide your powers? I am you, and I will never leave Xianshu City for half a step, and I will try to get a good relationship with the fairy world, etc. After ten thousand years, if you make another blockbuster, even if the immortal world wants to stop it, it is impossible to do it, but you have walked the most difficult path, and you are still obsessed with not turning back. Do you really think you can rely on this..." A little bit of Zhou Shu's heart, he calmly said, "Resolve everything?"

Zhou Shu nodded naturally, "I believe that if I don't believe it, it won't exist, and I can't go to the present."

Xu Ran and Guan Jiumeng were in the dark, while Zhou Shu and Buliu knew very well.

In the previous match, Zhou Shu released the Taoist furnace. If he didn’t do this, Zhou Shu had no other way to block the almost full-strength palm of the Buddha. In this way, he naturally felt that he had never seen it before. The powerful force of Zhou Shu also understood what kind of opponent he faced Zhou Shu, a avenue of success, the first creator of the heavens in nearly 80,000 years.

He had no choice but to stop.

Not to mention whether he had the ability to kill Zhou Shu, even if he did, he couldn't do that.

Here, no one understands cause and effect better than not being deluded. As a meditation practitioner, it is impossible for him to contaminate an irresistible cause and effect.

Killing a founder would definitely not be able to bear the troubles he would bring, even with the protection of a saint.

He has heard a lot about this kind of thing~www.ltnovel.com~ In that ancient age, the battle of the great avenues was the mainstream of the heavens, and many saints ended up one after another. The struggle was fierce and cruel beyond imagination, far more than it is now. There is also a dispute between different races. Some saints know that a certain way that is not good for him will be completed, and they will let their disciples kill and destroy the founder. Most of the time, this goes against the heavens. All failed, and occasionally there were successes. However, none of the disciples who succeeded in stifling the founders got good results. The saint who appointed him would never protect him, but would only push the responsibility of stifling the new way on him and deprive him of it. The title of disciple of the saints of him and his descendants will never stand up.

——Such a result is absolutely undesirable not to be presumptuous, not to mention that he is not a saint's disciple.

For Zhou Shu, I don’t have any other ideas if I can’t be involved. As for what I should do in the future, I will talk about it after I return to Leiyin Temple and ask the Lord Buddha. For a founder like Zhou Shu, the Buddha The Lord will definitely give him a guide.

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