Fairy Winner

Chapter 3513: The net magic will begin

A group of five people reached the summit.

There were about six to seven hundred people on the top of the peak, each standing on one side. From a distance, the same was true for the two nearby peaks.

Looking at the three peaks in the distance, the clouds and fog in the middle shrouded, and golden light shined through from time to time, reflecting the surrounding bright.

Not long after, the bells and drums rang together, and suddenly there was a bright masterpiece. The cloud and fog in the middle shook for a while, and slowly raised an eight-sided platform with a length and width of about tens of miles. It was covered with golden jade bricks, and each of the eight corners stood on it. Standing in front of a pagoda, hundreds of meditation practitioners sat in front of the pagoda. With the sound of the wooden fish, the eight directions of meditation began to chant the Buddhist scriptures together. The sound waves overlapped and the sound was solemn and solemn, and the surrounding noise suddenly disappeared.

In the sound of chanting, the **** pattern on the floor tiles and pagodas glowed one after another, and the light continued to expand, condensing above the square platform, and gradually formed a huge "swastika".

The scripture lasted for nearly an hour, and the huge **** became extremely solid, with a soft light and not dazzling, but it showed a sense of sublime supremacy and inviolability.

The meditation practitioners in front of the tower closed their eyes, holding different Zen instruments, and entered a state of silent guardianship, while the headed Dade Meditation treasures were solemn, holding the diamond prongs, looking directly at the middle of the square, with their eyes fixed.


A long, piercing laugh suddenly disrupted the serious atmosphere.

Amidst the laughter, an old man in gray appeared from the clouds and walked slowly to the square platform, standing still.

This life is very majestic, more than eight feet tall, there are several fire clouds on the robe, burning extremely fiery, it looks full of power, but his eyes are flickering, not like a gentleman, he glanced around, he said. "Don't be arrogant to the city lord, it's hard work, the old man is a bit embarrassed to take this place like you into such a big battle."

The voice was sharp and long, and the echo oscillated back and forth in the mountains. It didn't work if you didn't want to listen, and many people looked embarrassed.

"Le Yinan, needless to say, do your own thing."

A voice came from nowhere, but as soon as Hong Zhong rang, the previous echo was immediately suppressed.

"Hey, the old man thought you would hide forever."

Le Yinan sneered and walked away, gradually sinking into the clouds.

Not long after, a golden fairy of Hunyuan appeared on the square stage, looking at the person who was also wearing the Holy Fire Gate, raised his hands to the three peaks one by one, and said in a long voice, "Jing Devil Club, start!"

There was applause from all around, but it was a little sloppy. The person on the stage frowned and stretched out his hand, looking a little embarrassed.

In the heavens, the reputation of the Sacred Fire Gate is really not good. After all, it is like a **** stick. The practitioners in the outer realm of the immortal world do not like it, and the popularity of Le Yinan is not very good. It was just a noise. , It is really annoying. Most people come to this Jingmohui for the extremely evil sword, and for the unpretentious Wunian City, and they have no idea about Le Yinan and the Holy Fire Gate.

Hun Yuan Jinxian settled down and said in a long voice, "Yan Yi is at the door of the Holy Fire, a disciple from the south of Zhangling Shile, who is in charge of the presiding of this Jingmohui, fellow daoists..."

"Hurry up and take out the evil sword!"

"Don't waste time, we just want to watch the sword!"

"Tell us about your rules. Are we going to purify one by one, or do we go together? Ask me to say, you take out the sword and everyone rushes forward, each according to their own ability. Isn't it beautiful?"

"That's it, what are you still talking about, where's the sword!?"

Some people could not restrain themselves and shouted.

Caiying was also one of them. After shouting, she couldn't help but laugh, "I really haven't seen such a grand event in this palace. It was noisy at the beginning. This master's house is really not good, and there is a quasi-sage that others don't care about. "

Zhou Shu glanced at her, "Don't make trouble for now."

Caiying spit out her tongue, "I see, I won't say it."

Xu Ran said warmly, “Sacred Fire Gate has offended too many people over the years. It’s not surprising that many people hate them. It doesn’t matter if there are quasi-sages. This is Wunian City. Is it possible that Le Yinan can't do it? No one is afraid, but also Because in Wunian City, it is not easy for other people to take action on Le Yinan."

"It's not a small problem for the city owner to hold this kind of conference."

Zhou Shu nodded, looked at Jing Tianshan on the side, and smiled, "Junior Sister, when it comes to purification, you should have learned a lot of methods in Ci Hang Sect. You will show off in a while."

In front of Xu Ran, Zhou Shu did not conceal the identity of Jing Tianshan. Because he could not hide it, he already knew that Xu Ran was born with the eighth sense, and his use of the eighth sense was far better than himself. He was more accurate than himself. Jing Tianshan could hide it. Some quasi-sages can't hide from Xu Ran. As long as Xu Ran has the heart, he will definitely see it. It's better to just say it and be more calm.

Xu Ran didn't move. He seemed to have no reaction, but he was quite helpful in his heart.

As for Ou Ting, Zhou Shu has nothing to hide. Ou's family has always had a good relationship with Ci Hangzong, whether in the Xuanhuang Realm or the heavens.

Jing Tianshan stagnated, her face flushed, "Senior brother, don't make fun of me, my cultivation level is far worse than that of senior brother."

Zhou Shu is very serious, "I'm not making fun of it. I'm not as good as you in this respect. I'll rely on you for advice later."

Jing Tianshan nodded slightly, a little excited, "Well, for sure."

The Hunyuan Jinxian Yan Yi on the stage was not angry. He glanced at everyone and said with a smile, "Don’t worry, as long as you meet the requirements, everyone will have a chance to see the evil sword, but it’s not yet time, everyone. Friends, let me tell you the rules of the Jingmohui first. Pay attention. There are many rules, but I only say it once. If I don’t hear or hear clearly, I can’t help it. I won’t follow the rules after a while. The Bianhui will directly cancel the qualification of the Jingmohui."

As soon as he said this, the surroundings slowly became quiet.

Yan Yi nodded slightly, and said in a slow voice, "You are not mediocre when you are invited to come here, and you have to rely on it. The Sacred Flame can't provoke, and don't want to provoke, but I think you all know that this chaos is going on. It's no good for anyone. The Jingmohui will not open well, and it will only make others take advantage of it. Why bother?"

"I know, I know!"

"Hurry up and talk about the rules of the Sacred Fire Gate. How should this sword be purified? What if it is purified?"

"We just don't make noise."

"Who are the others, can it be... Wunian City?"

The crowd became quieter and quieter~www.ltnovel.com~ After a few voices shouted out, there was almost no noise.

Yan Yi smiled and showed satisfaction, "That's it, then I will announce the first rule first. Judging from the registration situation, 80% of the people present are sword repairers, but this time the purification is only Ten sword repairs are needed, so the first rule is very simple. You must first divide the sword repairs and select the ten strongest."

"Why there are only ten? Isn't it the more people the better?"

"Why only sword repairs need to compete, and for others, don't they need to compete?"

"How come there are sword repairs in eight cities, so how..."

Many people were puzzled on their faces, so did Caiying, looking at Zhou Shu and saying, "Zhou, this rule is very strange, why?"

(PS: Thank you wangc1111 for your continuous support, and thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for collection~~~~)

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