Fairy Winner

Chapter 3521: Nothing

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There was a clamor.

Of the more than 400 practitioners, most of them were vocalizing, and the more eliminated sword practitioners were idle, fearing that there would be no big deal. They shouted together. With such a huge momentum, ten sword practitioners would definitely not be able to suppress it, Yan Yi Even more helpless, he looked at Xu Ran, then looked around, his face turned pale, and his heart was even more annoying, ——The demon-cleaning meeting he presided over repeatedly went wrong, losing not only his own face, but also the holy fire gate. Those in the south of Hele, no future is expected this time.

"Everyone, don't quarrel."

A powerful voice came out, followed by Le Yinan.

He scanned the surroundings and said solemnly, "The rules that have been set are absolutely impossible to change, and fellow Taoists don't have to worry. I will ensure your safety and will never let any sword repair you."

A word and a meal, like gold and iron fighting, sharp and harsh, echoing constantly.

But I have to say that the effect is very good, the deterrent of the quasi-sage is placed here, and the noise is soon much smaller.

"As long as you can ensure safety, you won't be afraid of purifying with Qi Tian."

"That's true. Although Qi Tian has a terrible character, he is strong enough to fight poison with poison. What if he succeeds?"

"In that case, I have no problem."

At the same time, a number of different voices sounded everywhere, you and me, they were quite neat, and the crowd calmed down completely.

Le Yinan sneered secretly and looked at Xu Ran and said, "Xu Ran, do you have any comments? If you insist on disagreeing, you can withdraw and not continue to participate in the Jingmohui."

"Since the Le Palm Token can ensure everyone's safety, I am naturally relieved."

Xu Ran arched his hands, smiled, and walked back slowly.

Seeing Xu Ran's return, Ou Ting sighed and stood up and said, "I will try again. If we draw lots, our chances of success will be too small."

"do not go."

Xu Ran shook his head, "Le Yinan was prepared long ago, and it is difficult to change when Ou is old, and I didn't come back because of him."

Ou Ting sat back, seemingly enlightened, "What's that?"

There was a trace of confusion in Xu Ran's eyes, "Master Buwang asked me to come back."

Au Ting's eyes lit up and he said excitedly, "Ah, don't come out! Come out at this time, is he going to help us?"

Xu Ran paused and smiled bitterly, "It should be, otherwise he won't be able to transmit the sound, he even opened the formation to me before."

"That's good."

Ou Ting could not help but smiled, looking satisfied.

But Zhou Shu saw something, Wen said, "Brother Xu, don't think too much about it, just look at the specific rules."

Obviously, Xu Ran also didn’t know what it meant to be unreasonable, but no matter what it meant, Le Yinan added “no arrogance”. He couldn’t change the situation no matter how much he insisted. .

Xu Ran paused and looked at Zhou Shu, "I don't think Master Fuwang will unite with Le Yinan, but... Brother Zhou should have negotiated a good cooperation with him at that time."

Zhou Shu said calmly, "The past is over, and it's useless, but even if I choose one more time, I still believe in allies instead of being unreasonable."

Xu Ran nodded slightly and said solemnly, "I understand Brother Zhou's insistence, but in this situation, if the master does not support Le Yinan, our chances of winning the evil will be almost zero."

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, "It's okay."

If you don’t get a sword now, you will have a chance later. But if you leave then, you may not only lose the trust of your allies, but you can also damage your heart. There will be no chance to remedy any kind of result. Then, Zhou Shu should How to choose, the reason could not be simpler, no need to explain.

Looking at Zhou Shu, he noticed something, Xu Ran shook his head and laughed, "Brother Zhou paid attention just now?"

Zhou Shu calmly said, "Are you talking about those who support Le Yinan? After a little glance, they should be Le Yinan people, most of them are eliminated Jian Xiu."

Xu Ran nodded, "Well, there are only two or three purifying practitioners, they are hidden deeply."

Zhou Shu stared at the high platform, seemingly thoughtful, "Brother Xu thinks which Jian Xiu has been appointed internally?"

Xu Ran hesitated for a few breaths, "It's hard to guess. It can be determined after the draw is drawn, but it seems that the possibility of Zhan breaking is very small."

Ou Ting asked without suspicion, "How does the old man think that he is the most likely? Yan Yi hasn't announced the rules, he knew it, this is suspicious, and he was the one who took the initiative to speak."

"Because it is suspicious, the possibility is small."

Xu Ran said slowly, "Zhan Duan's various actions have made him the focus of attention. If he is the one who wins in the end, then everyone present will suspect him of cheating and feel that he is in collusion with Le Yinan, even if not. Really, everyone can say it is true. Then, to Le Yinan, the value of his Demon Club is greatly weakened, so I think that Zhan's character is due to his personality, or he and Le Yinan really have Cooperation, but the goal is not to win the evil, but just a pretense to make the devil appear fair.

Ou Ting suddenly nodded, then said, "Is that Miao Yue?"

Xu Ran paused, "It is possible that Le Yinan is most willing to cooperate with the sect in charge, so that the Sacred Fire Sect can get more support in the Xianting Presbyterian Church, and there have been several encounters between Shushan and Sacred Fire Sect in the past. Le Yinan may also use Shengxie to repair the relationship, but this is just speculation."

Zhou Shu nodded, "It's difficult to get results now. Other sword repairs have their own reasons, and they all make sense."

Xu Ran sighed, "Yes."

Jing Tianshan whispered, "Brother, the rules for drawing lots have been determined. It is a double drawing, which is very complicated."

Collect the registration cards of the four hundred and twenty-three practitioners together, shuffle the order, and you can’t tell who is who, and then draw them one by one and put them into ten identical boxes. Most boxes will contain forty-two. The number of registration cards in three boxes is forty-three, and then ten sword repairmen each draw a box, and the more than forty practitioners corresponding to the registration cards in the box will enter his team. Fight together for the qualifications to purify and overcome evil.

After listening to the rules~www.ltnovel.com~ Xu Ran shook his head unconsciously, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, "It turned out to be this way, Brother Zhou, it seems we still have a chance."

Zhou Shu slowly said, "It seems a fair process, but it is easy to be tricked. The person who put the registration card into the box is the person from Le Yinan. The box is also taken out by Le Yinan. Let a certain sword repairman choose a specific box. It's easy to get the best team assembled in advance, but... Brother Xu, with your eighth sense, you should be able to see the difference in the box, right?"

Xu Ran nodded, showing confidence, "If one by one practitioners smoked in the past, then I have nothing to do. I can only watch them cheating, but now, heh, the organs are too smart to simply draw directly, and It's the tricks on the registration cards and boxes. That's too obvious."

Zhou Shu laughed and relaxed a little, "Le Yinan doesn't understand Brother Xu's abilities, and this may be a disadvantage."

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