Fairy Winner

Chapter 3524: hateful

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Ten boxes the size of more than a foot were placed in the field.

It didn't look any difference, the material was all dark iron, enclosed all around, only a hole was opened for the sign on the top.

Yan Yi arched his hands to all sides, without saying much, and quickly began to divide the cards.

The blocked registration cards flew up, and fell into different boxes at lightning speed, leaving no trace of afterimages.

Tens of breaths ended, ten sealed boxes attracted everyone’s attention, whether it was a practitioner off the court or a sword repairer on a high platform, the sword repair was even more tense, regardless of the rules and whether there were loopholes. Since they have accepted it, they have to admit it. Now each box determines whether they can get the qualification to purify and overcome evil, um, it's only qualification.

"How do we choose now? Should we come one by one? There should be a rule too."

It was Zhan Duan who spoke first, with a calm face, it seemed that this was always the case.

"So what the trouble is, just choose whatever you want."

Qi Tian's eyes tightened, and a black gas flew out, rushing to the box furthest away from him.


As soon as the black energy flew to the sidelines, it collided with a red sword intent, and the red and black added several breaths, and disappeared together.

On a certain high platform, an old man took the flying sword blankly and said calmly, "Qi Tian, ​​don't talk nonsense. What if I want the box you want?"

"Xiao Zhang, you are not dead yet."

Qi Tian looked at the old man and let out a sneer.

Xiao Zhang didn't look at him, and said indifferently, "You haven't died yet, how could I die? It's a pity that I didn't meet you just now."

Qi Tian snorted coldly, but put away his thoughts of continuing to attack.

Zhan paused, his eyebrows tightened, "The two are at odds. Everyone knows this, but please don't interfere with the Clean Demon Club. You must fight each other until the rules are announced."

Yan Yi hid after seeing Jian Guang just now, and quickly nodded, "Friend Daoist Zhan is right. When the rules are announced, some of you have a chance to compete."

"Then you still hurry up?!"

On a certain high platform, a dissatisfied roar sounded, "The rules, what break the rules? Or just say it in one breath, squeeze out little by little, learn to shit?!"

Both inside and outside the court laughed, even Miao Yue bowed his head and pursed his mouth.

"It's also said that it is too troublesome to say the rules every time you pass."

"It's all about the trouble. It always gives people a sense of trickery. Could it be..."

"Sacred Fire is not reliable, this is a precedent."

Seeing that Le Yinan’s face was a little green, Yan Yi hurriedly shouted, “Now! It’s very simple. You are all sword repairers. Naturally, sword repairers are best at determining the order. There is a wall here. It is a special protective formation created by Le Palm Commander and Buwang City Lord. Everyone uses sword intent to attack the wall and does not require a certain breakthrough. Whoever leaves the deepest trace will choose the box first, and the shallowest will be the last one. Everyone has only one chance to choose."

As soon as the voice fell, a light blue wall was erected in the center of the field, which was no more than three feet thick, and the clouds and mists in it were filled with clouds and mists.

The sword repairers stared, their expressions became concentrated.

"Finally, it has something to do with the sword. Are the masterpieces of the two quasi-sages? Oh, then I will show my ugliness.

A middle-aged sword repairman smiled slightly, and a golden sword slipped from his sleeve. There was no movement, and a golden light suddenly came up.

The golden light condensed in front of him for a while, and then disappeared, and it was hard to find a trace. When I looked again, Jian Guang had actually reached the wall, hovering condescendingly for three weeks, and inserted it fiercely.

In an instant, the light exploded, and the inside and outside of the field were completely shrouded, almost unable to see things.

Everyone was shocked, and couldn't help but exclaim, this sword intent was amazing, and the sword intent tore the space, even more invincible, definitely not mediocre.

After a few breaths in the blink of an eye, the golden light dissipated, and the wall was intact. Everyone's eyes widened, but only a small dent was seen, for fear that they would not be able to put their fingers in.

Everyone was in an uproar and looked at the high platform together, and saw that the middle-aged Jianxiu's face changed suddenly, and he turned his back, and saw his body trembling slightly, like a tree branch that was being sawn, and his heart was half dead.

Yan Yi paused and said in a deep voice, "Two points into the wall."

"It's really hard..."

Unlike the uproaring crowd, the sword repairers seemed much calmer.

The one who can stand here is either the celestial list or the ten thousand fierce list. The sword intent is mostly far superior to others, and even a full-strength sword can't even enter the wood three-pointer... Although it does not rule out that sword repair is a bit dazzling, the result is too Unexpectedly, they could all see that the wall was not only unusually hard, but also specially arranged for sword intent.

"Zhou, what should I do?"

Xu Ran looked at Zhou Shu and whispered, "This sentence was made by Miss Caiying. It seems that she is in trouble."

Zhou Shu, who was especially taken care of, was restricted in his voice transmission. Since Caiying got on the high platform, he hasn’t contacted again. In fact, it’s not completely impossible, but after experiencing the unintentional injury of the soul shadow, Zhou Shu will not Exposing the spirit of God and so on easily to the front of the unreasonable, the formation of the unreasonable dominance is of course also in it. What's really going to happen to him, he is not afraid of something wrong with himself and Caiying, but the soul shadow staying in Xianshu City Hard to say.

Zhou Shu calmly said, "I feel the law of balance, the law of causality, and the sword intent. How about you, Brother Xu?"

Xu Ran nodded, "Yes, the law of balance is also very troublesome. As a quasi-sage, he uses the law of balance to suppress Hunyuan Jinxian, Le Yinan can really do it, if the sword is repaired The mind cannot exceed the degree of control, and it cannot break this balance. It is very difficult to cause damage to the wall."

Zhou Shu slowly said, "There is the power of causation behind, even if the wall is broken, the cause and effect may be quickly repaired. The combination of the two laws is just right."

Xu Ran paused, "Brother Zhou, this wall, even if it is difficult for you to destroy it?"

"Depending on the situation, they have this indestructible wall, and there will be many loopholes in other parts," Zhou Shu glanced at him, "Brother Xu, don't you think this is really a formation?"

Xu Ran seemed to realize something, "It is said that there is no formation that can quickly react differently to different sword intents. This wall should be arranged by two quasi-sages, that is to say, the two of them have already taken action. …Wait, Miss Caiying is still waiting there. Is there any way you can tell her~www.ltnovel.com~ She doesn’t know the law of balance or the law of causation, only sword intent can be relied on..."

Zhou Shu thought for a while, "Just tell her that she has a unique talent and can do it herself, at least better than others."

Xu Ran was stunned, and smiled bitterly, "You can make it clear about the talent, so will it be too perfunctory."

"She can understand."

Zhou Shu shook her head and said calmly, "If she can't think of it, it means that she does not have the qualifications to purify and overcome evil."

Xu Ran nodded, and quickly looked at Zhou Shu again, "She said you are hateful, very hateful."

(PS: Thank you drgjz0 for your continuous support, and thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for collection~~)

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