Fairy Winner

Chapter 3528: Keep going

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"Even through it?"

"This...this is incredible, is this Tang Liu so strong?!"

"The facts are right in front of you, what else is there to believe? Hey, it's really not good to look at him. He did it to hide his true strength."

"The Tang Family is about to rise..."

The panic of the crowd could no longer stop.

The sword repairers were also surprised, looking at Tang Liu, their expressions became strange.

Zhan Duan put aside his smile, and solemnly arched his hands, "Friend Taoist Tang, if there is a chance, I hope we can exchange kendo."

Tang Liu seemed to have changed his person, respectfully returned the gift, and returned to the middle of the high platform, his face calm and unpredictable.

I have already won, it seems that I don't need to pretend.

The situation on the court is a bit ugly, Yan Yi is still shaking, Le Yinan's face is blue, and there seems to be a flame in his eyes.

Xu Ran looked at Zhou Shu and sighed, "I got everything wrong this time. I didn't expect Tang Liu to be the first."

Jing Tianshan seemed to think, "I'm even more disappointed, I'm afraid Le Yinan, even the scheduled Jian Xiu was defeated, but is Tang Liu really that strong?"

Xu Ran hesitated, "I was wrong before. He doesn't need to focus on one point to break through. Instead, he uses those tens of thousands of sword intents to fully attack every point. As long as there are weaknesses on the wall, there is sword intent. If you can enter the void and penetrate directly, such a large wall, even if it is not arrogant and south of Le, there will be a little gap... Brother Zhou, right?"

"If you ask me this way, you can't be sure."

Zhou Shu calmly said, "If the two quasi-sages work together, there is a possibility of loopholes if they are not in tacit agreement, but Le Yinan may deliberately leak it to him."

Jing Tianshan understood something, and said in surprise, "Huh? Could it be that Tang Liu is the real sword repairer of Yue Yinan, but it doesn't look like it at all."

Zhou Shu paused, "Does it seem to be invisible? I'll know when I choose the box."

Xu Ran nodded, "Yes, I'm going to choose soon, so I don't need to think too much."

The noise gradually faded, but people's eyes were still on Tang Liu, unwilling to leave.

A sword repairman who defeated Zhan Duanqitian and Miao Yue, this is big news. As long as it is spread, there is no doubt that Tang Liu will soon become the upstart of the heavens, and the Tang family will appear powerful. The matter of the younger generations will undoubtedly bring a lot of changes to the chaotic Outland.

Yan Yi has stabilized, and shouted at Caiying, "You are the only one left, don't you want to make a move?"

It was calm and no one made a fuss. After all, Tang Liu had penetrated the wall and had already taken the first place, so no one took Caiying to heart.

"What's the hurry, this palace is here!"

Caiying snorted and the whole person lit up.

Seeing her appearance, Zhou Shu breathed a sigh of relief. It wasn't a preoccupied look, indicating that she had either realized it or looked away. In short, she was fine.

"Huh, sword body?"

Zhan Duan was surprised.

The plucking on the high platform shone more and more, and gradually turned into a sword, with the tip of the sword pointing forward and pointing at the wall in the field.

Miao Yue was slightly startled, and shook her head.

Shushan has a sword body. She thinks that the sword body is authentic. She has tried it, but she had to quit after encountering a chance. Now that she sees the familiar sword body, she has a little interest in it.


The sword body flashed, the next breath had appeared in front of the wall, and he rushed in without any hesitation.

At first it was like a broken bamboo. The four-foot-long sword body didn't reach the handle in the blink of an eye, but the more difficult it went in, the speed became slower and slower, and the sword body was also squeezed by the wall, gradually becoming smaller and oblate.

"This is desperate..."

Zhan Duan shook his head slightly, looking at the sword body moving forward like a snail, a little regretful.

"Sure enough, the sword body still doesn't work?"

Miao Yue stared at the sword, with regret and calmness in her eyes.

Xu Ran's face changed slightly, "Brother Zhou, Girl Caiying, is it bad to be afraid?"

"Yeah, this is tantamount to putting yourself in the middle of the two quasi-sages. If the quasi-sages... I'm afraid..." Jing Tianshan has already stood up, "Should I stop?"

Zhou Shu shook his head, "No, Caiying is not so easy to have an accident, her body should still be on the high platform, you can watch it well."

Au Ting couldn't help but said, "Just watch? She's almost unable to move...If this happens, she will be crushed to death by the quasi-sages."


Xu Ran paused and pointed to the wall and said, "Look, she has moved forward again, and her speed has become faster!"

Sure enough, the sword body suddenly rushed and advanced a few feet.

At this time, the body of the Caiying sword is much different from before, shortened a lot, and a thick layer of blue and white blooms on the body of the sword. The color of the blue and white is extremely bright, and it is still tenacious under the tremendous pressure of the quasi-sage. The petals with dewdrops still tremble, full of vitality and persistence.

Under the support of Qinghua, the pressure of the wall turned into a driving force to move forward, allowing Caiying's sword body to move forward.

"What it is?"

"It looks like a layer of cyan flowers. It's quite tough, and it can't even kill the formation."

"Is it some magic weapon, even the magic weapon is used? Isn't this a violation of the rules?!"

Some people also noticed the abnormality and began to shout.

Obviously many people agreed with this kind of speech, and the momentum grew stronger and stronger. Looking at the expression of Le Yinan, Yan Yi walked a few steps closer, seeming to have the idea of ​​stopping.

"The sword body is all sword intent, there is no magic weapon, don't talk nonsense if you don't understand the sword body!"

There was a soft chick, but it was Miao Yue, who rarely spoke. She frowned slightly, looking rather dissatisfied.

Zhan Duan followed, "What Daoist Miao said is that the sword body is the collection of sword intent, there is no place for magic weapons, and sword repair will not use magic weapons other than flying swords."

The two of them spoke very meaningfully. Since they had spoken, those who wanted to make trouble did not dare to make trouble anymore, but Yan Yi stagnated and walked back.

Zhou Shu, Ou Ting, Xu Ran and others stood up almost at the same time, then sat down at the same time, glanced at each other, and shook their heads, "Unexpectedly, we don't need to fight."

Jing Tianshan gently put down her gauze, "The two of them are probably not the default sword repairers, right?"

"It should not be."

Xu Ran nodded and sighed, "If you are from Le Yinan, you will never speak for us. I misunderstood it before."

Zhou Shu looked at Caiying silently, with a smile on his lips.

As he thought~www.ltnovel.com~ Caiying found a solution. The blood of the saint’s disciple would have allowed her to exert greater strength. Back then, the old tortoise who remained unmoved in the face of hundreds of fellow sieges. Caiying’s ability was finally manifested in Caiying, and the enemy she faced was stronger. Of course, being able to do this has a great relationship with her sword body, the combination of sword body and blood. The thing is afraid that the heavens have never had it.

If it is perfect, a miracle may be born.

"It's not arrogant, you didn't work hard, didn't you? Don't waste time, kill her!"

"Friend Le Dao, I did what I agreed, and Tang Liu won, but for things I haven't said before, I will do my own thing. I will not kill her, and I will not allow you to kill people with me."


(PS: Thank you Long for your continuous support, and thank you book friends who booked and subscribed to vote~~~)

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