Fairy Winner

Chapter 3561: Broken

Wang Baizhan looked at Zhou Shu, "Where did you get this jade key?"


   Zhou Shu said coldly, "I didn't say it, this is a gift from the teacher."


   Wang Baizhan paused, "Who is your teacher and how did he get this jade spoon?"


"Ha ha."


   Zhou Shu laughed, "It has nothing to do with you, you ask too much."


   Li Huayu frowned, "Wang Baizhan, don't bully others, Genting City disciples can say whatever they want, and no one can force him to say it!"


   "Ha, I'm bullying people, I think it's you Genting City bullying people."


Wang Baizhan sneered, and said in a deep voice, "Yang Tian, ​​even if you have this blue sacred jade key, it doesn’t make sense. As far as I know, this jade key was broken at that time and it is no longer possible to use it. It cannot be proved that the treasure here is the Tianying's secret treasure pointed to by the green saint jade key."








   Zhou Shu hadn't spoken yet, the three sages over there had already cursed, "This is Tianying's secret store, otherwise why do you think we have to come to Miaochengtian?!"


   Wang Baizhan was stunned, "What did you say?"


   "Since someone took out the jade spoon and named out the name, then I don't have to hide it anymore."


The three sages said in unison, "Our three sages came to Miaochengtian to find Tianying's secret store. It is one of the seven secrets left by my Liangshan Palace. We only know its Miaochengtian in the 33 days. , But I don’t know where it is. When we perceive the abnormality, we are the first to come. We just want to determine if this is the Tianying’s Secret Vault. It can show so many laws and powers. It is very likely to be the Tianying Secret. If it is, we take it as it should be. If it is not, even if there are many treasures in it, we don’t care about turning around and leaving, but looking at it now, I am afraid that we will disappoint several people."


Wang Baizhan meditated for a few breaths and frowned, "How is the matter inconclusive, and you haven't seen the secret store with your own eyes, how can you be sure that this is from Liangshan Palace? It's hard to say whether you are descendants of Liangshan Palace. "


   "It's ridiculous! I think you just don't want us to retrieve the treasure, but you may not have this ability."


   The three sages all spoke in the same voice, and the momentum was no worse than that of the quasi-sage.


Zhou Shu's mind was slightly stagnant. He didn't know the name of the secret store, but Wang Baizhan could say it, and the Three Sages of Liangshan knew that these words shouldn't be false. He paused, "It seems that friend Wang Daoist also fought back then. One of the participants?"


Wang Baizhan snorted and said calmly, "The old man did participate in the competition 20,000 years ago. Although he didn't get it in the end, the old jade key has also been checked carefully, so the old man is sure that it cannot be used. It doesn’t make any sense for you to hold it."


   "What if I say it works?"


   Zhou Shu smiled slightly, "It is indeed broken a lot, but the key information is still there, I have fixed it long ago..."


At this point, the Absolute Realm began to turbulent. Obviously, the three quasi-sages had the idea of ​​grabbing their hands. Zhou Shu just calmly said with a smile, "Do you still want to fight again? That's fine. "




   With a crisp sound, the jade spoon suddenly shattered, breaking into thousands of pieces.


   Seeing the debris flying everywhere, everyone present was startled.


The three quasi-sages looked at Zhou Shu with green expressions, both angry that Zhou Shu suddenly smashed the jade spoon, and also angry that he could not stop it. It was obviously the speed that came from the heart, and the realm was above Zhou Shu, but the strength was As if hitting an iron plate, he was led to kill each other and then returned without success.


   "You...how can you do this?!"


   The three sages recovered and glared at Zhou Shu, "This is not your thing!"


   "Don't panic several of you."


Zhou Shu calmly said, "This jade key is just a talisman. You can make as many as you want in the future. Don't worry, I believe you are descendants of Liangshan Palace, so I will give you a talisman. Well, if you have more than three people, I can also give you more arrays."


   The three sages stagnated, nodded and said, "Thank you Daoist Yang. Daoist has worked so hard to get the jade key, and he is eligible to go in and get the treasure."


   Zhou Shu smiled, noncommittal.


Li Huayu over there suddenly raised his hand to Zhou Shu and smiled a bit of compliment, "Yang Xiaoyou, I have been meditation in Miaocheng Realm for so many years, but I don’t know that such an outstanding talent has come out of the sect. This is me. It's not, ashamed..."


   Zhou Shu waved his hand, "Needless to say, Fellow Daoist Li, I will also give you the array talisman."


   Li Huayu took a half step back, converged to the absolute domain, nodded and said, "Then I would like to thank Daoist Yang too."


   Wang Baizhan and Zhang Qiansheng both looked at Zhou Shu, seemingly expecting something.


   Zhou Shu said lightly, "Two Taoists, making formation talisman is also costly. I don't have so many materials, so I can only give you one of them."


  Wang Baizhan and Zhang Qiansheng looked at each other, and quickly looked at Zhou Shu together, sneered, "Boy, you want to provoke us?"


   "You guys have been fighting all the time, just keep going now."


Zhou Shu smiled, slowly withdrew from the range of the Absolute Realm, looked at them with his hand, and said thoughtfully, "You will definitely say that you can go in without a talisman, indeed, you can enter without a talisman, but I don’t know what will happen. After all, I now know that it was from Liangshan Palace. There were many strange people in Liangshan Palace back then, such as Sky Wound Walker."


   "Who is the Sky Wound Walker?"


"I do not know either."


"I've heard that the topic of Liangshan Palace is now more in the immortal world. The name of this heavenly wounded walker is very big. He killed several quasi-sages back then. It is said that he knows the rules, and now no one in the immortal world can learn. , Has been lost."


   "What, even the rule can be lost? What rule is that?"


   "It seems to be called the law of aging. After it is touched, the longevity will soon disappear. In the blink of an eye, thousands of years of life will be gone."


   "There are still such things! Then if I ran into it, wouldn't I be going to die soon?"


   Listening to everyone's discussion, Wang Baizhan sneered unconsciously, "There is no law of aging in the immortal world, that is the curse of the witch race!"


   "Curse~www.ltnovel.com~ sounds even scarier."


   "Whether it's a law or a curse, I...I think I'm not going anymore."


   "Yes, there is no formation talisman, I won't go to death..."


   "Fortunately, I knew what was going on in advance. If I went in without knowing it, I might die without knowing it."


   Unknowingly, the crowd dispersed a lot.


Most of the practitioners who originally surrounded the quasi-sage hid at the gate of the Rift Valley, and they almost saw that this is not the rebirth of the treasure, but the secret treasure created by the ancient sect. If it is the rebirth of the ancient sect, Following the quasi-sage, they can get some light and pick up some things for their own use later, but if it is a well-designed secret store, heavy formations and organs, it is likely to be lost even if they follow up. It is better to wait and see the changes. it is good.


   (PS: Thank you for your free monthly ticket support, and thank you book friends who booked and subscribed to vote~~~)



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