Fairy Winner

Chapter 3601: That is not bad

"Yes, Immortal Realm will definitely do this."

Fang Li was very calm, "On the one hand, they will slander you as a saint candidate, deny this matter from beginning to end, and proclaim it over and over again in the immortal world. They have this ability. On the other hand, they will step up to Xianshu City. The offensive of the Kingdom may begin to surround you from the outer domain, ban you from contacting the outside world, and may send more quasi-sages to deal with Xianshu City, as long as they can think of it, they will do it."

Zhou Shu nodded, "I'm just worried about this."

Fang Li said slowly, "But, brother, you must know that true can't be fake, and false can't be true. If you can show your ability in more places and prove that you are a candidate for a saint, then no matter how much the immortal world slanders It doesn't work. The more people you know, the less the immortal world can control. And if you keep concealing it, it means that you don't fight at all and give the victory directly to the immortal world. Is that good?"

Zhou Shu sighed, "I don't want to keep hiding."

Of course he doesn't want to give up, but it is helpless to conceal it. In fact, the identity of the founder is not the most important thing. Even though the immortal world will increase the intensity of confrontation, it will not be to the extent of any cost, but if another news is exposed, then It was really at all costs, it was not impossible for the immortal world to come out of the nest—it was the rebirth of Jianmu in Xianshu City.

What they destroyed with their hands back then, if they reappear again, they will undoubtedly shake the foundation of the fairy world.

Moreover, as the foundation of the Xuanhuang world and even the heavens, Jianmu is equally significant. Even in the fairy world, there must be many people who want to resurrect Jianmu, but these people absolutely hope that Jianmu will be resurrected in the fairy world and become the owner of the fairy world. , Not in a city of Xianshu that is against the immortal world.

The display of the alternate identity of the founder saint will attract further attacks from the immortal world. If these attacks expose Jianmu's affairs in Xianshu City, the result may be chained, and the reaction of the immortal world will increase step by step. Until it is completely crazy, then, Xianshu City will continue to survive, the test it will endure is simply unimaginable.

Even Zhou Shu couldn't say that he could bear it.

Fang Li didn’t know Zhou Shu’s concerns, and continued, “Junior, the only real control of the immortal world is actually in charge of the sect. The person in charge of the sect can deal with you without fear, and remove the other sects in charge of the sect. , And they are all afraid of death. If they think that you are really recognized by the saint, they will never dare to kill you and Xianshu City. Xianshu City actually has a good chance."

"I understand that."

Zhou Shu nodded. The last time the Immortal Realm attacked Xianshu City, after the quasi-sages knew that Zhou Shu might be the seed of the sage, two of them stopped giving their full strength, and the only contribution was the one from the Xianling Sect. Sheng is also afraid of death and revenge, so he will not harm his own interests because of the order of the fairy world.

Fang Li nodded lightly and smiled, "Junior Brother, there is only so much I can say. Now that I have decided to completely confront the immortal world, I must make good use of what I should use, and I can't waste my little power...Of course, What you do is your choice. Let me just say, I have nothing to help you in the Buddha Kingdom."

"Senior brother has done his best, I am very grateful."

Zhou Shu bowed a salute and was quite sincere. Fang Li's words were indeed very reasonable, and they were all considered for Zhou Shu and Xian Shucheng, but Fang Li didn't know everything, and Zhou Shu couldn't say all of those things.

At present, Fang Li and Zhou Shu still have a long way to go. Fang Li is not Yun Li, and Zhou Shu cannot confess everything.

Fang Li smiled indifferently, looking a bit bitter, "What are you trying to say, it's just helpless."

What did Zhou Shu think of, "Brother is also restricted by the Buddhist kingdom and the immortal world?"

"It's not so much other people's restriction, it's better to say it's given by yourself."

Fang Li pondered for a few breaths and waved his hand, "Stop talking about it, Junior Brother, have you ever been to the Xuanhuang Realm?"

Zhou Shu nodded, "I went back once. The lotus pie was pretty good. I didn’t pay much attention to the others, but it doesn’t seem to be very different from the past. If you want to know about Tianlong Temple and Kunlun, I’ll try to find out more. a bit."

"No, I just ask casually."

Fang Li smiled, "Said it's an hour, so long has passed without knowing it, Junior Brother, you should go now."

Zhou Shu stood up, "Okay, see you in the third festival."

Fang Li nodded gently, "After the Three Sacrifices, you still leave early. You already know what you did in Wunian City. The immortal world has also paid close attention to the pursuit of you, and is checking in the surrounding immortal world. I'll find it here soon."

"I know."

Zhou Shu took Xiao Su out.

In fact, after the Three Sacrifices, he is fine here. After talking with Mingyuan, he can leave, but it is probably impossible to go to Muxijie. Muxijie is too close to Brahma, but it is not necessary, Ming Yaotian Many problems of Xiaosu were solved, and his obsession was much less. Then I went to the Yutan Realm to see it again.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help asking, "Xiao Su, what is the heritage in that flower?"

"I don't know yet. Hexiang said that she is analyzing the content. If she says directly accept it, there may be bad consequences. Wood monsters like Su Hexiang have some restrictions in cultivation, and not all wood monster inheritance can accept it. Yes, you have to be prepared enough," Xiao Su looked at Zhou Shu, with a hint of doubt in his eyes, "Do you think what she said is fake~www.ltnovel.com~ You don't want me to use it? "

"You can trust her in this regard. She knows Su Hexiang far more than us."

Zhou Shuwen said, "I saw her past, it should be very suitable for you, and once the companion vine decides the owner, it will be extremely loyal. She deceives you will not do her any good, you know, if something happens to you, she will lose The possibility of revival."

Xiao Su nodded, "I understand, but not... can't it be used?"

Zhou Shu smiled and shook his head, "Thinking too much, she just wants to be safe and want you to make better use of this flower, so that it won't be useless."

"That is not bad."

Xiao Su let go of his heart, "The stingy master gave us a flower after all. If it can't be used, we will lose it."

Zhou Shu laughed unconsciously, "Ha, you are still annoyed, the master did want to save me before..."

"What will save you, what happened to you, Master?!"

There was an exclamation from outside. Jin Xuan and King Mu looked at the door, and they were a little anxious when they heard Zhou Shu's words.

Zhou Shu walked out quickly, "It's okay, I'm laughing."

"Why have you been there for so long? We thought something was wrong, and we were about to go in and save you. It's fine if it's really fine."

Jin Xuan looked at Zhou Shu up and down, with a lot of worry in his eyes. King Mu looked calmer, but there was also a hint of doubt. "Mr. did delay a lot of time. Master Fangyuan did not do anything to you?"

Zhou Shu shook his head, "It's okay, the master is a good person. If there is a chance at the Third Sacrifice, I will introduce you to you."

Jin Xuan was stunned, "Wow! That's great. The Lord said that he would get closer to the Buddha country, but I haven't found a chance."

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