Fairy Winner

Chapter 3621: No

Looking at the stone tablet in front of him, Zhou Shu didn't do anything for a long time.

Previously obtained items containing the breath of the saint, such as the saint book, etc., can be understood from the saint’s avenue, but it is nothing more than that. This stone tablet is different. Judging from the fact that it helps Xiao Su absorb the flower of inheritance, the saint should be able to Through the stone stele, power is transmitted and communicated with people. In other words, it is possible for Zhou Shu to meet the saint directly through this stone stele.

For Zhou Shu, it was not the first time that he encountered a figure of the same rank as a saint.

Zhou Shu used the sun mark to trade with the wizard **** Zhu Rong, and he had seen possessed demon gods several times, and had exchanges with the saint disciples, but this time it was the saint who had to face it, the ultimate end of the efforts of countless practitioners. Zhou Shu's heart of awe is much more, far from the ease and ease when facing the devil and witch gods.

But after all, I still have to try.

Borrowing Xiao Kun's power, the clouds and mist were pushed aside more, and the writing on the stone tablet gradually became clear.

I saw only two names before, but now I see as many as thirteen, from fifteen to twenty-seven, each of which is very clear.

I don't know if the person who gave me the word "benevolence" is among them.

Watching these names, thinking about their past glory, Zhou Shu felt a little embarrassed, as if he would be like them.

Of course, he can settle down after only a breath. This is not what he has to do now. Seeing these names is nothing more than a further verification of the fact that this stone tablet is a fragment of the sage list. There is no more value. The problem is to find The one who observes the surrounding saints through the sage list.

It must be in these names.

Look at the past one by one, try to inject strength one by one.

Zhou Shu didn't know how the immortal world used to sacrifice, so he could only try according to his own ideas.

For selfishness, the power of Shu is used first, because this kind of power that belongs to oneself, perhaps only one saint knows, that is the one that Zhou Shu gave to Zhou Shu after the catastrophe, if that saint is on this list , I will definitely contact Zhou Shu, and can also give Zhou Shu some help.

Of course it failed.

No name responds, or the saint disdains it, or this way of injecting power is only Zhou Shu's wishful thinking.

The latter is more likely.

However, Zhou Shu didn’t care. He continued to try one by one. He controlled too many laws, more than a hundred kinds, and the great ways were the same. Many laws were unique and very different from ordinary practitioners. If it is perceived by the saint, it is still possible to be noticed by the saint, or even paid attention to.

Time is like flowing water.

Zhou Shu also included all the powers he could use, the magical powers of spirit, consciousness, and so on, but he still didn't get any response from the stele.

Obviously, this method is wrong.

The saints were also sanctified by the principle of law. He really couldn't believe that all the dozens of saints who removed the devil gods were practicing laws that Zhou Shu did not control. It was almost impossible. In other words, it was indeed not possible to get in touch with the saints. Methods.

But Zhou Shu has no other way. Is it necessary to drop a few drops of blood on it?

Maybe, let Xiao Su come over and try again?

Looking at the stele, Zhou Shu shook his head unconsciously.

When thinking about it, a certain handwriting on the stone tablet suddenly came to light. I didn't know whether it was true or was in a trance. As Zhou Shu looked closely, he found that he was no longer in the flying boat.

Suddenly, most of it was drawn somewhere by the saint, it should be just a divine soul.

The surrounding area is full of green trees and flowers. It looks similar to the Imperial Garden at first glance. It looks almost exactly the same when you look closely. He walked along the path. As expected, in the place where the stone monument was originally placed, there was a gray-clothed boy sitting in front of him. A piece of grass with a gentle smile.

Zhou Shu calmed down and walked over calmly.

Standing still three feet away from the young man, he slowly stopped and bowed respectfully, "Junior Zhou Shu, thank you senior."

The young man looked at Xiaocao intently, without raising his head, "Thank you for what?"

Zhou Shu was very serious, "Thank you Senior for helping Xiao Su, thank you Senior for seeing me, and thank Senior for the arrangement here, so that the younger generation has less confusion."

What he saw was all arranged by the saints. Between waving his hands, any scene may appear, such as deep prison, desert, nothingness, etc., and the current imperial garden is obviously the best one. It directly explains the origin and mood. Also much peaceful.

Attentiveness in this small aspect can probably show that this saint is pretty good to himself.

"I'm much lazy to say."

The boy said faintly, "Don't toss the stone tablet. No one else will respond. They can't see it."

Zhou Shu seemed to think, "Is that damaged?"

The boy still didn't look at him, "You can say so, don't ask other questions, it doesn't make sense to you."

"Thank you senior."

Zhou Shu nodded, and could only hold back a few questions. Originally, he planned to ask how it was damaged and where it was damaged, but since the predecessor said it was meaningless, it probably didn't matter if he knew it now.

He saluted, "Xiaosu, that is the demon clan that senior helped, she has a devil mark on her palm, I don't know how to remove it?"

The boy paused, "That is not the mark of the Demon God, it does not belong to the Demon Race, it is something unique to her, born with it, take it away, and she will die."

Zhou Shu stagnated and couldn't help but said, "That mark is her own, is it always hidden? How did it come from?"

The boy gently plucked the grass off, "Does Xishan have wings? Does Suhe Xiangmu Yao have wings? What does her mark represent, she will find the answer herself, so don't worry about it."

"alright, I got it."

Zhou Shu calmed down quickly and thanked again with a smile.

It was indeed troublesome. Since Xiao Su has no problems now and his strength has increased a lot, Xiao Su should do the rest by himself. Although he has a lot of doubts, this might be better.

He said slowly, "Does senior have any requirements?"


The young man raised his head suddenly, with a normal face and no expression in his plain eyes, "Zhou Shu, are you planning to be my disciple? No, I don't need a disciple like you."

Zhou Shu shook his head and said seriously, "Senior has misunderstood. I mean this stone tablet. After I take it back to Xianshu City, what does Senior require of it?"

Although Zhou Shu never intended to be a disciple of a saint, he was directly rejected by the saint in this way, and he was still a little bit shocked~www.ltnovel.com~ It seems that he is indeed not a person who will be favored by the saint, so many saint seeds, just None of them fell on themselves.

It's really unwelcome.

The boy shook his head, "It's up to you, maybe I won't watch it in the future."

Zhou Shu nodded softly, "Speaking of this, whether it is a disciple or a seed, has the predecessor considered Xiaosu?"

"Ha ha."

The young man smiled, and the figure disappeared quickly, and as the young man disappeared, the whole scene also disappeared.

After returning to his senses, Zhou Shu still saw the stone tablet in front of him, and the sound of the wind passed through the dense small holes, making a whimper.

"There is no chance, but nothing bad."

Zhou Shu smiled, remembered the luminous name just now, and put away the stone tablet.

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