Fairy Winner

Chapter 3630: no good

Although there was communication with the saint, it didn't seem to be a good thing.

The heavens are a prison, and even the saints cannot escape. Zhou Shu had already understood this, but he did not expect that a saint would destroy the heavens because of this, and even actually did something.

There is more than one, is this a saint?

Sooner or later, he will reach the realm of a saint, and he will also fall into the same situation as the fisherman, watching everything eternally, tired but unable to escape, but he believes that then he will have a better solution instead of going. Destroy the heavens.

Can the new heavens be entered by destroying the current heavens?

Zhou Shu didn't think so.

The price is too great, and there may not be results.

The important thing is that unlike the saint here, he has experienced other heavens.

He didn't feel that after he passed through, the original heavens were destroyed and disappeared.

"It seems that the old man said some nonsense."

The fisherman faintly said, "You won't believe it, because you don't understand the future, and you are a founder. You have just built your own avenue. You are proud and convinced that your avenue trumps everything and can solve all problems. Like those people, unlike the old man, he just wants to reach a higher level and one day become a true saint and create his own heavens, instead of being a prisoner who will never do nothing."

Zhou Shu seemed to realize something, "Are the people mentioned by the predecessors the saints of creation?"

The fisherman nodded, "Yes, but not all founders are like this, and many people want to break the heavens."

Zhou Shu's mind was stagnant, "Wouldn't it be that their way also disappeared?"

The fisherman laughed, "Hehe, what you said is right, the founders have to give up their own way, do you know how desperate the so-called saint is?"

Zhou Shu shook his head, "This is so weird, the saint of Chuangdao has turned his back on his way?"

The fisherman snorted, "What's so strange? When you know that the avenue you created has come to an end, you can't let you go further, and it's impossible to even leave the heavens. At that time, would you still believe in your own way? Anyway, old man If you don’t believe me, of course the old man is not a founder."

"That's not enough..."

Zhou Shu paused, and slowly said, "If the saint abandons his way, will the saint still have power? What impact will it have on those who are still cultivating?"

"This old man doesn't know, but I haven't seen those people disappear."

The fisherman looked at him, "This question, you should ask yourself, you are the founder."

"There is no news in the heavens that the founders have deviated from the Dao. If what the predecessors said is true, it means that even if the founders have deviated from their own path, they will not be aware of it, and will still provide a source for the founders. The endless power of Dao...It seems that the power of the saint will not disappear," Zhou Shu said in a deep voice, "But for the ascetics, without the founder, Dao will develop itself, maybe slower or maybe Because there is no one to guide you on the evil road of no return, but if it is the real road, there will definitely be people who enter the realm of saints by that way, and will not be affected by the founders."

The fisherman was a little surprised. "It's interesting. After considering so much, do you plan to do the same in the future?"

"I definitely won't."

Zhou Shu vetoed it without hesitation.

The fisherman smiled slightly, "You can say anything now, but I will write down this scene. I will show it to you when you give up in the future."

"It's okay."

Zhou Shu raised his hand, "Senior, it's time for the junior to say goodbye."

Although this fisherman is a saint, he is not a person respected by Zhou Shu.

Zhou Shu is not a benevolent and righteous person, but he also knows the responsibilities of practitioners. The selfishness in the words of this fisherman sage has exceeded Zhou Shu's acceptable level. The so-called way is different. Without more valuable information, of course he has already learned some truths, such as the saints in the heavens, not all of them are worthy of awe and learning.

The fisherman laughed unconsciously, "Hehe, are you afraid that if you continue to listen, your heart will be shaken?"

Zhou Shu was very calm, "Of course not. If seniors can shake my Taoist mind, then I should not practice. I have been in reincarnation for a long time, and I have not done many things, and have abandoned many practices, so I can't delay any longer. ."

The fisherman said indifferently, "No matter how much you practice, no matter how hard you work, it won't be useless in the end."

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, "What the predecessors said is no use, right? But I know that if there is no continuous failure of predecessors, there will be no success and breakthroughs by later generations, and the juniors themselves do not mind doing this. former."

"It's so funny...then you go away."

The fisherman's face changed slightly, and the fishing rod swiftly waved.

Zhou Shu didn't move, and looked at it quietly, still with a slight smile.

The fishing rod fell, Zhou Shu disappeared and returned to the flying boat.

Unlike the past, he is not completely incapable of resisting. When he merged into the reincarnation fragments before, his law of reincarnation has already taken a step forward, and he can clearly perceive the power cast by the Lord of Samsara, and he can see that there is a natural resistance. What's more, there are still formed Taoism on the body.

Now Zhou Shu's understanding of the law of reincarnation is no worse than the general quasi-sage.

But there is still no Xiao Kunqiang, Xiao Kun can discover and enter the gate of reincarnation, Zhou Shu does not.

In some items with special experiences, there is a passage connecting the long river of reincarnation. The entrance and exit of this passage is the gate of reincarnation.

It is not easy to find the gate of reincarnation. Quasi-sages who are based on the law of reincarnation may not be able to do so. However, to enter the long river of reincarnation through the gate of reincarnation, generally only a saint or a person with the permission of the saint can do it.

Of course, Xiao Kun is an exception.

But what is most happier for Zhou Shu is not his improvement in the law of reincarnation, but Shu Zhidao's improvement.

The integration of reincarnation fragments in the long river and the extraction of past power from the fragments are all done through Shu Zhidao. At those important moments, Shu Zhidao completely keeps up with the growth of the law of reincarnation. Through deduction, it is completely simulated. The past situation.

It must be said that many steps were not completed by Zhou Shu himself, and more like Shu Zhidao being carried out by himself.

That bamboo forest ~www.ltnovel.com~ is the Qingtian cave sky that has long since disappeared from the Xuanhuang world.

One of the thirty-six caves, it is also a treasure place for saints.

All the scenes at that time, the plants and trees present, were almost simulated with the help of Shu Zhidao. Although they only existed in the imagination, they appeared incomparably real in the fragments of reincarnation. They were completely in line with the past. Perhaps this is also the case. The reason is that the power of the saint's perception at that time is no longer just the remaining traces, but clearly displayed, displayed in the imagination, and displayed in the fragments of reincarnation.

When he sensed these powers, Zhou Shu was stunned.

Perhaps this is a reward for Zhou Shu's courage and determination.

In short, Zhou Shu used the power of reincarnation from the saints to flush the Dao Qi, and finally guide the Dao Qi to take shape.

The whole process can't tell whether it is imagination or reality, but the formed Taoism is indeed lying in the furnace.

(PS: Thank you Le Yadao for your continuous support, and thank you book friends who subscribe to vote, comment, and favorites~~~)

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